Dev blog: Balance Changes Coming In The March Release

How feasible is it, in terms of PG/CPU, to fit a MJD on Attack BCs?

I’m unfamiliar with the stats.

All the ducks in a row against the wall awaiting the firing squad :joy: (@ removed comment)

What’s the deal with the Hunter’s Ballistic Control system that give Bonuses to missiles and drones, a combination module of BC and DDA essentially?


If you go full glass cannon, you can fit them:

The Talos would have one empty mid to fill and the old shield-kiting fit won’t work with the mjd on.
The blaster-Naga would have to ditch 2x shield extenders and a rail Naga one shield extender.
The shield Oracle would have to ditch the shields and a beam Oracle would share a similar fate.

If you don’t look at them in any way, fitting is no problem, feasible is different question.

They’ll be popular with WH rattle pilots for a start…


I wonder what kind of new ships the tricks are for the Amarr.

Hmm, you could field some beam Oracles, they would out-range the Feroxes and do much more alpha.

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dang, i dont understand this comment. teach me senpai

Yeah, using aurora with 1 tracking comp and SEBO, gou get 136km optimal and 302dps. Lock range of 130km. Resists are at 68/74/70/73, about 45k ehp.

Idk if it would counter though. It could cause problems for a ferox fleet, but not long term. The issue arises in that the oracle cannot fit an mwd without sacrificing tank. So youre stuck with an AB. A ferox fleet could warp or out maneuver to get in range with little effort, unless youre constantly moving around (but then not really applying damage. It might be good at harassment though. Course at that point maybe nagas would be better?

Hmm or those. I was just playing with the simulator and with 3x scripted sensor boosters, you get 300km lock range and with one tracking enhancer and one t2 tracking computer you get 242/288km railgun range - ouch.

With heat on the tracking computer you get 247/295km range.

You can build one identical to a ferox. Using 425mm railguns and a sig amp, you get a lock range of 121km (which is within the optimal of iridium) which gives you 320dps. Speed is also 1300m/s+ so you could dictate range. Only problem is its a fairly weak tank (35-37k EHP).

You could probably put a sebo in place of a cap booster and replace sig amp with a cap power relay if you really wanted to maintain cap stability and gain more range.

x8 425mm railguns
1 t2 LSE
1 fs9 LSE
T2 invuln
T2 em field
Compact mwd
T2 sebo

T2 dcu
T2 magstab
Cap power relay

t2 thermal rig
T1 extender

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So you’d have 10km range on the Ferox that’s 3x your speed and twice your EHP… for 40M more per ship. If you can’t control the engagement range, you can’t really make use of those 10km.

Sniper Nagas would be the better choice, kitted out to 250+ km… but those are paper-thin and rely on not getting scanned.

As for the ‘Build it like a Ferox’ Naga… you need to have enough tank to actually put up a fight. The ABCs give up too much survivability to get their big guns.

Ferox would only do damage if they out target the naga. Only way to do that would be to add a SEBO, which reduces the ferox’s tank or lose a cap booster. True, you could scan down the nagas, but the same is true of ferox. Also, with my fit you have 150km lock range. A sig amp ferox is 120km. So you have 30km of wiggle room to evade and warp. The ferox damage is reduced after fitting nerfs and naga has better alpha.

With ABCs getting MJDs there are a few more options to reposition quicker than the ferox and stay out of range.

You guys are only comparing long range thou, if the harby had to fit pulse’s and use probes and warp on top of them, ferox wouldn’t do well, and you cant really use blasters for a fleet as they will have to move too much between targets where as lasers have enough range to do so.

So that’s why my thinking is that the ship is fine rather buff medium beam’s, don’t really see fleets use medium beam’s so not like buffing them would make another ship super op, only one that could would be the legion but its a t3c and those are always op.

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CCP nerfed that years ago.

I like the approach to make the Machariel more shield biased. The problem I see here is, while it has a lot of Powergrid, it lacks of CPU. For example it is not possible, even with a CPU Overclocking rig and the current slot layout, to make a classic active shield tank brawler without adding even more CPU enhancing modules. At the same time there’s a lot of Powergrid left, though this is required for artillery fits.
With more CPU (about 100 units I guess) it could be really great shield BS.

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Feasible is specifically what I asked.

So in other words, this is just a gank fit…

I know theres a few fits that could make it work that arent purely no tank/gank fits. Maybe not fleet fits, but solo fits. Youll still be taking a hit to tank/damage, which is typical, but at least you wont be held down by a single long point inty forever.

We’re thinking long range because yes, the Harbs could warp in on the Ferox, but the Feroxes are fast enough to just burn back out (if they don’t just warp off themselves).

@Stitch_Kaneland: As for the problem with the Nagas: you’re falling into exactly the trap @Makshima_Shogo there is raising. You need to have a decent tank because even if you can normally control engagement range, unless you’re bringing something on the order of Slippery Petes, the other guy will get you into range. You can’t really avoid it. Even our insane 3300m/s , 170km range cerbs have to deal with that issue - and your Nagas aren’t going nearly that speed.

So you need to have enough tank to survive the times when the FC says ‘load Antimatter’.