Dev blog: Black Desert Online makers Pearl Abyss to acquire CCP!

The 425mill valuation is insanely high.

The only way Pearl Abyss will get that back is by making EVE “asian-market” compliant/lucrative, which has very different standards of tolerance than the West.

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It just occured to me that this confirms the rumors we’ve been hearing that certain short statured Devs have been quietly telling people to sell out and gtfo sooner rather than later. This because certain higher-ups in CCP has gone tired of Eve, CCP and so on and just wanted to grab a pay-day and fucker off. I didn’t want to believe it, but here we are.


And that is what happened with the whole mess of City o\f heroes and NCSOFT.



Bummer eh…

The only positive feeling I have from this news is the hope that Icelandic law will not allow CCP to be mishandled.

For you americans that have gone into a state of rage over this, don’t panic yet. Iceland is not the capitalist cesspool you have had the misfortune of being born into, they have pretty good laws over there. They were after all, one of the only countries to actually arrest and lock up the bankers for crimes relating to the economic meltdown in 2008.

If CCP have managed to get a solid contract out of this, I do hope they have, then oddly, I think I feel sorry for this korean group.


:rofl: The one thing you need to think about is why you’re still butthurt. EVE will still be around for a while, don’t you worry. Your butthurt, well, I guess it’ll stay, too. Funny how this works.

Nope, they will get new players, and get rid of old toxic Eve players

hey hey bye bye …


This 425 valuation is even more crazy considering how badly Serenity has failed in China, as the largest asian market.


new players from where
anyone who wants to play eve is already playing the only market they can appeal to now is the younger generation getting into more mature gaming
do you think that generation of gamers is going to want to play this archaic old python game with all its complications and effort


They MUST do that to move Eve to mainstream and earn money …

hey hey bye bye …

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A naked catear girl with huge erm… headlights.

I have no problem with this as long as CCP dont go pay to win. IF black desert online lot go pay to win with eve im out


hey hey bye bye …

Then it isn’t EVE anymore, it’s something else, and the real EVE is dead.

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You have to kill it to make it mainstream. Good luck with that.

Oh it will, sooner or later. Want fly Titan? Pay 1000 PLEX.

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Hope this wont become a P2W game!!!


yes but only for Pearl Abyss :rofl:

All Eve “black economy” will die …

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Well with the idea of using PLEX for gametime they cut themselve their Income 10 years ago. SInce then EvE is free to play soo… no wonder they run out of money finaly

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If they move EvE to mainstream by removing it’s unique attributes it becomes ‘just another game’. As such it may continue to make money, but it won’t be EvE anymore, just something that looks like it.

Also I believe other games popular in APAC region such as DOTA2 have extremely toxic player groups, so good luck getting rid of those.


Um, no, that’s not how PLEX works, because someone still has to buy it from CCP, so they’re still getting money for someone’s subscription.

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