Dear CCP, Can You Please Fix Planets Decloaking You

this is how i understand it as well , we both agree

this is not a true statement …

you’re not decloaked in warp ; ships can warp directly through planets without being decloaked . it’s only during the deceleration phase that you can be decloaked . with larger grids and longer deceleration this may now be a problem where it was not before . you can call it a ‘bug’ but it’s just the way warping works after those two changes .

depends where your perch is now . i’d burn away from the planet with the station in between , to the next grid edge . you’re only trying to get enough distance so you’re not coming out of warp while in the planet . i’d try it before having to set up two bookmarks to get a safe perch . or you can keep asking for a game change you’re not going to get …

i’ve never experienced that ; i’d thought cloakers had been fixed not to decloak each other . if you’re flying a mixed fleet then it’s a mechanic i’m not aware of ty i stand corrected . :slight_smile:

Thank you, I had not understood that. Indeed it looks like a bug to me.

I would take Bugg’s advice with a grain of salt, if I were you.

not an advice, an explanation where our opinion disagree.
We just need someone to make pings around a planet , warp through it cloacked (from eg +8 to -8 AU) and put a BM on it the moment it reaches its grid, then warp to the BM and show the cloak disappear before exiting warp. Cloak should not disappear on the first warp-through

A site despawning makes you decloak sometimes.

Planets working as intended!

Who is trying to AFK exactly?

If i was AFK i wouldn’t be warping which means planets wouldn’t decloak me so this wouldn’t even be an issue for someone who is AFK >.>


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