Dev blog: Black Desert Online makers Pearl Abyss to acquire CCP!

Sorry but they havn’t spent $425m for consultancy, they’ve spent it to turn it into $850m and more.


That’s why they won’t try to kill a chicken before it even lay an egg.


To expand EvE beyond a niche game would require diluting the ethos of EvE, which I’m hoping they won’t be stupid enough to do. Another option would be to use their experience to produce a tie in ground based MMO for PI interaction. This could work without messing with the core of the game.


At least now we can have a legit “Eve is dying” thread…


$425mill… (including bonuses for reaching revenue standards)

Incredibly, frankly insanely, high valuation.

Tbh CCP owners/investors are making off like bandits in this deal.

Especially since CCP sold off WoD IP, sold/stopped VR department and Newcastle, laid off 100 staff, failed Valkyrie/Dust, declining PCU etc, and only has 40mil liquidity.

I dunno if CCP owns or rents its real-estate for offices, but even that is paltry compared to this sales valuation.


I’m sorry, this is just too much for me. After seeing how Pearl Abyss make ‘games’, I have lost faith in this one. All of it.

Thank you, CCP, for six years of legitimately amazing experiences. The most amazing experiences I’ve ever had in gaming.

But I won’t be giving you my money anymore knowing where it’s going.

Remiel Pollard, signing off.


I just hope we dont have to farm awakened ships or awakened character trait

Yup, I just went through and canceled 18 accounts. Pretty much all of them are paid with ingame money but still had recurring subscriptions, but none any longer. The game I thought I’d play until I die…ugh. This is not a good day.


This has got to be a sick joke. I seen Pearl Abyss’s game and is pay to win hell. No other word for it and I also recall what happened to City of Heroes. I got a real bad feeling about this. A real bad one…


You mean you cancelled renewed sub?

Yes, that is prudent /advisable for everyone to do, till we see how this pans out for EVE.

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Welp, it was a good run. I mean, it’s not like we haven’t been edging steadily towards P2W with injectors, nuplex and all that nonsense for some time now, and BDO being the very bastion of P2W bullshite I wouldn’t be surprised to see that moving over here too. I would genuinely have seen EA buying it up as a vastly preferable option. Pearl Abyss may very well be the worst company that could possibly have taken over here.

HTFU was already dying. I suppose graduating to GTFO was inevitable.

Edit: I am sort of looking forwards to when Pear Abyss first encounters the enraged autistic reeeeees from the playerbase as they wreck what little worth the game has these days. I wonder how quickly they’ll realize their mistake and shutter the doors instead of throwing good money after bad.


I am afraid that Eve will become a grind fest game. Like Black Desert Online is…

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I afraid of it too, but if u think a little is Like that for industrialists an miners all the time

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If you pay 425 million bucks, you are at least expecting 1000 millions in reward


This news would have worried me, if Eve was in a better state and i didn’t already uninstall the game :yum:

Can only get better :yum:


I dont think eve can do that

May I come into acquisition of your assets please?

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the usual statements of courtesy before they begin to … :japanese_ogre:


Upon reading this news this morning, my heart sank a little bit. It seems strange to think that CCP will become owned by another games company, rather than being masters of their own destiny.

Eve has helped get me through some pretty rubbish times in my life and I’ve been playing for nearly ten years now. I hope it doesn’t become a haven for lockboxes and such things. I appreciate that a company needs to make money, but to think of Eve possibly going down the same sort of path as BDO makes me feel rather sad.

I hope that CCP are allowed to carry on as they are, but with more funds at their disposal, it could mean a greater game for all of us. I really pray that this is the reality that transpires.


is RMT allowed in BDO´?

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