Mick Fightmaster for CSM 19, a "Whole-Ass" Wormhole Candidate

Hello friends, I’m Mick Fightmaster. As my good friend Mark’s grandpappy would say, “Never half ass anything – you have to go whole ass,” so I’m running as the Whole-Ass Wormhole candidate for CSM19.

Image courtesy of @Tallanvor 's creative use of AI :joy:

My EVE Story:

I’ve been all around different places and playstyles in EVE. I started out in high sec running missions with my friend who recommended EVE to me. That slowly snowballed into trying out things in low sec when I experienced a cyno for the first time. I messaged the player in the Chimera (shout out to Tomaz, but he’ll never see this) and he invited me to his corp out in null, so my buddy and I joined his group. After getting to know that group of guys, we left null to start wormhole life. That’s when I realized I had finally found the ingredients for my favorite playstyle: No local, no gates, no intel channels, and absolute trust in your POS mates.

While in wormholes, I spun up alts where I tried out Faction Warfare, low sec small gang and mid-scale PVP, non-bloc sov warfare in nullsec, and a small few week stint of wardec/merc work. Regardless of the type of playstyle I was trying at the time, I always came back to wormholes. Real life kept me away from EVE from late 2014- early 2016 when I joined Sky Fighters and took the plunge back into wormhole space. Since 2016, I’ve been a member / leadership in No Vacancies, Hard Knocks, Lazerhawks, and now back to No Vacancies after reclaiming the 5/5 Pulsar homeland.

Throughout the years since I’ve had the pleasure of flying with the most experienced and knowledgeable names in WH space, taking part in incredibly challenging, multifaceted fights, and some of the most destructive wars wormhole space has ever seen. I’m happy to call many of the members of the groups I’ve flown with friends, including those who would be so brave to have my alts in their corps. Shout out to Sven Holstein, Proxay, Stu Brainsurgeo, Darius Caliente, Crizwoo, and Sandy Freir for the opportunity to expand my skill set and knowledge base outside of wormholes into areas like Pochven, low-sec, and non-bloc nullsec sov warfare.

Areas of Expertise:

  • High class wormhole PVP + PVE
  • Wormhole mechanics
  • Small to large group evictions
  • Small gang nano warfare
  • Wormhole + kspace Capital warfare

Why me?

To put it bluntly, I want to be the voice in the room that can easily articulate and explain how CCP’s proposed changes would have an impact on wormhole space. Wormholers are a niche and small minority of the EVE community. The isk fielded and destroyed in wormholes can sometimes easily surpass null sec fights with 1/10th of the total players involved. This space is where even the smallest changes can have a serious impact on wormhole life as a whole.

At the end of the day, we have to remember that this is CCP’s game and they will drive EVE in the direction they want. It’s up to me as your hopeful wormhole CSM candidate to make sure those directions don’t drive players out of wormhole space, but encourage them to come in and experience what wormhole space has to offer, whether it’s for an hour, a week, or permanently!

What can you expect from me?

  • Consistent feedback to CCP on proposed changes and their potential impact to all classes of wormhole space
  • Pushing for changes that will broaden PVP opportunities and open up counterplay options outside of the accepted “meta”
  • Provide CCP a more comprehensive understanding of how we as wormholers use wormhole space. Enumerate and emphasize what we like, what we don’t like, and present ideas that would open more opportunities within our corner of New Eden.
  • Creation of a community server consisting of 1-2 leaders from each wormhole corp to openly voice concerns, questions, criticisms, and ideas with one another combined with monthly town hall meetings.
  • An open door policy for all capsuleers who have questions, concerns, ideas, comments, memes, etc…

In Preparation…

I want to meet with your groups. I believe the best way to be a representative for wormhole space is to make sure I’m connected to groups who live in all classes of wormhole space, not just high class. As of today, I’ve already met with 4 groups living in low class wormholes which has been incredibly helpful towards painting a more holistic picture of wormhole space. These meetings have highlighted the problems and concerns that exist outside of high class along with some great ideas on how to fix these glaring issues.

These meetings tend to last anywhere from an hour to 90 minutes and we review the following:

  1. What do you like most about wormhole space?
  2. What do you like least about wormhole space / your playstyle?
  3. If you could wave a “magic wand” and change something about wormhole space / your playstyle in an instant, what would it be and why?
  4. Open Discussion:

Open a chat with me on discord, shoot me a mail in game, and let’s setup a block of time to meet. We can do leadership / FC meetings, corp-wide town halls, or even a nice mix of some newbros, some vets, some industry folks, and a few leadership/FCs.

Big thank you to those who have taken the time to meet with me so far and hopefully I’ll hear from more of you soon!

In Summary…

I want to work towards a more enjoyable and rewarding space to live in across all classes of wormhole space. I can only be as successful as the community is engaged. Help me be your voice in the room, help me influence the changes you want to see, together let’s make EVE an even better sandbox with encouraging challenges, meaningful rewards, and incredible space battles.

If you wanna chat about anything, have some ideas, or questions, feel free to contact me in the thread, via in-game mail, or through Discord

Discord: mickfightmaster


Let’s go Mick! No wormhole taxation, without representation, or something like that :stuck_out_tongue:

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You have all my votes sir!

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I’ve known mick for over 5 years, and he is without a doubt one of the best possible candidates for wh csm. For many years he’s played in wormhes and helped to plan and execute some of the largest evictions and wars wormhole space has ever seen. He has in depth knowledge of wormhole mechanics and the whspace meta, and he’s also a very nice, well liked and well spoken person. Mick embodies everything that would make a perfect whspace csm candidate and I’m very happy he’s running for this year’s csm.


Mick as CSM would be beneficial for the future of the game.

Approachable, thoughtful, experienced player.

Got my vote.

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Now this is a candidate I can stand behind!

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Guy cap blobbed me in 2017



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S-tier wormhole player and S-tier bro. You have my vote Mick :heart_eyes:

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Good candidate.

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2 weeks after starting to play Eve I immersed myself in wormhole, since then my life has been wormhole and it’s been 3 years now. I have met many people in this space of the game and Mick is one of the most incredible people I have ever met, you have my vote mi hermano, because I think that with your experience and personality wormhole could benefit a lot.

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Mick’s only downfall, is he gets salty in local, when you kill him in his krab hole. Otherwise, solid guy and a great candidate! He knows wormhole space incredibly well, and is easy to talk with.

+1 you’ll have my vote!


A man after my own heart, it was forever his when he said “dread 2 dread 2 undock”.

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mick is 100% the best candidate for wh csm, he has consistent success due to his extensive knowledge on wh game mechanics and has been the driving force behind many operations.

+1 vouch

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Without a doubt one of the best candidates. If there was to be one wh csm, wormholes would be adequately represented by Mick

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Shows over boys no other Wormholer’s need apply.

As an FC I tried over the years to consistently try and challenge the established meta of heavy armour and heavy shield, what are your thoughts on the current meta and how it has evolved post marauder spam ?

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Hey Teddy, appreciate the message and your question.

Current meta definitely has a lot of options out there now compared to when it was just paladins online. We’re seeing blaster comps, dread blap setups, turret + shak comps, and the rare missile comp. Honestly, I would be interested in seeing how groups would deal with marauders now that they are much more killable with a 60s bastion versus the original 30 plus they no longer have jam immunity. That would require a mass reduction to their original state and I have no idea what CCP’s stance is on that.

As a side note, I am curious to see how CCP will interpret data on firewalling with the latest smartbomb updates and heavy firewall meta being very prevalent in brawls. Missile comps are more difficult to implement so it may be time to buff missile HP in the near future. We shall see!


This guy knows how to wormhole.

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Flying with mick has been a blast very knowledgeable pilot about all aspects of eve online. I believe mick can save the world (I meant j space). :dizzy: