Dev blog: Black Desert Online makers Pearl Abyss to acquire CCP!

Just face reality, PA is known for such things I posted. No amount of fanboyism or stubborness will change that. But of course, you can try.

I see you really want to do something about that.
All you can do is to go somewhere else if you dont like their choices for you. Sad, but its truth.


i face reality. reality is that money talks. when enough people make clear that they would put money into something, those who seek money will follow. you are not even aware of how you take different things and mangle them into one thought.

a company does not listen to players whining when they have already put money into development of features. these features will stay, because money has been invested into creating them. this is something completely different to showing them that there is significant interest in something that is not just a feature, and showing them that there are enough people willing to shell out money for it.

this has nothing to do with anyone “not listening”. money talks. that’s reality. face it.

Better reserve all that fervor and energy for future, when you will make posts directed to PA.

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So what about people who have money but dont enjoy P2W?

We have to wait till the next decent game is created, then listen to the “I told you do” normies when it gets bought out in turn?

Then another one is made?

Seems like an inefficent system.

Some people listen, some dont. If you experience something like PA, you know they dont care what people say. They make money not on those who say something louder, they make research and give people stuff that will be bought because they made demand for it, and people that actually like to see boob physics in action.

If you think I didnt want you to try, now, I just think it wil be even more futile than with CCP, its PA decision and it involves research. I am curious if they would implement their “anti botting tool” into lancher too.


You’re an idiot.

Im not quite sure I follow what youre saying.

But I dont see any reason to pay money for bewbs and a very limited set if play options that dont seem to get expanded no matter how much you spend (in BDO there appears to be humans, giants and elfs. All giants are male, all elfs are female. And thats all there is.)

If you want something, It depends if your demands meet criteria of the company like PA. In case of other companies, lets see, I know only of CIG that listens in this multiplayer games market. Not always, but they are known to make changes that people actually wanted. But maybe its because people pay for them and CIG is dependent so much on player feedback to finance the game further. Maybe they have this damocles sword more sharp dangling above their heads. PA makes huge amount of money just by doing what they want to playerbase.

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PA’s big thing is Cash Shop items.

SKINs isn’t exactly a good cash shop item…unless they get really fancy with it (ie animated).

And WiS wasn’t completely scrapped, they still have Dust 514 assets, Project Legion (supposedly Dust 514 for PC since I think Sony had joint rights to the Dust 514 from co-developing it; think Firefly & Serenity). So they could probably get it up off the ground rather quickly (year or less).

I think not having WiS is the single biggest reason EVE hasn’t grown much. We’re not ships. We can’t identify with our ‘character’, so most don’t become attached/interested. In short, EVE is a niche game, which would have worked fine had CCP not tried to expand into different Gaming Sectors coughVRcoughFPS*cough.

I also think the biggest reason WiS failed to launch was:

  1. The core game still had major issues that needed address; probably still does
  2. They never demoed anything cool…like “run 'n gun”-ing in a station after you tracked down that SOB that podded you 2 systems away. It was just…a room…with a mirror, a TV, a couch, and a Bed…oh, and your ship looming in the next “room”.

But, realistically, you will all bare witness to the death-throws of a game. PA will seek to maximize ROI, while minimizing expenses. - This will all be done from a ‘short-term’ mindset.


500$ for a at ship is too much, I expect to em around $35 a pop.

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Chloe? Is that you?

–Gadget asks the hard questions

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New mail in my box.

All I can do is LOL at this point.

Timing, CCP. Learn what it is and how to use it properly.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

for me:
Unsub , wait and see…
i’m more afraid from bots etc than the custom shop…
and every time i want a good laugh, i go to Star citizen 'ship shop
just hope i dont go in EVE’s shop one day for that

Pay to win, yes, love it, well not really but I guess it just doesn’t seem to matter to me, I see it this way, eve has had the best run of any game, but as with all things it must change.
This new company is looking at how dated eve is, fair enough, to reshape the landscape they will need funds, PTW is the obvious choice, the only ones who lose are those so entrenched in how they have been and all the time and efforts they see losing, but again if eve doesn’t evolve at some point it will be passed up, PTW is only a temporary bridge to what eve will become.

I would actually like to see that as long as it helps a bit, along with elimination of multiboxing, AFK-doing-anything, etc. etc.

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Too bad we can’t do a GoFundMe page and buy our game back from the P2W greedy PA money grubbing game killers……. JS…

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Can’t wait to play with bdo scrubs. Easy prey. I guess till they become the majority then our game is gone. Till then though…


Hey. Give PA a chance to kill the game their own way first please.


I think I should find some sort of PA forums or twitter or something and start giving them ideas for Eve.

BDO is nothing more than a grind fest with a horrible story… So it’s pretty much like Eve already anyway. :rofl:
They focus on huge battles but Pay to win is their thing… Which is also in Eve right now…

Honestly, I’m not sure this is a bad thing at all. It just depends on how far the pay to win aspects go once PA takes over… If you think Eve isn’t pay to win, look at PLEX… Look at the ability to buy characters and ISK from PLEX. Look at skill injectors… The game is totally pay to win but it has a steep learning curve to be good with anything you can buy…

So the only way Eve can fail is if they make some seriously dumbed down game mechanics that destroy the learning curve… That is and has always been the fun in eve… This is one of my alts… Been playing since 2008.

I really don’t see them dumbing down the game mechanics that much but who knows… Double the dps on ships with some ridiculous, temporary, pay to win mods that burn out after uses… Wala… Eve is dead…

PA makes huge Eve batles and systems run better… That’s a win…

Maybe we go one way, maybe we go the other, maybe we end up in the middle somewhere… I’m not unsubbing though.
I’ll ride this wave, been riding it since 2008 and no buy out is gonna stop me now cause I’m a mother f’n cowboy… Yeehaaww mother f’ers! :cowboy_hat_face:

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