D'ceet is D'parting: Please D'leet

At the end of the day, CCP will have their own evidence, it is not up to me or any other poster so far on this thread to prove/disprove anything. But really, read between the lines - are you willing to bet your account in their defense?


My account isn’t at risk over any of this, and certainly not because I’m making reasonable points about people like you stretching the truth. At that point you aren’t looking for justice or for a better EVE, you are either getting on the blind hate bandwagon or holding a grudge.

I’m just watching people make further accusations without any proof, and seeing my friends abused like that with unsubstantiated and extremely damaging claims is no bueno.

If you want a better EVE, if you believe it’s about uprooting bad practice in the community: Don’t be part of the problem. Stick to what you can verify and don’t stir up undue hate.

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Uhhh this post should probably be higher priority. The asshat who was desperately deflecting is pictured clear as day accepting illegally gained ISK/PLEX.

inb4: “oh I thought they meant embezzle like they stole it from some elite corp heist so need to hide it from the space cops”

Just stop. Seems like botting in one way or another, and acceptance of the act or the proceeds from the act is common practice in Gooseflock. The fake concern trolling to try and further deflect what is a very very obvious case is disgusting.
You’ve been caught with your hand in the cookie jar. If you genuinely didn’t know, then fine, whoever you might be in this context I’m sure you’ll come out clean in the was then. But this push to bury what’s happening and act like it’s all a big misunderstanding just taints your own image.

It is undeniably true that a significant proportion of ‘veteran’ players are familiar with, and have discussed to some extent intel systems and their limitations within the EULA. You cannot realistically claim that up to 600 people looked at this intel system, looked at the multiple billions given out in exchange for nothing, and saw nothing suspect. This is a clear pattern of knowledge and acceptance of unacceptable behaviour prevalent throughout both a portion of the general members of the group, and the leadership.

The correct response to you, or your compatriots, being caught doing a bad thing would be “Oh no, that is bad, I/they shouldn’t have done that and I/we will do our best to make sure the bad thing isn’t done again.”. Not “nuh-uh wasn’t me”.



There is quite a bit of discussion in the community about D’ceet’s alliance. While I do not want to downplay these accusations, our internal investigation is still ongoing. In light of that, I’m going to be temporarily locking this thread.
