Design Service - Desert Oasis

I offer design services.

My chat channel, linked in my in game character bio, DESIGN, lists skins currently available in the Hub.

As “they” say a picture speaks a thousand words:

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I like color, too.

I also actively look for animation:

You can watch those gold bars move in an endless circle…

Or, if you prefer basic black, watch the red…

Yes, those gold and red bars move, :slight_smile: .

I also design the unconventional:

Sometimes I design for mood:

And sometimes I design for memories:

How are skin sales going for you?

…and sometimes for beauty.

@Kitai_Kyo I can’t complain. I’m designing ship skins for individual customers, not “mass market”. I’m not part of a big alliance, so I can’t compete (realistically) for say “fleet skin” sales. Though, of course, I wish I could.

But for individual customer sales, I’m happy.

What I am not happy with is the current hiccup on the Hub, where I cannot consistently view my listings. I detailed my complaint/concern here:

But beauty is in the eye of the beholder,

“I’m just happy to be here. I hope I can help the team.”


Bitter Vet:

…for the cigar chomping hardcase. A Hogan’s Hero, Dirty Dozen, Inglourius Basterd pilot, who’s Been There, Done That, and Is Back For More vet.

This design Bitter Vet follows the design principle of “relic-ing” in guitars, and “break downs” in costume design.

This ship has been in battle. To make sure of the kill, the pilot rammed the corpse (small fluid stain’s above the “Harpy” decal on the wings),

there was “ram” damage, paint’s been peeled off (all over), the hull’s been scored by debris impact,

(and, visible in the 3-D Paragon Hub display)
…part of the electrical system is still not working (“eye’s” on bridge of “nose”…one side works, the other side “tries”), and the engines, which had to be replaced, well, logi didn’t have enough “spec” parts, and had to make do with what was at hand (variation of engine detail between Shiny and Bitter Vet.)

Many “bitter vets” have ships we’ve retired. They remind us of memories, great escapes, bitter battles…friends.

The Bitter Vet design can be applied to many hulls.

I like marine themes:

I should have called this one Abalone:

Okay, okay, I “get it”.

Every capsuleer is inhabiting a grim, dark, dystopian universe but some of us have isk!

There’s no reason to act like we’re the fifth cousin, of the third nephew on the distaff (and impoverished) side of the family. We can be flamboyant:

…loud even…

…or maybe, even neon: