[RESOLVED] 20252801 - SKINR Patterns Offset or Incorrect After Downtime Tuesday 28 January

During downtime today an update was deployed for SKINR which has resulted in some SKINR patterns appearing offset or simply incorrect.

We are investigating the issue and hope to have fix deployed in the coming days. Once the fix is deployed all affected SKINs should display correctly.

Update at 19:03: Hotfix has been deployed, and the issue should be fixed.


Were there any patch notes for the ~700MB update today?


Our structures are currently without their skins even though we paid upfront for multiple months. If you expect to resolve the issue within several days, will you be reimbursing or extending the duration of the skin’s application on all affected Upwell structures?


Hello DEV Team,

When can we expect to see the patch notes for today’s update?


Does anyone even use skins or the SKINR?

I ask because this announcement has the lowest reply rate I’ve ever seen in my near 20 years in the game. Three replies in three hours?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I’m going to assume that people who are really invested into the game while also actually undocking (so the people at which skins are actually aimed at) are too busy to waste their time on this forum, as they are playing the game. And the ones who cry and whine a lot aren’t active enough, or at all, to care about ship skins that cost money.

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I also had colors simply vanish on a number designs. These are skins I did for myself, so I can check in station.

However, I have one atron pattern with its pattern and colors appear completely intact. Given, so many of my applied skins are “cattywampus” I found this to be unusual in the extreme. I can bug report this unaffected skin if you like.

Unlike every other “We’re on it” announcement thread.

Scroll back through them and I think you’ll find a huge amount of first time posters. People who never go to the forum… until it affects them.

Well, this seems to be affecting next to no one. There’s been two posts on topic in four hours. Two!

Hence my query above.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Sure, but “skinr offset is incorrect” is very different from “can’t log in” or “where are my rewards”. You can play just fine and depending on how “incorrect” the skinr issue is people might not even notice it, if they’re even flying a ship they bought a skin for at that moment in time.

Almost a gigabyte patch and NO patch notes.


ETA for a fix for this please?
Thank you for taking the time to read this btw.
Edit: I can’t read for the life of me

I use it and used it almost daily, to save some designs for later use. Mostly personal ones, but am looking forward to make some skins for my corporation members. :slight_smile:

I still have skins that are affected negatively. This is not resolved, entirely.

I am going through my personal applied skins. I have issues still. Colors are changed, along with patterns.

This is the old skin, prior to today’s update.

This is the current skin, as I type this:

As you can see, the color is quite different.

Edit 1: Ishkur (One Eyed Jack version) posted in my sales thread in August

should be Beautiful 4 (or the tan Ishkur design)

This is how it appears currently in station:

As you can see the diagonal “face” has vanished entirely.

I suspect every one of the “One Eyed Jack” skins is “blind” currently, as things stand.

Edit 2: I haven’t gone through all of my applied skins to double check; but, enough are still “damaged”, despite the “hotfix”, I don’t want to continue checking.

Edit 3: I’m including this, among the many, because as near as I can tell the coordinates for the pattern were “moved”.

In station, currently, a thorax version, but they were identical:

As you can tell from the picture, there is no red on the nose of the ship. It looks like the pattern was “shifted” slightly.

I know from using SKINR, shifting the pattern could (and sometimes did) produce wildly different outcomes.

Edit 4: A thought occurred to me after my last edit, and I went to the trouble to double check this…

The original design for each “damaged skin” is still displaying correctly in SKINR in the “Activated Skins” section, so you can float the SKINR interface and do a side by side comparison and see the differences.

So, the correct and original “designs” are still in the EVE system, it is just the in station display (or in space display), when you are “aboard” that ship that is currently incorrect/faulty.

Example of the side by side comparison:

Just depressing.

Seriously, CCP, with these kinds of differences in execution, after the point of sale, why would anyone continue to invest in SKINR or SKINR products.

If I buy a skin or make a skin for sale, I want it, the skin, to at least resemble what I put into the SKINR system, originally, six months later.

After this, hiccup, how can I be sure all the “pinks” won’t become the new “blacks”, six months down the road?


Not fixed.
Not even close to the skin that I designed.

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Not fixed


How it looks in Paragon

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This is disappointing.

Hey CCP…
It’s not FIXED!

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The skin I had on my Noctis isn’t showing up at all now. Seems there is still a bug in there somewhere.

Definitely not fixed. Ship skins are still messed up like yesterday and structure skins are still missing.