I believe no introductions are in order for the Regs [Regulars]
I am MILINT ARC Trooper. The “Mad Scientist” from Minmatar Space. I have been playing EVE since August 2020.
I am applying for CSM to be a voice for a broader base of New Eden. The foundations of EVE Online are the Industrialists, Mining, Hauling, and Exploration Communities. These activities feed into the PVE and PVP sides of EVE Onlines overall ecosystem.
I want to put a few things down first to get out of the way.
- As a potential CSM member I pledge to complete my term to the fullest ability barring any IRL emergencies or server shutdowns. And use all tools and assets provided for the CSM to participate both directly and indirectly as the situation arises for meeting participation.
- As a potential CSM member I would like not to be compensated with omega account time or PLEX during my potential CSM term. [If CCP so sees fit, they can give that to randomly selected verified newbros a “Scholarship” (the best kind of ship for a newbro) so they can enjoy EVE online for the duration of my potential term.] The reason why I am doing so is that as a paying customer of my own account, I would rather be a representative in that regard and not having compensation cloud my judgements during my term. I believe the only compensations or note to my potential service, that are justified are unique skins for CSM made for each election. And bound to the accounts of the CSM member [not resellable] and a unique medal of service on our capsuleer public records.
- As a potential CSM member I pledge to not accept a CCP job offer until the end of my term is completed. I believe it is not fair for players to elect CSM members and then to have them literally vaporize from being a representative into a CCP developer. And in some cases not being replaced by runner up candidates who should have done the job fully. I believe if you are in talks with CCP for developer duties minor or major, community or even volunteer/intern; one should not run in the CSM election because that colors not only their representation but also has alterior motives of being hired due to closer contact with the developers. We should represent our fellow gamers as CSM.
- As a potential CSM member I pledge to create an avenue of communication for fellow capsuleers on ideas and concepts that have been interesting the player base for some time. Considerations of NDA rules will mean this become more of a one way street, but we need to create an avenue of communication that will allow players to communicate ideas and feedback within reason. Potentially Memo based format could be employed. While discussions over said ideas can be had on the proper created channels. Also discussion of future representative systems will be of interest. Regional Representation in game for example.
- As a potential CSM member, I faithfully uphold the values of the Minmatar Republic and its allies. Represent its interests and all its protectorates. And to protect those who do business and activities within its space and represent faithfully the tribes before the CSM. [Sworn before the Tribal Council in Pator and Minmatar Republic Parliament and Ministry of Justice and Tribal Liberation.]
“I can not make a promise, for something I can not keep.” That is main line of thinking and directive. But I would rather have boundaries and honest policy upfront.
But the Pledge will be upheld.
Although I do not believe in TLDR [Too Long Don’t Read] you may stop here if you just want to put a vote to a name. Now if you want to go deeper, explore this at your own peril.
For an overview of other concepts CSM 18 post will be linked. MILINT ARC Trooper For CSM 18
Concerns as of this post:
I am not a particularly big fan of the “open beta” model that has been Equinox because it feels like alot of hype for the project was made back when it was announced.
Consistent manipulation of industrial recipes without consideration of the consequences and fallout of Scarcity.
Cultural Definition of Nullsec Empire Building.
Currently Nullsec mentallity surrounding many of the changes is based around the concepts of build tall or build wide. And the pushback and feedback is based upon this preconception which is very linear in focus.
- If people try to build everything in one system this is called building tall. But any changes the require territory control or increase projection will negate this perspective. System +1/ also buffer defense zone.
- If people try to control everything by holding onto vast territory building wide anything that changes their ability to project or collect resources or changes to resources themselves [coughs Scarcity and removal of null asteroid belts] will negate their territorial control. System Overload/ -1 Projection.
This same mentallity can be visualized in vertial and horizontal integration concepts in industry.
But in our case the Null groups are doing this over a territorial concept. However, one should probably start thinking about EVE nullsec as a place for “Spherical” or “Cellular Automata” growth.
This would allow players in nullspace to adjust and adapt more effectively to any changes CCP may do and if such concepts were to be applied. It would mean Nullsec could be healthier because there will always be gaps for new players to create their own slice of New Eden. Patches withstanding of course. Groups can get bigger true, but at the same time unless they take active measures. Their growth will create blindspots for new groups. And if the situation isn’t to their benefit they resize downwards but retain a bit more effective coverage on their preferred content.
I also believe that the Nullsec Triangle of concept is more of an interaction between:
The Empires [Nullblocs or Established Groups] with territory they claim/defend/build infrastructure/ and deploy defensive/punitive fleets.
-Empires would have the most infrastructural investment and development with advantages of larger and more efficient industrial bases and military force and intelligence infrastructure [literal in game functionality of assets currently missing] But they have to develope their territory to keep functional and they have to defend. Now like any empire you will either chose to look inward or outward. Or you can expand without reason and suffer the consequences, or carefully expand/contract and consolidate within reason. Or do you become insular/isolationist empire?The Pioneer/Explorer/Settler/Prospector [Newbros or expansionary sub cultures of Nullgroups.] People who brave the unknown of nullsec to carve out their own corner of home.
-This group hasn’t had alot of content or chance to grow in EVE due to alot of the current mechanics and changes. But it would be nice to see people attempting with smaller stations or small deployable structures in and around nullsec. Also because they are the first they can generally find resources undisturbed and profit a little more versus “Barbarians” or Empire groups. [Think of Wormhole Space Gameplay] But this makes them the targets of Empire/“Barbarians” raids or pressure activity. So vigilance is needed more on a smaller scale than Empire/“Barbarians” who have specialist forces who do conflictThe “Barbarians” [Nano Gangs-Filamenters-Mobile/Nomadic/Semi-Nomadic Null societies-Pirates]
-Sadly we have yet to have the full potential of a Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun capacity on corporation or alliance level. Ways to allow players to basically anchor their ships in space and then when they wish to they can move aggressively on the search for other content and materials. This would cause some consternation to players used to more turtling lifestyle in EVE like gate camping or cyno jamming regions of the map. But the downside would be less efficient resource collection [IE the locust swarm, but they can move to the resources which eventually would lead to a clash with an Empire Building group trying to defend their space.]
-Also Pirates really don’t have alot of content that benefits their playstyle in New Eden. Should probably have some unique advantage to dock up in Pirate FOBs or anom stations with prerequisite standings of course this would give content and reason for Empire building groups in Nullsec to clear the pirate anoms in their area. Lest they attract people who will use these FOBs and stations.
- Combating Botting of new content,
Creating alot of solo content which can be tweaked in difficulty to frustrate any attempts of “silver bullet” metas. Make the new solo content give an escalation that is a fleet escalation. And then adjust payouts and travel times for various content in synch with class of ship and its activities. Also probably allowing a yellow setting for PVP/Ganking attempts to take over the sites in question would be of interest. You start a solo site…it locks out but does a +1 warp in. [so no blobbing] But, if two players are on grid reduction of payout + yellow box for the one coming after. And with smaller sites spread out, this means botting and multiboxing would be stretched thin. Allowing for more surprise attack opportunity.
So my platform for CSM is a more broad approach to balancing, but adding and tweaking content and materials in this game to increase the health and longevity of this game. EVE Online has so much potential that apparently is being either left to the wayside, or has been sidelined.
“I can not promise,what I can not keep.” That said. Here are my platforms.
- Additive Content
- Abyssal Proving Grounds
- Hauling Community
- Mining Community
- Exploration Community
Additive Content
Additive Content is the potential of creating extra roles for materials added instead of making them one off concepts.
- Mobile Observatory- not just used for revealing stealthed player ships. But additive content
- As it pulses in a system is scans down anoms, pirate base structures, POSs, stations, drones, uncloaked ships.
- But it has a chance to reveal a unique or rare pvp site, cosmic signature [wormhole connection/relic/gas/data/sleeper/pirate etc.] or previously unscanned resources or salvage.
- The tradeoff is the mobile observatory affects your recloak timer, so you have to risk staying in system, or you have to leave system to reset your cloak. Longer exposure can lead to a full cloak impairment debuff. Forcing usage of Veilguard boosters as well to stave off this debuff.
- The Mobile Observatory will not replace exploration, but does give some unique content but at a slower pace than specialist scanning/exploration player.
- CRAB Beacon- I personally think they should have different sizes of crab beacon Capitol/Battleship/Battlecruiser/Cruiser level. It would mean other ships would have access to some pretty interesting content. But I would go further.
*Depending on the local rogue drone anoms…both scanned and unscanned. The difficulty of your CRAB beacon will increase and so will the threats and potentials of specific NPC spawns. This becomes crucial because one must now factor in several things like bounty bonus, do you clear your system out of Drone anoms to lower the risk but also lower the payout…or do you leave those anoms in to increase the risk and payout.
- Tractor Beam Modes- Tractor beams are generally used to retrieve loot and wrecks for salvage. But as of currently they can only target blue and grey loot. They will not target yellow loot/wrecks. So my suggestion is a two front mode additive content.
Yellow Security Setting you can tractor beam yellow wrecks. You will get a suspect timer in NPC empire space so be warned if you decide to start taking someone elses loot or wrecks you might get PVPed. But speaking of which, you can apply tractors to fellow Yellow Suspect Timer players which can act as a form of range manipulation.
Red Security Setting you can tractor any wrecks and apply the tractors directly to any targeted ship nearby. You will get a Criminal Timer in Highsec and be Concorded if targeted against players who do not have Suspect Timers or have Dueling/Wardec claims.
the tractor beam gains capabilities that allow it go beyond just salvage use, and allows for some creative ways to operate in PVP. Which would give some ships not normally used for PVP some capacity to affect the fleet engagement. You better watch out for that “Lasso” fit Noctis now.
Abyssal Proving Grounds
I believe that the abyssal proving grounds either in older variant that was like an extra interaction for PVP, or for a circuit for 1v1 or structured fights. EVE is the only MMO that I know of that the “Establishment” frowned upon 1v1 and structured PVP matches. The abyssal proving grounds did much to show case the individual skills of pilots.
If there was a problem with skill levels of players causing issues.I think CCP could implement some sort of skill scan system that would cross check players skill point levels and number of victories and defeats to see who they could be matched up with. And it could probably even out the players fighting in the abyssal proving grounds to prevent “throwing” and other shade casting.
Returning Abyssal Proving Grounds to EVE would beneficial to CCPs best interests.
- It allows for CCP to actually have data on the performance of various ships in combat conditions in a fairly more controlled situation. [Allowing for much cleaner patching and balance passes] [Especially when looking at ways to prevent metas from instantly coming to the fore.]
- It is fairly good content for markets and destruction creating pull and destruction on various hulls in game. Which is good for the market and the industrialists.
- Unique rewards that show the skill and capacity of the players involved.
- Creates a unique MINI-AT/Anger Games environment for specific hull classes.
- Great content creator for “Duelist/Gladiator” Content Creators.
- Fairly Evergreen Content. Once the Proving Ground is loaded. Its more about what combinations or ship hull classification content CCP wants to do. It can be fairly regular deployment like around every 2-4 weeks.
Hauling Community
The space truckers of New Eden are the backbone of EVE Online. And over the last few years are still not getting the benefit of the doubt and needed upgrades and updates to their ships. Yes Equinox did add some interesting thing with the Edencom Haulers…cough Upwell…cough built by ORE…cough using Mordus Legion missile tech…cough. Although I am still curious why the note on the Squall for containing “Entities” Yes the Edencom Haulers were impressive at first. But have suffered a series of pretty brutal nerfs and smack downs. So the full potential I think is being retrograded pretty hard.
CCP Please give us the Triglavian Haulers
they are the most low hanging fruit in game, even were easier to implement in game versus the Edencom Haulers how is this possible they get overlooked? They only needed some roles and capacities. Personally I think they should have a unique combined role of Logi/Mining [with a unique mining tool]
-The Triglavians have a spooling mining laser. They could be added for these ships + the Trig Logi modules. The only difference is the spooling mining laser will have the highest collection in game at full spool mining capacity in game, but can not be affected by fleet boosters and requires an industrial core to run and locks the ship to the grid.Buffing all the T1 Specialized Hold ships. Increasing the baseline cargo space of all T1 special hold haulers to 67,250m3. Increasing attempts to fill the 150,000m3-250,000m3 cargo gap.
Creating Specialized Hold Cargo Expander Modules/Rigs.
- Mining Hold Ship → Mining Hold Expander/Rig
- PI [Planetary Interaction] Hold → Planetary Expander/Rig
- Maitenance Bay → Maitenance Bay Expander/Rig
- Ammo Hold → Expander/Rig
- Mineral Hold → Expander/Rig
- Gas Hold → Expander/Rig
- Fleet Hangar → Expander/Rig
- Fuel Bay???..probably not but could be asked about.
-The idea is to allow the hauling community to customize their hulls for the cargo hauling needs they need and to ease the Logistical strain and movement of goods to and from market and the combat zones.
- Adding new classes of scale to the hauling line ups. Its kind of funny that smaller cargoes are handled by SOCT ships or combat/exploration frigates instead of a dedicated hauling frigate class.
Shuttles are usually 50m3 [technically classified as a hauler]
There is no dedicated Frigate Class Hauler. With the Majority of the hauling being taken up by Suneisis Destroyer or Interceptors or Exploration T1 ships. So nothing from the 75m3 to 1000m3 bracket exists. And same said ships could probably take the roll of the old T1 haulers. Like up to the 3000m3-5000m3 bracket. Just faster and quicker delivery vans as it were. T2 variants would mirror DST/Blockade Runner norms.
Hauling Ships T1 [technically in the battleship to cruiser range.] This class needs some work either the maximum “unspecialized cargo” needs to be massively upgraded 5000m3 to 25000m3 or higher. They need to be pulling their weight and they are currently not.
Hauling Ships T2 this class only probably needs a few upgrades. Mostly just being able to increase the Fleet Hangar size via modules for DSTs, and maybe the Blockade Runners get some slight increases in cargo. Maybe 5000m3-10000m3
Specialized Hauling Ships T1 these need alot of work their specialized holds need to be expanded badly, and then they need the specialized hold expanders. They need to go to about 67,250 at start then go to 150,000m3 to 250,000m3. Specialized Hold Modules needed as well T2 variants also are needed.
T3 Hauler…a modular hauler could be used especially in this field. 250,000m3 to 1Mm3.
BS Hauler hull. Just something a bit larger and holding more cargo.
Freighters not really too problematic, but their base cargo capacity leaves alot to be desired. I would rather have higher m3. It needs to be able to move massive amounts of cargo which currently is snarling up EVE for the freighters. T2 Jump Freighters are fairly okayish at the moment although lancers have kind of made them a bit more risky to use
- Add a specialist hull for the Amarr and Caldari. The lazy usage of pre-existing Gallente and Minmatar Specialized hulls needs rectification.
I believe the Caldari already have some options in the files that could be “repurposed” for a Gas Transport ship and upgraded. Probably the name would be Mink/Marten/Sable/Ermine/Weasel/Stoat
Ammar would have to have a unique hull. That would give it a Maintenance Bay, but less than a Bowhead [Although the Bowhead would probably be upgraded anyways.] To give players a T1 introduction to hauling fitted ships around. Name would Steward/Custodian/Conservator/Warden
“Nesting Doll” Protocol for Stations and Containers Please
Can we finally get a way to create “packages” of containers. Please. Or at least repackaged containers/deployables that can be fitted inside station warehouses? Storage and organization has been a headache for years on this front. We should be able to “Nesting Doll” smaller containers inside larger ones. As long as they don’t exceed the internal volume! Might help out alot on the contracting front as well especially for freighters. Its either this or folders for our hangars.Contract Changes.
- Positional Contracts - you can contract other players to haul goods from Skyhooks/Custom Houses/ Metenox Moon Drills. Or other structures or deployables as you see fit.
- Long Term Contracts- futures and market based contracting for larger bulk transactions.
Mining Community
A much disparaged group of players in EVE online, most of the mining community is fairly chill and enjoys fleet activities. Yet due to some particular content from years past, they have been handed some of the most severe and problematic nerfs since then. And with Equinox a series of more frustrating issues have surfaced for the nullsec side of mining.
Mining Ships Updating.
Expedition Frigates need updates and categorical technical adjustments.
Since the introduction of gas harvesters for Barges. Gas Harvesting has kind of had some issues specially pertaining to the Prospect Mining Frigate. The prospect doesn’t have any major benefit over the Venture and gets completely outclassed by gas harvesting barges. It probably needs alot of work either to increase its volume of collection or cycle time for gas harvesters it needs to be an upgrade over the Venture.
Prospect needs a small ice mining laser bonus to make it at least an option for ice mining vs. the Endurance. Currently its the only other ice mining capable mining frigate but has not bonuses.
Prospect needs at least a single utility highslot so it can scan its way in and out of wormhole space or to gas anoms. The Venture and Endurance can do this due to a utility high slot.
Endurance could use a small gas harvesting bonus…probably yield wise. Nothing major to add, just make it worthwhile to use for other roles.
Fitting for the Prospect needs to be adjusted. Deep Core Mining Lasers especially the ORE variants can not be fitted to the Prospect in any level of efficiency due to some module fitting oversite.
Creation of new Specialist Mining ships.
I believe the ORE line should be expanded and a few unique ships be added to fill several gaps.
- There should at least be an ORE factional Venture.
- There should be ORE hyper specialist ships. [GAS/MINING/ICE] That are the Apex of the line but they are the “maximum tech tree end point” Barges are Generalist, but these new ships and hulls could be the maximum capacity.
- There should be an ORE Mass Mining/Gas/Minerals Hauler. Highly Specialized to Haul absolutely massive amounts of whichever goods required.
- Creation of either a kit for the ORCA where you trade out the drone bay or boosting for 4 slots for Strip Miners. Or the creation of a specialist series of hulls that classify as “Super Barges” or “Mining Dreads/Titans” Massive collection but apex production cost and huge targets.
- Creation of a Destroyer Class ORE booster ship for small scale mining operations especialy geared towards working with the Ventures and Expeditions Frigates…or small Barge Groups.
- Creation of a unique T3 ORE mining ship. Not sure to make it modular or transforming.
Roqual Modification
It might be worthwhile to mention that Rorqual might benefit from a moon mining laser that will allow the Rorqual to for a limited time while deployed mine a small chunk of a moon directly. Not as massive as the Mining Station Moon Mining Laser or the consistency of the Metenox. But would allow for some new content and usage of the Roqual on mobile fleets.
Mining Rigs
There needs to be a variety of mining rigs to buff ships in mining capacity. Small/Medium/Large. Its kind of criminal that only barges and drone mining or salvaging gets any really useful rigs. Ice Harvesting/ Gas Harvesting upgrading rigs would be nice.
Mining Crystal Rework
Since the Industrial Mining Update alot of people haven’t had alot of pleasant perspective on the mining changes especially for T2 Deep Core Mining Lasers/ T2 Strips and T2 Deep Core Strips. The changes have created alot of frustration and over reliance on T1 and Factional Mining Lasers. This is my proposed change for the problem of the T2 Deep Core Mining Laser/Strip and T2 Strip.
Note hereDenotes a Yield Crystal.
Denotes Cycle Speed Crystal.
[C] is for Clearing a site or anom ie the Mining PVP crystal.
T1 Generalist [multiple ores but ore bracket] Ore Category Skill Unlock Lv 1 Omega Status.
So T1 Crystal → Common Asteroid → A/B/C Crystal.
Generalist Mining Crystals
allow the widest access to mining content
wastage is the highest.
T2 Specialist [Specific Ore Type] Ore Category Skill Unlock 3-4 Omega Status.
So T2 Crystal → Veldspar → A/B/C
So Specialist Mining Crystals
allow for miner specializationand increased yields of targeted ores![]()
But crystals burn out faster
The concept of a T3 Mining crystal was kind of of developed out of the lore and stories of the post Triglavian invasion and probably application of captured and recovered triglavian mutaplasmid and space time modification technologies that could alter materials in ways never seen before.
T3 Synthesis Crystal (Ore Category Skill Unlock Lv 5. + T3) Skill Omega StatusT3 Crystal → Accelerant Mining Crystal.
Accelerant Crystal → Veldspar → Concentrated Veldspar → Dense Veldspar → Stable Veldspar
Each completed cycle will increase mineral concentration![]()
but the m3 of the targeted asteroid will shrink.![]()
T3 Crystal → Mutagenic Mining Crystal
Mutagenic Crystal → Scordite → Tallosonite [Abyssal Ore]
Each cycle will convert targeted ore into a new mutated resource.![]()
This will change mineral properties
but the m3 of the targeted asteroid will shrink.T3 Crystal → Alchemic Mining Crystal
Alchemic Mining Crystal → Veldspar → Kernite
Each cycle will convert targeted ore into different ore and mineral composition [except Abyssal and Morphite inherently unstable ore]
but the loss of m3 will be considerable.![]()
Synthesis Mining Crystals
allow a miner to manipulate, mutate, or change resources in space![]()
but these crystals do not allow direct harvesting
and have the highest crystal burnout.![]()
Mining Deployable Assets.
Mobile Compression Array.
This deployable will allow small miner to have access to compression technology. In comparison to current fleet compression technology it is a direct interaction asset.
Deploy → Interact [Use Compression Bay] or [Load into Compression Bay] → Raw → Compress asset can be retrieved to cargo bay.Mobile Drone Hive
This deployable gives small corporations the ability to automate resource collection via a small swarm of slaved mining drones. It has a limited storage bay and depending on model has a fuel capacity for 2 to 4 days. The mining drones can also be killed as well and the structure reinforced and possibly be stolen from.
Deploy → Interact → Collect Ore/Add Drones/Load Fuel in Fuel Bay
It might also be interesting to see the visitation of the mining content in retrospect of the nullsec change due Equinox and maybe argue for refreshing of the ores in all areas of space. Also some differentiation of the mining lasers like some might have faster speeds, or higher yields but closer ranges.
Special Note: Can the Mining Drones please have a little adjustment to their wastage numbers its kind of crazy that even factional drones are losing alot of ore.
And maybe also add some gas mining drones.
Gas Mining upgrade modules. We would need some gas mining upgrade modules to increase the efficiency of smaller ships in gas mining overall.
Exploration Community
The explorers and scanners of EVE, generally considered the most lucrative and easy target.
But I think this community does need a little more interesting content for people to do.
- Escalation sites- if you are doing certain exploration sites either it will escalate to a new unique site nearby or in system. Or it will spawn a special fleet puzzle site. Where teamwork and communication will allow one to access even larger rewards.
- Pirate/Forgotten/Ancient Map- either recovered from a Data/Relic site or pieces and parts can be assembled from various sources to create a map to unlock a unique site or even route via Pirate anom gates.
- Upgrading the Scanning mechanics with more advanced scanners and more powerful probes that can reveal unique long lost resources/sites/connections/ and anoms. Potentially revealing roving agents to complete remote missions.
- Additive content to older sites that explorers tend to complete rather fast. Maybe allowing a rift in a data/relic site to be used from time to time.
- Some new equipment and modules to increase exploration flexibility
Faction Warfare / PVP Community.
I only see a few minor things that need some changes pertaining to overall mechanics. Mostly the Positional Warp in concept on gates to various sites. Most noted materials were as noted in CSM 18
Just a few notes here for the FW/PVP set up.
Positional Warp means a player can warp on a Jump Grid [Sphere] to a similar position on the Landing Grid [Sphere]. Instead to the beacon. This may force some players to orbit in sites a bit or to learn different ways of coordinating defensively than sitting on a beacon. Now this would mean there would be a more complicated interplay with PVP instead of the “beacon will provide”…although that term should directly refer to cynos more directly.
I think the Pirate FW needs to be focused on the “lowsec edges” of the Empire Space because some of those regions definitely need some love and attention and content. A good example is the region of Molden Heath that has very interesting lore history of fighting back and forth with the Minmatar Republic vs Angel Cartel. And this would be a zone for direct Pirate vs. Empire FW. Zarzakh being the insurgency/raiding hub.
The Pirate Insurgency system needs to be adjusted a little I think. Pirate Anoms will be around the FW Zarzakh gates. But, I think the Insurgencies should drop elsewhere in Empire space to cause a little chaos and mayhem for the players who might think its a bit quiet. So Pirate Insurgencies should dropping in regions of Mininmatar Republic and Caldari State across a broader area. Besides the faction warfare. This would also increase movement of people across regions of the EVE Cluster. Or maybe Zarzakh can field multiple per Empire Space Insurgencies…like 2-3 simultaneously.
And a simplified and standardized orbiting system. You can orbit in on the Fibinacci Spiral you should be able to orbit out on the Fibinacci Spiral, not straighten out.
There is so many different things that could be done, talked about etc. But working together to figure out solutions and perspectives to see how we help Make EVE Great Again.