Design Service - Desert Oasis

I just couldn’t resist:


…tis the season and all…, ho ho ho.

As the red and green are respectively, Darkness Forged Feros and Intaki Emerald, this is reflected in it’s price.

Editing this post to include this final shot:

Even the engine animation came out red, green, and white, :slight_smile:

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I couldn’t figure out what to do with this pattern, Blooming Void.

But, then, it “hit” me…

And, The Rose of Sarikusa:

Detail shot:

Who’d a thunk it!

I didn’t even particularly like this pattern…

But, sometimes, you just indulge your sense of whimsy.

Stars In Your Eyes:



Those stars really move, in an endless circle.

Better yet, the “stars” viewed close up, under high graphics, seem to wink at you, :slight_smile:

*This red will appear black under certain lighting conditions. Buyer beware.

Duct Tape Not Included:

Republic Fleet Firetail: Certified Pre-Owned

This design follows in the footsteps of “Bitter Vet”, Post 8. The Certified Pre-Owned RFF, let me be clear, does not include…Duct Tape. Buyer beware.

Sometime in the second or third year of my engagement with EVE Online I studied ganking with a Vexor:

Duct Tape Not Included:

Vexor: Yarr!

Ah…Blooming Void has so many useful uses, :slight_smile:

Ganking with vexors, (sounds like an entertainment), used to be more common. I sort of miss it, like talking in local. I miss that, too.

Ishtar: Yarr

I am kind of amazed at how much expression can be achieved with Blooming Void, maybe I should have called it The Jolly Roger. (“Bait” would have been too obvious, lol.)

I love the Brutix. They’ve always reminded me of chubby, fat puppies, :slight_smile:

Fat Puppy:

As long as I’m on red:

Dominix: Holidays

Holidays comes in two versions, one version more elaborate than the other:

2nd variation:

The Vindi Rose:

Detail Shot:

Please note this is an asymmetrical design the Blooming Void pattern (the rose) appears on only one side.

I started off with the Kronos hull displayed in post 4…

Staid, comfortable, powerful even…and, somehow, ended up here…

(Available by request only.)

Megathron Navy Issue: Christmas Cactus

How do these things happen?


I was thinking about:

And look what happened…

Tempest: We Stand

and a slightly pricier version:

There’s been talk in the community about how skins, once applied in game, don’t always appear as they do in Skinr. Well, this is definitely an issue, no question, some of the dark red metallic skins can appear as black, at times, in game.

There are other colors affected as well. Sometimes, it’s the grunge/dirt effect; so, if a ship is cleaned, the skin will appear as imagined. Sometimes the grunge provides a patina that is desirable.

But, today, I want to talk about the…happy accidents.

Way back in post 7, I showcased this skin:

When I designed it, I wanted a unique color, something you couldn’t go to Jita and buy, so I fiddled around. And after a shocking amount of time, this color, I call Coffee, emerged. I really liked it, so I made a copy.

It didn’t sell.

Oh well, you make something to your taste, you get to use it.

So, I finally applied it. It looked rather, hum, “ho-hum” in the station. I was rather glad it hadn’t sold. And, as luck would have it, I had to pick something small up, so I took the Enyo.

By this point in time, I’d made enough skins to realize viewing in the station didn’t always accurately show what the skin would look like “on the road.”

(Oh, I also cleaned the ship. Just in case.)

Well, I could spend a lot of words describing what happened, but I think I’ll let pictures tell the story:

This is one ship, one trip.

Enyo: The Gilded Age


(reflecting blue off the Billboard)

(different Billboard ad, different reflected color)

Botane - The ICY Station

Botane ICY station

Bourynes Univ. of Caille

Bourynes AIR Station

Dodixie Market Hub

Hek Krusual Tribe



Outside Jita 4 - 4

Perimeter TTC


And last, but certainly not least:


Heck, I’d pay for that color.

Anyhow, the upshot, and purpose of uploading all these photos is: I blended three dark greens, and a silver, and a pattern and I got this.

Jita 4 - 4 Outside the station.

One skin, multiple colors.

A happy accident.


Talos Bespoke:

Copperhead Variation:

Black Tie Affair:


Random thoughts:

Keres: Old Money

Hyperion: Caramel Suns

Vexor: Caramel Suns: Hearts

Vexor Navy Issue: Modern Mapping

Apostle: Priestess

Detail Shot:

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What do you think? A bug? An unintended side effect? Emergent gameplay in the sequencing market?


Yes, that color does change on command, just scroll.

The Talos skin is available to view in the Paragon Hub.

While not available for viewing, here is another example:


If you’re interested, technical discussion, minus proprietary info, can be found here:

What do I think? Regarding bug, etc.?

I think it’s a happy accident, :slight_smile:

I’ve seen comments tossed about on various chat platforms about how expensive Skinr is if you want an entire fleet “suited up”.

Initially, when you think about it, it is a “cost”; but is it actually expensive?

I decided to give this some thought, and report on my findings.

The Ferox Navy Issue is a commonly used ship, priced on zkill from anywhere from 200 million isk to 400 million plus isk, depending on fit. A number of organizations use the FNI for fleet doctrines, some of those organizations also provide ship replacement.

So, once that thought occurred to me, I took a closer look at the price disparity between a doctrine ship eligible for ship replacement and a fleet “authorized” ship skin.

So, FNI, price between 200 million isk and 400 million isk plus.

Possible FNI doctrine/fleet standard “uniforms”, via SKINR:

Currently Priced 22 PLEX (if it doesn’t occur to you, yes. I was thinking about Sev7rance.)

Currently Priced 22 PLEX

At 26 PLEX


At 37 PLEX





So, 30 minutes of my time, using one common fleet ship, and bottom basement sequencing elements, and I’ve got nine skins for viewing.

Prices for those skins, at current production PLEX cost, at a 6 million isk per plex, Jita market, range from:

22 Plex - 132 million isk to 37 Plex - 222 million isk

Ooooh, that’s comparable to the low end cost fleet ship, eligible for ship replacement.

Hm, if I fly for an organization that provides ship replacement for FNI’s, and I lose 10 of those FNIs in organization sponsored roams, I get ship replaced multiple times.

That SKINR paint job for the FNI, no matter how many times the ship gets blown up, is good to go, every single time.

Maybe, may be, it’s not so expensive after all.


Ship replacement, Skinr uniform.

You do that math.

p.s. On a side note, the cheapest “fleet skin” design I’ve ever done came out at a current PLEX production cost of 18 PLEX.

By my math, that leaves the consumer 2 PLEX left over from CCP’s Christmas gift.

If you go back to post 34, you’ll see the first public example of the Tootsie’s skin line. (I’ll post it again, below.)

I’ve iterated on it since.

But, I want to talk about “happy accidents”, and inspiration, and when the two collide.

I started off with:

It was designed for me. Not for sale, just for me. And, I liked it. I wanted another, for a different ship.

I dropped somethings, added others, and ended up with:

Now, how you go from lavendar to primary colors, side steps along the “bragging rights” path, but suffice it to say early on I discovered “Tootsie’s” had a rare effect, active color change. I could use my mouse scroll wheel and actively change the skin pattern, after it had finalized, been produced and was actively applied in game. The skin can change in game, in space, in station, maybe while warping (I’ve not tried that!)

Well, I couldn’t just let things stand there, I had to push it.

And, I did.

Push it.

To here:

Venture: Tootsie’s Privateer (The Tear Collector)

Not impressed, huh. Well, keep looking…

That’s right, keep going…

The big payoff…

…it even comes with “tears”.

Come on, I had to do it.

It is all one skin, you determine the amount of camouflage. The power is in your mouse’s scroll wheel.

You can have an innocuous mining frigate, or…

The Desert Oasis Battle Venture!

Seen, from a distance, it’s a grubby little…venture. They are practically invisible. When I first started the game, I travelled everywhere in one, cause no one paid any attention to me. Ventures are that common.

But, close up, unfurl those colors, fly your pirate flag proudly!

Gosh, even I can’t keep a straight face any longer…lol, :wink:

Anyway, I’ve a line of these little chameleon like monsters, so, in no particular order, here’s a sample of what’s coming from Desert Oasis:

Megathron: Tootsie’s Red

Talos: Tootsie’s Pirate

Yes, I’ve a special one named The Pirate Princess!

Brutix: Tootsie’s Red

Hurricane: Tootsie’s Experiment

Algos: Tootsie’s Privateer

Cyclone Fleet Issue: Tootsie’s Privateer

Caracal: Tootsie’s Experiment

And ending on a faction warfare note:

Maller: Tootsie’s Experiment

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Happy New Year everyone!

Edit: While upgrading my current computer system, I discovered the “Tootie’s” effect is best seen on a high performance monitor. Henceforth, I’ll refer to Tootsie’s skins, as best on 4k hardware. o7

More Tootsie’s:

With mouse scroll wheel roll:

You’ll probably get tired of reading this, but I’ve a line of recon ship skins I’ll be introducing, so repetition is necessary.
The Tootsie’s line of ship skins is dynamic. They can change at the command of your mouse. How they look in the Paragon Hub is under perfect lighting conditions. They will look different in space, and different in different stations (due to lighting conditions), and, most especially, you can literally change the skin’s look by using your mouse.

I say this not as a joke…buyer beware.

These skins are not static.

Edit: Best viewed on 4K hardware.

There is before and there is after…

They look ordinary. Nothing to inspire curiosity. But, there is before…and there is after; and this, is after:

The Astero:

It’s one skin. One skin only…

Always changing…

With the light…

With the environment…

With each twist of your wrist…

Or scroll of your mouse…


This is the Event’s Horizon:

The Lachesis:

It has no permanent color placement.

The stealth technology required for d-scan immunity disperses light.

There is but a halo…

A whisper of color…

Reminding it’s captain this ordinary ship

Is a combat recon…


The Curse:

The Curse, unlike the Gallente combat recon, was customized…

Shifting beams of light dancing across it’s hull…

Are broken by stripes of faith, an expression of it’s owner’s piety, humility, and loyalty.

It has no permanent pattern outside of it’s bars.

The Huginn:

It looks so ordinary. Tan and brown. Perhaps a hint of black.

It’s not until the color disappears…

And only the halo remains…

The opposition recognizes that halo…

As d-scan immunity.


The Rook:

Well, the Rook looks like a grumpy crab, to be honest. Rumor has it the Caldari actually stole their tech off a drunken obelisk pilot. Word is the pilot got ganked by CODE.; and, vowing revenge, this enterprising individual came up with the idea for d-scan immunity, but failed to account for size. So, tech that would work on a cruiser hull, only partially covered (and the front half, at that) of an obelisk. Too much multi-interfacing I suppose. Anyhow, first trip out with the fancy equipment, he got ganked again. He lost everything. He now does system runs in an itty 5 in Sinq Laison, between Quafe Ultra drinking bouts in a dive bar called The Boom Boom Room.

Anyway, the obelisk salvage got nicked out from under the gank team’s loot scooper by a free lance salvage scrounger, you know, one of those guys that works out of Poch. So, he got this stuff, didn’t know what it was and sold it at bottom basement prices, to a covert Caldari military tech agent working in Aufay. He didn’t know what it was either. The covert military tech agent. But, at least he had the sense to refer it up the line.

Well, you know the Caldari, business, business, business. Once their science guys figured out what they had, they put it to work. No aesthetics (like the Gallente), no religious iconography (like the Amarr), and yet more isk than the Minnies.

They (the Caldari) called it “artistic license”, and had done with it.

It works. Who cares?

The Rook:

Side View, shifting halo:

Still looks like a grumpy crab.

----These skins are dynamic, they change, they shift. Only thing static about them is the icon.

So, I’ll leave you with these:

The Afters (along with the Astero up top):

The Thorax: One Skin, One Skin Only


The Phobos: One Skin, One Skin Only

It really is just one skin:


The Deimos: One Skin, One Skin Only

It changes, as do they all, with each move of your wrist…

From this…

To this…

Those stars, too, actually change color…


And back again…


Edit: These skins are best viewed on a 4K monitor.

In light of the latest SKINR difficulty:

I have decided to pull all of my current listings. I make extensive use of patterns in my designs, and while not all of my designs have been affected enough have that I am not currently comfortable in continuing sales.

Once more information is forthcoming from CCP, I will update this thread.

Thank you for your understanding.

Edit 1:
CCP has now posted an update stating a hotfix was applied, and the issue is resolved. To the best of my knowledge, this info is inaccurate. I personally have skins with radical color changes, (and have snaps to prove this), and have pattern changes, too.

Edit 2: Photo proof supplied in official CCP thread.

Edit 3: Additional photo proof, a side by side comparison:

The Tinsel design was showcased earlier in this thread. This is a side by side, in game, shot of the Tinsel skin as it appears in the Applied Skins section of SKINR, and what the Tinsel skin looks like applied on the ship in the station after CCP’s “hot fix”.

I’m going to quote myself from the discussion thread, reporting on this. I do want to point out, once again, this is after CCP announced this “hiccup” was “hot fixed”:

The trouble with these kinds of mistakes comes from lack of “thoroughness”, if there wasn’t living proof in game, maybe I might buy it was “hot fixed”, however as you can see from Tinsel, I can do a side by side and see exactly what’s different. And, I can do it in game.

I have posted a thread regarding this “Resolved” announcement here:

Given the current situation, I would advise anyone thinking seriously of purchasing a skin through the Paragon Hub to hold off, at the moment.

I cannot guarantee the skin I produce will be accurately portrayed once it is applied in game.

I am certain I am not alone in this.


Edit 1: The SKINR issue was resolved, for me, overnight. I want to publicly thank CCP for addressing this issue in a timely manner. I might have wished for a more forthcoming assessment of the situation; but, I cannot fault them on the result.

So, I’m back listing skins for sale.
