The League 0f Grumpy 0ld Farts is a multi-timezone alliance living in the Wicked Creek region. We rent our 6 system constellation and are looking to increase our corp membership to join in on building our little pocket of Null Sec.
The alliance is pretty relaxed, lots of very experienced members to support new corps. We can offer corps the following:
- 5 pocket system with growing upgrades, to improve your access to isk making options.
- Access to alliance owned structures for reprocessing, manufacturing, research, reactions and clone bays.
- We use Discord for voice and text chat and a forum for communicating the alliance activities.
- Active community that tends to get along very well, comms chatter can be a lot of laughs so don’t be a stranger to voice chat.
Being a renter alliance, with goals to become a sov holder in the coming months, we do have some minimum expectations of new corps.
- Be active, your members don’t have to be on every day all day, but some activity on a weekly basis is appreciated.
- While we are renting there is a fee for each corp character that lives in and earns from our null sec. This is billed to corps monthly (in advance or pro-rata if joining half way through a month).
- Join home defence CTA and Strat Ops, they are very rare, but when we have them we need all hands on deck.
- We value team activity, so encourage your members to engage with the rest of the alliance, and just make the most of some pretty sweet null sec space.
If you are interested, join our alliance public channel “L0G0F Lobby” (the 0’s in L0G0F are zeros) and speak to a recruiter. If one is not available then drop an in game mail to Doctor Chuckles and we will be in touch.