We’re currently in the process of deploying EVE Online: Onslaught during an extended daily downtime.
Keep an eye on this thread for details on how the deployment is progressing!
- F
We’re currently in the process of deploying EVE Online: Onslaught during an extended daily downtime.
Keep an eye on this thread for details on how the deployment is progressing!
Tranquility is offline for downtime.
Client code is deployed.
Server code deployed.
Updates running.
Updates complete and in the process of being checked over.
Tranquility is starting up in VIP mode for testing.
VIP mode is lifted after testing is complete.
Good luck guys.
hopefully you can get it down on the first try! Not to be accusing, but we will never forget March 20th. Anyways, good luck with the deployment
Who is “we”?
Was the F to pay respects or…?
You will know who WE are if you were there…
Obligatory “I can’t log in” moment.
inb4 citadels and engineering complexes fly through stargates all over New Eden.
Hope it goes fast I got a honor brawl 1v1 at the sun to catch.
Games like Amnesia and Outlast have nothing on CCP in the Horror genre. Every patch day we’re all glued to our screens in abject terror
That’s Falcon’s stupid way to sign his posts even though the rules say no signing. Special rules for special people.
That Mission-Update-Thing you do… I LOVE IT!
Making the Waiting process much better
March 20th? lol you must be new
I just activated to try achievements.
I am in!