Dealing with suicide gankers

Ah, I see. So no actual evidence. Your “observation” is just based on ~feelings~. Got it.

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Like your feeling that I am a carebear, but go and ask Fawlty7 or JJ when they are in local kicking your ass, ask them if I am a carebear, they will laugh in your face.

And by the way I have no issue with you being stupid enough to keep dong that, I like it when people are too arrogant and stupid to know, makes it easier to murder them. But as you are in Test and I rather like Test I am at least giving you a chance to grow a bit. Still I am about to give up on you…

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That’s actually based on your own claim about “AG”. Kids who are so triggered by CODE that they would go so far to roleplay “Anti-Gankers” or whatever.

You know where I live. I’ll be waiting. :slight_smile:

I don’t really care about the opinions of trash.


Haha so ignorant.

You don’t matter mate, I have absolutely zero interest in you and your big mouth in game, I have had many people try the old come at me bro. It just shows how immature you are.

In any case I was not talking about you specifically, I was saying in general, stupid people are easier to murder…, and seing as you are triggered by me, this is in game, just in case you get all safe space on me.

If you say so.

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hehe… and the rest. One of my alts lost a trolltanked nereus (550dps passive regen) to a small Triglavian swarm a few weeks ago. “Only” about a dozen ships hanging off a station undock.

The Rest. Yeah. More and more people started tanking their mining ships before Triglavians came into existence, thanks to the agents of the new order. It’s important to point out what’s factually and historically correct. Now, to see if my lap doggy will respond yet again, let’s dial the zero on the phone and see who picks up.

Aaand there she is. Good doggy. I’ll gift you a nice MAGA hat some day. :slight_smile: Too stupid to know what “bitching” is or when she’s being made fun of. =(^_^)=


You are still bitching ? Infinite bitching, we should sell you to create electricity.

Your claim was BS. Accept your errors, or remain a ■■■■■ for eternity and even after.

Well then you were in an invasion site, the DPS was more like 800 → 1200 (it ramps) so good luck tanking that ^^

Another CODE.-er who can’t read \o/

Naw sweetcheeks, I have killed and lost more pee vee pee ships(everything up to and including supers) than you will ever take a seat in. I’m just trying to increase CODE. reading comprehension and get them to really bring a decent fight instead of this whiney blathering of sploits and such.

Have you been crying about highsec ganking for years? If so, then you are a carebear.


Well you’ve been crying on the forum for as long, therefore you are a cryingbear.
And nobody gives a single sh¡t.

Anderson, I can’t see what you are saying. I’m sure it’s something utterly snarky and bitter. I hope you get some help and make sure to calm down.


You didn’t: Search | zKillboard


Andersen is beyond saving.


I’m not really amazed by your lack of intelligence.

Yes, she’s the archetype of a bitter bear. A sad lonely carebear who felt so futile and alone in the world, she became the black carebear, dark and morose, drinking a cup of cold coffee next to a pile of empty beer bottles, she bemoans the fact that she isn’t having fun and despises all the mean gankers who are laughing at her and just enjoying the hell out of EVE. Every now and again she perks up to make some kind of autistic statement about grammar and punctuation, but she is always wrong. The laughing continues, it never stops, she cries a bit, the laughing grows louder and he retreats into her bear cave.


An analysis from someone who can’t even read the article he cites properly. How could it go wrong ?

Well it’s stupid, somehow remaining stupid is the only consistency you can afford.

Anderson mutters to herself, he knowss he isn’t even being listened to, nobody is reading her words… she grumbles, twitching as she contemplates the fact that someone doesn’t even care what she thinks. She came to EVE, a nerdy geek, hoping to find a community like her - instead she found the same old real world, mean cool people full of ideas and vigor, always laughing at her and pointing, the pointing and laughing. Words stumble out of her mouth, she feels a little more powerful, then winces as she realizes how whiny and bitter she sounds. She lapses into a sullen silence, wishing she could think of something witty and engaging which allows her to be part of the conversation. She tries correcting someone’s sentence syntax, surely that will show them, but they just laugh and urge her to attend a reading comprehension class. Now everyone is pointing and laughing, again.


Clam down Gankbear…

I had an issue with the mechanics of unlimited bumps, which is now sorted, I had an issue with all the mining ships having the tank of a wet paper bag, it got sorted. There are some issues with the mechanics, but overall ganking looks fine now.

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Dracvlad jumps to Anderson’s rescue. As a bravebear, Dracvlad is a carebear who isn’t afraid to care, and he delights in taunting the mean bullies with “I know you are, but what am I?” He also knows that Anderson needs help, and he likes to distract the bullies. Dracvlad is tough, and he can take the taunts, so he steps in to try and rescue Anderson. Last year when everyone saw Anderson eating glue, Dracvlad started chugging an entire bottle of glue, he doesn’t mind if people laugh at him. The year before, Anderson was licking the window on the school bus, and even Dracvlad had to laugh at that. Deep down inside, he knows he’s part of the cool kids club, at least he’s not Anderson. One of the gankers reaches into Dracvlad’s lunchbox and steals the money his mom put there for emergencies. Dracvlad doesn’t mind, at least they are paying attention to him and ignoring Anderson.