Known Issues:
- Abyssal Trace Warp Gate Show Info window description contains unclear text.
- Missing Market Group names for new Triglavian Logistics hull & modules.
- Expanding unnamed booster market category causes market window to lock up.
- Insurance values for Rodiva, Zarmazd are lower than comparable ships.
- Right click options for multiple items delivery and contracts are missing.
- Incursion sites are not respawning correctly.
- Some now invalid wars were cancelled immediately at downtime instead of entering a 24 hour cooldown. We apologise for any problems this issue has caused and will take steps to ensure this doesn’t happen with future war cancellations.
- Impetus Potency-50 Glamourex Booster is not giving boost to mission standings
- Currently unable to invent Zarmazd from Rodiva blueprints due to missing datacore