Dev blog: Black Desert Online makers Pearl Abyss to acquire CCP!

Omegas can do anything, alphas are limited

Yeah, I don’t think so.

And if the venture capital companies thought they could get more money out of CCP player base by doing that…why sell?

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That doesn’t help. Omega is subscription. People are saying subscription players don’t get the full Eve.

So are they just being doofuses and calling alpha “subscription” for no reason, since it’s actually F2P?

Have you looked at the decrease in warm bodies in New Eden and the increase in accounts offsetting this? Have you looked at the volumes of PLEX and the speed and periodicity of consumption cycles of PLEX?
Have you looked at the volumes of skins in market cycles?

I get what you are saying, but let’s be honest. The bulk of eve players today drinks the koolaid, without thinking twice. Boiling frogs works. The bulk of eve players today requires shortcuts, or wants them. Conditions now are as good as they will ever get for CCP, and PA.

Sure, people will leave. They will be replaced. And consider PA’s track records. It doesn’t matter if most people leave, as long as the whales provide more money. And if push comes to shove, CCP Games represents a lot of technical and other capital, which carries its own innate value, and studios are tradeable assets too.

Creative accounting. Like how CCP still counts accounts as humans during industry interviews.


I have watched it , it’s ok

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So you are as dumb as a frog? You are going to keep paying money to a company giving you a crappier and crappier product?


I’m not sure I’m the best sample base there. I don’t think I’ve ever paid for a single day of EVE, other than media account stuff and gtc’s back in the day, and spinning isk/plex these days, never real currency.

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I do not know how long you play this game when you do. But, I can tell you that at any time there are always new players that enter EVE. I can also tell you that making the game P2P will not fix this problem but hurt it. If you think about it, more new players play games that offer untimed F2P, compared to timed F2P. Why?

Timed F2P is a sign that the developers know that there is something wrong with the game or the game community, and they want you to pay at least something to them before you can find out. Untimed F2P means that the game was made by more confident developers.

In all honesty I actually think of Black Desert Online as RuneScape with large amounts of tweaks here and there and allover the place and the mechanics, and a lot better graphics, and a totally different unidentical map. Believe me, if you ask a single player on RuneScape what they think of BlackDesert Online… they will puke.

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RIP EvE Online
Welcome P2W EvE Online -.-

Im not happy for this News :disappointed_relieved:

Me too.

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Oh yes, definitely. Retention/acquisition will always be an ongoing challenge. But players can and are replaced, constantly. New players particularly since F2P are subtly and sometimes massively different player types than in the past.

CCP even had to change sanction policies on botting to accomodate that influx. Reducing those substantially. To deal with the learning curve of expectations of those new types, and because there was so much of them.

What I am saying is that yes, your observations are valid. But as long as CCP do their work, they do not stand in the way of changing the venture or the operational model of the product. In truth, that has already been changing, and the customerbase has been going through what is called normalisation processes for quite a while now.

CCP has know that EVE was a sinking ship for a while. Hilmar acknowledged it, stated it explicitly during Fanfest. A ship with a hole in the bottom, and his job being to fix it.

Well, he has chosen to not fix it, but to change the ship and the ocean it sails on.


You are paying with your time. Opportunity cost…

My point is that if Pearl Abyss does start doing some of the dumb things they’ve done in BDO I’ll stop playing. I’m sure I’m not alone.

Yeah, that is a personal choice, and everyone’s personal prerogative. Rightly so. And truth be told, I can understand that perfectly. I have my own lines, if those are crossed, it’s exit. If I can keep my kind of fun and challenge without those getting crossed and without having to resort to shortcuts to compensate for the kind of inflated grind as in BDO (particularly since the recent changes there, they have taken it lightyears beyond Pay-to-Accomodate Time/Resource, it’ll be fine for me.

The moment that changes, the Door closes. This is not a matter of items or mechanisms for me. It is a matter of trend and pattern. I’m not fond of being a frog in someone’s petri dish waiting to get boiled slowly. Fortunately, I have some insights and experience, so I can figure out what door is opened with which change.


q: ccp have u make the code only new for seal this game? :disappointed_relieved:

old code is in winter patch killed right?

So you are saying Pearl Abyss is better by not manning to the situation, and acknowledging to the fact that their reputation as friendly game developers are sinking with a MUCH bigger hole at the bottom.

On top of that, replacing players does not mean a growing player base. It means the player base will keep its size and not grow. Instead it will shrink as long time players will go away and there will not be many players to replace them. For your information, if Pearl Abyss keeps the same type of alpha we have right now, they will actually limit alphas to frigates.

Oh and the bots yah, P2P does not mean no bots, it means different types of bots, combat bots.

Lastly, the only thing you are doing is saying the first paragraph over and over again. Now do not say I am doing the same thing because I am not.

Zachri I am starting to think that you are a representative of Pearl Abyss who is trying to mind wash everyone here. If you are, then for your kind information, there is another big MMO space game kind of like EVE that is only 2 -4 years younger than EVE and has untimed F2P. So good luck with the business competition.

Part of that is - unironically - the ever growing distance between older accomplished players and new poors. Players often shake this off with a “I had to do it as well” and that’s understandable. But look at it from the other side: you enter a game and you already hear from all sides, that something is going on, the game might be not for long and so on. Are you willing to plan the long sub, pay 5 years in a row and wait for your slow progression to get you onto a level which unlocks all ships with proper skills after half a decade or are you trying to find a way to play the game now? I’m certain there are different answers to this, including that people might just decide to leave right away. Another answer could be: “but you can play it with 1M SP”. Yeah, sure. No. Also SP is only one part of that.

In the way EVE is made, this presented an unsolveable problem. There was no way to keep the game fluid enough, without pissing off the old playerbase. The rather rigid mechanics, lack of entropy and so on, led to the game being solved again and again, groups following incentives in an almost robotic way. The lack of chaos leads to the structural impossibility to find ways around that for new player groups. Around that not in the sense of a shortcut, but by using their brains in a chaotic environment. Now, we don’t have this and so the entire thing is pretty calculateable.

A reasonable new player will have to decide between: being a victim for a long time; immediately uninstalling again or find a shortcut. The first group of players are those that will suffer and whine a lot. The 2nd group you never hear about and the 3rd are the ones you are referring to. Let’s be honest: in the current state of things in EVE, they are not unreasonable.

But, amongst this 3rd category are mostly players who don’t want to shortcut with paying money. They’ll grind Events for SP accelerators and such stuff, but it’s not a ready-made P2W crowd. I’m sure we will see them leave as well if things go like BDO.

I’m pretty sure that EVE Online, as the game that is currently running, with its direct revenue streams PLEX and Subs, is below 50% of what they paid for.

Anyway, wait until PACCP announces RMT being legal, before leaving :wink:

Correct. And it’s worth pointing this out.

However, it’s also worth noting that those VC companies remained relatively “hands-off”
in that they’ve been content to retain ownership without exerting control/influence.
(Of course, it’s possible they’ve secretly been pulling the strings behind the scenes but without any supporting evidence that’s just a conspiracy theory)
This also meant that (thus far) CCP remained privately owned and hence only answerable to those private owners who are themselves privately owned!

The salient difference with this purchase is that BDO are a publicly owned MMORPG game developer, which means that while they may also choose to remain “hand-off” they’re better qualified (or at least consider themselves to be) to intervene in the running of CCP.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that they will only that they can.

Hilmar’s blog and meeting with the CSM was to reassure the player community that it will still be “business as usual” but only time will tell if this is indeed the case…


Never said by me. Also never said I was going to stop playing (yet).

I have a stockpile of plex. I’ll keep relevant accounts going with that over the next 3 months. When my plex runs out, if they’ve yet to assuage concerns, THEN I’ll be out out.

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