In light of the latest SKINR difficulty:
I have decided to pull all of my current listings. I make extensive use of patterns in my designs, and while not all of my designs have been affected enough have that I am not currently comfortable in continuing sales.
Once more information is forthcoming from CCP, I will update this thread.
Thank you for your understanding.
Edit 1:
CCP has now posted an update stating a hotfix was applied, and the issue is resolved. To the best of my knowledge, this info is inaccurate. I personally have skins with radical color changes, (and have snaps to prove this), and have pattern changes, too.
Edit 2: Photo proof supplied in official CCP thread.
Edit 3: Additional photo proof, a side by side comparison:
The Tinsel design was showcased earlier in this thread. This is a side by side, in game, shot of the Tinsel skin as it appears in the Applied Skins section of SKINR, and what the Tinsel skin looks like applied on the ship in the station after CCP’s “hot fix”.
I’m going to quote myself from the discussion thread, reporting on this. I do want to point out, once again, this is after CCP announced this “hiccup” was “hot fixed”:
The trouble with these kinds of mistakes comes from lack of “thoroughness”, if there wasn’t living proof in game, maybe I might buy it was “hot fixed”, however as you can see from Tinsel, I can do a side by side and see exactly what’s different. And, I can do it in game.