Mike Azariah for CSM 19

I am running again. I would appreciate your votes and I welcome your questions. I have served before (CSM 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18) and wish to do so again.

For my Eve online story? 16 years in the game, easier to list what I have not done. I have not lived in Pochven nor have I done faction warfare. What I am most known for is Operation Operation Magic School Bus (and being on the CSM) I work a lot with newbros in Rookie Help Chat and in the 12 career systems.

Why the CSM? I like to help and I am fairly decent at communications both with the devs and the players. You can see the CSM Updates that I do in my youtube channel

What can you expect from me? More of the same that I have been doing. Talking to players, being a reasonable voice (most times) when talking to the devs.

Now for the fun wall of text

Reading from here on beware, here there be philosophy, mine and another guy with the initials MA

Begin each day by telling yourself: Today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness ā€“ all of them due to the offendersā€™ ignorance of what is good or evil. But for my part I have long perceived the nature of good and its nobility, the nature of evil and its meanness, and also the nature of the culprit himself, who is my brother (not in the physical sense, but as a fellow creature similarly endowed with reason and a share of the divine); therefore none of those things can injure me, for nobody can implicate me in what is degrading. Neither can I be angry with my brother or fall foul of him; for he and I were born to work together, like a manā€™s two hands, feet or eyelids, or the upper and lower rows of his teeth. To obstruct each other is against Natureā€™s law ā€“ and what is irritation or aversion but a form of obstruction.

I like to work WITH people, not against them. I am a retired teacher so I have trained patience to V and know how to communicate without yelling or losing my own temper. I stand by my record in the game of doing my best to keep my word, help the newbros, and serve on the CSM. (for that last bit I will need your votes)

Occasionally I am asked what I do in my off time when not driving the Bus. I enjoy exploration, abyssal running and events that CCP may have from time to time. I WISH that I had more time for roams and doing a bit of PvP but something always seems to come up.

Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.

Eve is a beautiful game but beneath the beauty is a hell of a lot of moving parts all intertwined with each other. For a 20+ year old game it is looking very good but beneath the surface lies legacy code, entanglements that almost seem quantum in nature. A change in the price of a single material can echo across the entire economic spectrum. I have nothing but respect for the players Like Kenneth Feld and The Oz who can follow the minutiae of the economic and industrial Gordian knots.

Why should anyone be afraid of change? What can take place without it? What can be more pleasing or more suitable to universal nature? Can you take your bath without the firewood undergoing a change? Can you eat without the food undergoing a change? And can anything useful be done without change? Donā€™t you see that for you to change is just the same, and is equally necessary for universal nature?

I never assume that the numbers/values that CCP assigns to things within the game are perfect. Perhaps, even, such perfection is not even possible. So one of my common questions is ā€˜Why are we changing this? What is the expected outcome? When will you take the measure to see if that outcome was met?ā€ There are a lot of little dials that CCP devs can fiddle with to fix this or that but it is always the unintended consequences that make them hesitate.

Consider the past; such great changes of political supremacies. Thou mayest foresee also the things which will be. For they will certainly be of like form

One of the things I bring to the CSM is a form of institutional knowledge. I remember what has been tried, what has been ignored and what were the results. A LOT of the relationship between the CSM and CCP is one of personal connections. This is one of the reasons the summit has been moved to earlier in the term so the Council can build those connections. It is also why I support most incumbents, especially this year. CSM 18 ran well and we worked together smoothly. Trust me, that has not always been the case. Serving on the CSM has a reputation of burning out some players but I am not that flammable.

Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.

So, questions? Endorsements? Curses that would make a mummy blush? Now it is your turn, here, to take part in this gaming representational democracy.



Hi Mike, itā€™s great to see you running for CSM againā€¦

Your work with the Magic School Bus and your reputation serving as previous CSM member is definitely stellar and well earnedā€¦

As usual I will be casting my #1 vote for youā€¦



got mine


Two thumbs up! :+1: :+1:


:+1: :+1:


Hey Mike,

First of all, thank you for your periodic updates, i always find them interesting.

Question: Setting CCP financial incentives aside, how do you judge the state of multiboxing? do you think its in an healthy place or should it perhaps be limited? if so, how?

Follow-up question: how many omega accounts do you have?


His mere existence on the forums triggers many gankers including their current leader as well as some non-ganker people who have questionable judgement and lack rational thinking. :eyes:

If you werenā€™t sure based on his efforts in-game, track record as CSM and activity on the forums then that above gives you final confirmation heā€™s doing things right and worth voting for.

:thinking: :wink: :blush:


She never voted for Mike last time, what had changed her mind to vote for Mike this year?

Right now? I have one Omega account. CCP offered more for being a CSM but I chose not to take them.

Now to the tougher part of your question. I have raw admiration for the players who legitimately can run multiple ships in Eve. That is a skill that I do not have. The problem lies with those who do not have legitimate skills, just bots or input broadcasting.

The latter take content away from real players, drive them from parts of the game. I do not think that the argument that the botters and broadcasters are paying customers holds a lot of water if they do long term damage to the games population and reputation.



Office, again? Youā€™re more robust than Roden.

When the Federation fractures from under the thoughtful control of its unconstitutional intelligence organisation where would you hope The Scopeā€™s loyalties lie?

Your answer may or may not go unnoticed in the world, but your primacy in this race is assured from me.

Thank you for your honest answers and your insights.

I genuinely admire you playing with ā€œjustā€ one Omega Account.


I would hope that The Scope somehow managed to become both a trusted and neutral source. But that is my own bias shining through, eh?



You have my vote for life.

Keep the Bus rolling.

1 Like

I fully endorse Mike for CSM. I believe he makes for a great addition to the CSM and his update videos are great, despite the limits of the NDA.


How is Mike holding up under the withering assault on r/eve? I read, but donā€™t post there. What a cesspool (at times.)

I wish more devs would interact with players here on the forums in regards to proposed feature changes - I had some great back and forth many years ago, and threads here rarely devolved into the kind of vitriol you can see over there.

Iā€™d like to call attention to the forums themselves, which have been in maintenance mode for a number of years; minor things break and donā€™t get fixed, even the absurdly simple ā€œdev postsā€ static link that used to be at the top.

Check out my forum bugs post here, started in January but re-raising prior year issues, which I recently missed bumping and it auto-closed :frowning: Dev Posts link - Wide mode


I am doing fine although I do seem to have encountered a bit of brigading where every pro mike post gets about 13 downvotes. Part of the political game, eh?



A few of them probably are (including genuine ones who just express their views), but the majority seem to be the exact same accusations you could read here on the forums as well by a loud minority (a few people at most), and where I say same this case it applies literally, worded the ā€œsameā€ (all too similar in style and tone).

As if they all come from the same source, like sock puppets and mouth pieces of the same jealous person who canā€™t help but rage over other peopleā€™s activities while pretending to be some sort of tough guy in EVE.

The thing is by these actions it is clear to see how insecure and fragile this personā€™s ego is and despite the many alts and a few obedient underlings serving this ego it still feels the truth that despite the infinite shouting and raging desperate for attention, this ego is just meaningless, someone that barely anyone gives the slightest about (the few that do are easy to trigger volatile people but nobody of value nor substance cares).

So if anything is rather a compliment that this meant to be tough person is all out of shape because of you.

Based on your giveaway thread people actually admire you for what you do in opposition of trying to mine salt by triggering emotionally weak unstable people and this drives this person crazy as you are the mirror that shows the difference.

And that is exactly what such people canā€™t stand.

This person is jealous, beyond measure, and this proves how right you are in comparison.

Funnily such behavior is the greatest evidence in support of you as a CSM candidate.



Maybe people just think that you arenā€™t a good suited candidate for CSM because you donā€™t engage with the game in any meaningful way? That includes your badly fit handout ships.

So you think that when Mike hands out a ship to a new player it isnā€™t interacting in a ā€œmeaningfulā€ way?

Why is that, whatā€™s your idea of a ā€œmeaningfulā€ way?

How should the ships be fit, Officer Bling? Or just a fit for an Alpha to go out and lose at no expense to themselves?

Youā€™re the type of player Uriel just posted about, shallow and not worth taking any notice of.


you do realize most of the ships mike probably doesnā€™t fit himself, and are donations from othersā€¦
if by badly fit, you mean because the people who he gives the ships to canā€™t fly them? the full fit ships are meant to be helping as a goal to learn how to train skills to fly said shipā€¦ like the coraxā€¦ my alt trained what it needed to fly a corax he gave me.