- There are no current rules against buying votes. It’s definitely something we could look at changing but I don’t have a strong opinion on it currently. As it stands it’s not a strong tool to get a seat compared to being on alliance ballots for example, and it can also backfire by driving away potential votes who dislike the practice. But like I said, it’s not set in stone the way it currently works.
One thing I’d like to object is that the CSM summit is a “community-paid trip” to Iceland. Sure, you guys pay the bills…no dispute there :). But breaking it down like that is a little iffy because ultimately CCP as a business allocates it’s budget in a way that makes sense and CSM summits are definitely a worthwhile cost for CCP as a company. For CSM members it’s also more than a free trip. It’s 4x9 hour days of straight meetings with travel on each end. Lately we’ve started granting people an extra day on the Friday to breathe a bit before the flight home because the pace is pretty gruelling.
Appreciate the point though.
- I’d love to do something like that. By then we’ll have a new improved website for the voting and my dream is always to get it in the game or in the launcher. We’ll see what we can get