Death to POS trash

So CCP whats the situation with POS trash - is it going to die? Please make it go away… vein bulges

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Current structures are still… lacking (in some areas).

You have no idea. POSes are superior to Citadels on so many levels. They are the only way smaller and independent groups can at least do some industry without paying to some landlord and blobtrain.
Citadels are the cancer of this game, their incredibly horrible design has hurt the game so much CCP can’t even imagine.


A Solo Capsuleer can set up a POS on a planet or moon that is close to their favourite asteroid belt to reduce the amount of travel time to unload the ore which makes solo mining highsec rather productive without needing to dock with each time.

Then every few days refill CT and I move ore after it’s compressed.


@Dexomus_Viliana You don’t even state why they are trash and why you hate them so much.
This thread is trash.
veins pop


Op sad or but hurt in some way ??

problem is the POS code, from whot the ancient books said, they can’t touch it without deleting the game with it

it’s like the ananas jpg in team fortress 2, if you touch it, the game stop working :smiley:

Hmm OP sounds like “Damn someone used a POS in a way that outsmarted and outmaneuvered me. POS must be removed!”

POS are a useful and interesting item that have a smallish but effective niche in the game. How does removing gameplay options improve the game?


I had the same argument a few years ago when they were implemented with a Dev at Fanfest and pointed out that it might drive people away.

Their answer was “we can always get more players”

I hate Citadels.


Yeah, I have no clue how they could think this is a good design.

It’s almost as if they had collected a huge pile of terrible ideas and intentionally choose all the worst ones to make a concept out of them. Basically citadels would need any and all mechanics they have to function almost reverse to work properly. It could be funny if it wouldn’t be so sad.


Except most of the modules are disabled, useless.

Ccp ran out of the time they set aside to finishing structures. They may or may not loop back around in half a decade or so

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The guns work. And they actually shoot, even when I am offline!
The forcefield works. And I can remote repair it, even during an attack!
The EWar modules work, and I can place two dozen of them on it, disabling an entire logi wing.

I can bring it online in less than an hour.
I can remove it in less than an hour.

Manufacturing works.
Research works.
Invention works.
Compression works.
Refining works.

Ship storage works.
Corp hangars work.

The only thing I can’t do any more are reactions or building capitals, well, screw that.

Citadels plain suck compared to a POS if you are a small group that can’t call a 100 ships for defense.


POS’s are better. Jog on :smiley:


The pos were and imo still are better than the upwell crap ccp brought into the game. They are alot harder to kill than a citadel. Gimme a med pos for defence over a astra anyday.
Kinda wonder why the OP has such a hate for the POS :slight_smile: :wink: :wink: :rofl:


I never owned or used a POS. The OP hasn’t returned to explain why they bother him so much. I have seen them in wormholes. Some are inactive ( no shield ) others have a parking lot of ships and are well defended. I would guess he wants people to invest more into citadels as they require a core and give you something to blow them up. There is no benefit to attacking a POS active or inactive.

This thread is pointless. Complaining about POS without cause, is as bad as complaining about the vast number of secure cargo containers or mobile depots found in the game. What is next? Maybe a complaint thread about the debris field around some of the stations.

Fly safe o7

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You guys are all so uptight,

I’m sure there was an announcement at some point that this was in the process of being removed complete with a timeline then we never heard anything further?

You guys need smoke a couple of joints and chill out.

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It’s interesting how this assumption is often made, I have my own death trap in a wormhole.

The OP?