POS Scrams




What if she stores her ships hanged up after washing them? :thinking:




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:rofl::rofl: I have Sky-scraper-sized hangers to sell her.

Oh, look. The Spelling Fuhrer.

Shall I goose step and salute with my right arm extended now?

Or would you like the link from the 2016 archived thread that I copy/pasted that line from, including spelling errors, where this entire discussion has already played out?


Absolutely doubt that. All big player groups can handle Upwell Structures much better. Be it defending them or attacking them, but especially maintaining them. In fact, Upwell Structures are explicitly designed to cater the needs of big groups and completely ignore the needs of small groups.

There is no benefit to the game if they were gone. In fact, EVE would be a worse game without them.


Got a new titan? set up a pos route to get it home ^^

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Donā€™t even need something that pricey.

If Iā€™ve got my mining fleet out, thereā€™s no way Iā€™m warping the Orca to a station with an aggression timer preventing me from docking. Even if Iā€™ve just got the Porpoise out, the mining fleet goes to the safe POS to wait out the neut.

If Iā€™ve got the Marauder out, then by time it comes out of Bastion, if they arenā€™t on grid already then theyā€™re at the citadel waiting for me. So I go to the safe POS until I find out if the citadel is safe to dock.

If it werenā€™t for POSes, Iā€™d never fly mining boosts in nullsec. Iā€™m not about to try evading interceptors in an industiral ship for up to a minute, just because someone canā€™t see past their own narrow vision of the game.


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