Mick Fightmaster for CSM 19, a "Whole-Ass" Wormhole Candidate

If you play eve, undock a frigate-size ship or above, and press buttons, you should vote for Mick. For over 15 years, this guy has been playing the game and has been enhancing the Eve experience. This guys is awesome.

If you vote Mick, you are voting for a better game and tighter community. You already know, he has my vote!

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Wholeheartedly endorse this dude. He’s chill and great to chat to, and someone who has a super diverse range of gameplay he engages with. He has been with us through small and mid-scale nano, pochven, structure fights, brwals of all kinds - most in K-Space with his alts that hang with us. So not only do you get a solid Wormhole dude – but also someone who actively and consistently plays the whole game.

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An actual good WH CSM candidate. You should vote for him.

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Mick is a genuinely relaxed and down-to-earth person. He flew with our corp for a day and was happy to discuss wormholes, eve and CSM. I hope this effort into reaching out into the wormhole community will provide a well rounded and thorough perspective of wormholes to ccp. I’ve never seen a reason to vote in the CSM, but seeing the level of dedication Mick is putting into this has definitely been a convincing reason to vote. His authentic interest and hard work make him the ideal representative for the wormhole community, and if he gets in i will be really interested to see what changes are able to be made for the small percentage of us who live in wormholes.

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I am deeply honored to be mentioned in Mick’s CSM promotion post!

Having known Mick for YEARS, I can say this dude is THEE best possible candidate for WH csm and CSM overall. From whipping on RR and Iron Crown in supers in Pure Blind, to Pochven fights and Wormhole tom-foolery Mick is without a doubt the best wormhole candidate for this position.

What makes Mick stand out alongside his extensive wormhole experience AND his extensive K-Space experience. He is incredibly well rounded in eve and is someone who consistently plays the “whole” game. He is authentic, hard working, and an extremely grounded person who is a blast to talk to and a blast to play this game with.

Don’t be half-ass, be a whole ass.
Vote Mick. Wormhole CSM.

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Mick almost killed my rolling carrier last time I met him.
He will be a good CSM

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Hi Mick,

Wormholes are definitely a confusing thing for some players and I’ve been around for a while. Tell me, how would you approach and assist players who are just now starting to poke interest into wormholes, both in the PvP side and possibly the PvE side?

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Hey Krystal, thanks for your question.

I remember my first days in wormholes from over a decade ago. They’re certainly unique and sometimes confusing places compared to what most people know in k-space. I think there’s definitely an opportunity for CCP to enhance their NPE and related tutorials to include more about what wormholes are at the end of the day.

However, I’ve found that learning from newbro centric corps is a far better learning tool than any tutorial I’ve had in game. For that, I always recommend reaching out to groups like Eve Uni, Dark Venture Corporation, or The Forsakened Few. These groups go over the basics and all aspects of living in wormholes and have a deep understanding they’re willing to share with those curious.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Oh hi Mark Mick,

As J-space as a whole isn’t the biggest playerbase compared to other areas like Null or even Lowsec, we can’t really expect many iterations on wormhole mechanics or even a full expansion focused on us. Even before we had a CSM representative, we managed to get some small changes done by discussing them publicly and we can only assume that the small changes we got during Mark Resurrectus’s term were because he used his influence to have them prioritized.
What would be smaller changes (reused code/ simple changes/ database changes) that you would bring to the CSM?

One thing that I’d like to see is a gas harvesting drone that can be deployed only by the Porpoise, Orca and maybe the Rorqual (I don’t really think it would be used much due to no PANIC in gas sites) that won’t make it better than a boosted barge at gas huffing, but at least give the Porpoise a better reason to be fielded and potentially give a bigger incentive to field full fleets of barges supported by a Porpoise.

One more thing that I think is needed in other areas of EVE as well, is a form of intermediate target in space like Skyhooks before they were changed again. If such a structure that isn’t limited to SOV space would be introduced, I think it could be very good for wormhole groups, as we would have to rely less on catching krab fleets and arranged brawls, or escalating to full evictions.

I really hope you make it onto the CSM, as I don’t trust any of the other candidates to know and think about how changes would affect J-Space in detail.

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I fly with Mick today, but was initially impressed with his community-focus and wormhole savvy when we were in-fleet as frenemies during the recent j-space war.

He’s right that the CSM (and the broader game) would be benefit from a voice representing the rich environments that wormhole space provides. There’s lots to love in j-space – and not just for veterans, but for players of all levels of experience. As a once (and terrible) co-coordinator for EUNI’s j-space venture, I’ll offer that Mick really does understand what drives engagement for players of all skill levels in j-space.

Last CSM election, the j-space community tried to rally behind a bombastic, larger than life representative. But I’d offer that it’s time for a mellow and thoughtful person to represent the wide variety of j-space so that we pull in more players to our unique, quirky and immensely rewarding game play.

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Hey @Winzentowitsch_Madeveda thanks for the question.

I’ll list a few small database changes below that would be easy to implement and have been shared with me from various corp interviews:

  • Increase number of bookmarks allowed in shared bookmark folders
  • Add an EOL status indicator on frigholes only that indicate when there is less than 1 hour remaining on a frig hole. These holes are simply not being used because they’re found EOL the majority of the time.
  • Increase the avenger payout to be worth putting more capitals on grid in high class sites.
  • Make the physical size of gas clouds smaller so scouts can warp to them at 100 without being decloaked.

You’re not alone. The gas huffing drones have been a highly requested enhancement in the conversations I’ve been having with corps since before I even started my CSM campaign. The easiest way to implement these in how gas sites currently operate would be a “gas huffing sentry drone.”

Since most mining drones orbit the rock they’re mining, a mobile gas mining drone would orbit these gigantic clouds putting them outside of a normal drone control range and then have to make the 200k trek back. However, if you were to use them as a “sentry drone” you could deploy them on top of the cloud or within the cloud and not have to worry about the huge travel time. Also, why not include a small database change to include gas clouds in the list of targetable items for PANIC to be activated? :slight_smile:

I do agree that an “intermediate target” in wormhole space would be a net positive. It has to be something that is both valuable enough to put down in space and also worthy of defending / attacking. Currently Metenox Moon Drills don’t fit the bill of “worthy of defending” given all moons in wh space are R4. If we had more valuable moons, perhaps that would be a different story. A modified skyhook in wormhole space is also a frequently requested enhancement from a couple of the meetings I’ve had so far. Something along those lines would be great to have as part of our content.

I appreciate you taking the time to post and your vote of confidence. If you have any other comments or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! :slight_smile:

Randomly came into my WH one time and saved me from an eviction attempt when I was still getting set up.

+1 vouch - he’s a good dude!

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You know I be lovin me some Fightmaster for CSM yall!

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For CSM19 I’m stretching my content creator muscles a bit and am hosting interviews with other candidates.

Last night Mick came out and here’s his video! The questions are a little different so I hope it gives you some insights into this candidate! Enjoy.

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Mick, can I have your babies–that voice is smooth as butter <3

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the only viable wormholes candidate

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Mick has great experience in high class wormholes for so many years that you can clearly see that he knows his stuff. At the same time he is there to hear the ‘problems’ facing wormholers and hopefully resolve them for a better gameplay. He has of course my vote!

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I will vote for Mick cause honestly he’s sexy af … <3

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I’ve flown with Mick for years in NOVAC.
He’s a great guy and very talented EVE tactician.
If he pinged me and said: sambo., I need to you officer fit your navy Phoenix like this, throw in some high grade snakes and be ready to undock in 5 minutes, I’d do it.
No questions from me, I trust him and I’d do it.
He’d be a fantastic CSM member with no illusions about what the CSM can and cannot achieve.
Vote 1 Mick Fightmaster!

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THE WH CSM Candidate for CSM 19.

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