Please use this thread for reporting known issues with EVE Online: Invasion.
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Additional Expansion Information
The summer expansion brings the kickoff of the Triglavian invasion as the Collective takes its first aggressive steps into known space. In addition to this, there’s a whole host of quality of life changes, the next stage of the war declaration overhaul, new tech II Triglavian hulls, mutaplasmid groups and invention materials, as well as the new pointer tool and a complete overhaul of The Agency.
Pilots can expect the Triglavian threat to escalate in the coming weeks as the collective begins to establish a beachhead in known space, launching attacks against territories across the cluster.
Bringing a new presence to New Eden, pilots will have to directly face the Triglavian fleet as it emerges from abyssal deadspace in brand new combat sites.
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Looks like some of the Trig NPCs have had the max number of turrets assigned for their models lol- just graphical, but y’know
Can’t purchase off the market. [FIXED]
The industry window is slooooow as a tortoise. [FIXED]
Eve Client Totally useless after update. I made the mistake of trying to search in assets. that has completely locked the client. I can see a glitch as there is a list of repeated items, in the assts list, i.e. it shows the station name and the amount of items and repeats each entry twice. Also, when the client reopens the asset tab and all other tabs are opening again as it is remembering its last state and just crashes. So I am stuck in space with an unresponsive client. Great.
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Launcher removed my accounts (Login)
Edit: Logins are back now…
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This has been a sporadic issue for a while now but today after the patch it is annoyingly persistent: any Character Show Info window I want to open does not load properly and gets stuck either after loading the avatar and the name or the avatar, name and some lines.
The character selection screen is buggy as well. After it loads, I click on a char that I want to use and it takes a minute for this to be registered by the server. It’s the same delay that happens on the above loading issue with char info windows. Good work.
I am Currently unable to open the “Probe Scanner” at all, meaning I cant scan down signatures or see anomalies in system
@ccp guys, can you make at least one update without issues? Like my game is lagging as hell, it is almost unplayable!!!
Player profiles are empty for me. Just picture and name when I click on a player. No text or tabs in the profile.
Is this a local cache issue?
I’m unable to go past the login page despite clicking the character profile page.
Yep took mine ages to notice the dozens of clicks on a character to select it to load.
Eventually it decided to load and blurted out “Connecting” somewhat distorted with a really clunky sound effect. 
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Had the same problem. Thanks for the tip!
After renaming (right-click menu on the Corvette; assemble first) I was able to undock, but after redocking the inventory screen still seemed to be frozen.
Rebooting the game fixed that.
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The “selected item” seems to be horribly slow to update or not at all. Cannot keep at range or align to ships/gates because it seems to think I’m still in warp. Can’t unlock, although unlocking by right clicking a locked target still works.
Edit: I suspect this is due to the delays when getting character (or corporation) info.
Can’t log in. Black screen where my chars should be.
I imagine a cluster restart is in our future.
SHow Info on characters in local takes forever to load. Initially only shows charactre name and portrait, then takes about 45 seconds to load the other information