POS Scrams

Hi all. Just curious if a Warp Scramble Battery on a pos will stop a MJD form working. I know with ship if you use a warp scrambler it shuts of your MWD and iirc your MJD as well.


Considering its a deployable, it works the same as the ship mod.

So POSes are just here to stay then, huh?

Why are half the POS modules unusable then?

Either all or nothing, CCP. This is a joke at this point.

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I took mine down when CCP released Citadels and said they were scrapping the POS system…

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Rumor is removing POS code will create a singularity which will absorb the entire planet into a black hole


Some parts of it do seem that way yes, i think they should be replaced entirely but i got yelled at when i suggested that they should be made more vulnerable and smaller

The original plan was to phase them out entirely, they just never came up with a replacement for the stick itself

As did many many others. Which was a low move by CCP.

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They can remove POSes without removing POS code. Just make all POS open season in all levels of security and deactivated by default. Let the players clean them up and delete the market items. Simple.


Yup. They make great Forward Operating Bases when you don’t want to deploy a starbase.

Because those are the resource production and manufacturing modules that got replaced by the Upwell structures.

So you have a very narrow scope of experience in the game, but you think a POS is a joke? Nah dude, that’s not the joke we’re laughing at here. :thinking:

But yeah, your opinion has been noted, and filed in the proper circular receptacle with the other uninformed opinions. Thank you, and have a good day.


i still dream a Guristas FOB station to be avaiable to players as a POS replacement, that would be such a joy, but till then POS are just fine.

this “joke” does the job pretty well, has near unlimited applications in all regions and security levels.

it lets you bypass the highsec wardec BS nicely, plus noone cares about you having a stick somewhere. and if someone does, you just pack it up.

Not to mention that you can reinforce a unguarded medium citadel with 2 kikimora’s, if you plan to do the same with a POS, you better bring some lunch packs as well, you going to be there for a while.

i kinda prefer that eveytone things the status quo about POS’es are dead, so there is more room and noone really cares about them being there either. win-win …

the only “problem” is when someone asks somethigns regarding a POS, the conversation almost always turns into “POS = dead” topics, or people just assuming things never having tried them themselfs.

  1. Yeah, so narrow. Your 7 years can **** my 15 years.

Yes, POSes are a joke, you just said they were ‘replaced by Upwell Structures’. What’s the purpose of keeping them around if they are 95% useless.

They aren’t. In fact they are great.


Every time they try to remove them, something breaks, i think they are like one of the oldest things in game

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They have their uses. Why remove useable items with various strategic uses from the game when it’s less work to leave them in? I don’t believe they’re currently breaking anything.

Insisting that something should be “all or nothing” for no reason seems pointless. EVE needs more gameplay options, not less.

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The joke is that upwell does not replace POS.
They are a plain downgrade. More expensive, more easy to remove, they can be found more easily, they bring mandatory value to the attacker, they can’t defend themselves.

CCP removed the pos modules to force players into upwell but the issue is, upwell are bad.

Also, the only thing they were actually supposed to replace in the first place, was the outposts. NOT the starbases.


You have a very narrow scope of experience in the game.

Simply because they’re not of use to you, doesn’t mean no one else has figured out they’re still valuable.

I’d say your 15 years could suck my 19, but that would be illegal.


We only used a Station for Clone jumping (Before the changes)

It just sit in space now doing nothing.

POS’s. I much rather keep my caps in the POS shield than a Citadel.

And tbf Citadels bring the big bois :smiley:

They are in fact overpowered :wink: . That is why CCP never removed them, there is probably a lobby from some big player group that wants to keep it. And that is why the rest of us wants them gone, because we accepted the fact that they are supposed to be replaced with upwell citadels.

Take the tin foil hat off, there’s no conspiracy to keep Player Owned Stations in the game. They still have perfectly valid gameplay, that of a temporary staging ground among other things. Ever tried to dock a boosting Porpoise in nullsec when neuts pop in system? Personally, I like having a place to warp to where I can be safe, not a sitting duck waiting for the timer to run out.

Show me where CCP said POSes were being entirely replaced by citadels.

Citadels are replacements for corp hanger arrays, ship maintenance arrays, personal hangers, refiners, and moon miners. I remember, and can find nothing that said they were completely removing POSes.