We do not have a ‘Prime Minister’ running things. We have a Sanmatar. After Shakor’s election to the Prime Ministership, the government was reorganized. The fetid corruption of the Gallente-spawned ‘Parliament’ as a body of actual power was thankfully eliminated. Afterwards, we chose a form of government that is ours, and not some foreign power’s attempt to graft their anarchic mob rule onto the Tribes.
When and if the Tribal Council decides that it is time for a new Sanmatar, they will install one. Until then, if you have an issue with the way our people govern ourselves, I suggest you ask whatever form of leadership your Clan has to take the matter up with Acassa Midular, Chief of our Tribe.
As for the slaves on the market… unfortunately, the Secure Commerce Commission controls what goods are and are not legal trade items among capsuleers. As a division of CONCORD, it is limited in what protections it can enforce by CONCORD’s ruling council, and it seems that the Empire has consistently blocked attempts by the other nations to have slave-trading outlawed at SCC stations.
There is, however, currently a petition circulating to the Empress on behalf of a number of Amarr loyalists that asks her to act to eliminate capsuleer slave trade within the Empire. Presumably, this would entail the Empire supporting efforts to eliminate slaves as an SCC-tradable commodity, as capsuleer trade within the Empire is SCC-regulated, not a matter of Imperial law.
Might I suggest supporting it?
I’ll also point out that democracy was determined to be performing poorly and leaving society worse off, which is why when Sanmatar Shakor called for an Assembly of the Seven Tribes in order to determine the direction of governance in the Republic, Parliament, the representatives of ‘the people’, applauded. Even they knew we were better off without them running anything.
The Sanmatar has no authority except to act as the voice and executor of the Council’s will, and a moderator if needed during their debates. Shakor is the Council’s public-facing representative, and their servant, not a dictator. He serves at their whim.
I’m sure you mean this as a step toward improving our peoples’ government and making it more responsive to our needs, but returning us to the corruption and incompetence of Gallente rule-by-clamour… is madness.
If anything, Kam, our current system is far more responsive to the people. As Elmund points out, the distance between you and the Council is between two and four steps. If you see a problem, and the people of your Clan agree with you, your Clan’s leadership (however you choose it) takes the problem to the Chief. If your Chief decides your concerns are valid, they’ll address them. If it’s an internal issue, the Tribe deals with it. If not, congratulations, you’re at the level of ‘dealing with the Council’.
That’s not ‘closing down’. That’s ‘getting hundreds of bickering bureaucrats out of the peoples’ way’.
and @yellow_parasol - where’s my billion ISK?