Dev blog: Black Desert Online makers Pearl Abyss to acquire CCP!

Even if it is posted in multiple threads it is still not reasonable…

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This was spliced into this thread by moderation when they merged that thread into this one.

Its out of context here.
I didnt post it here.
Mods moved it here.

yes CCP, in my comment, I view CCP as EvE and vice-versa

Most people don’t understand or are not willing to admit that the sell will be seen a major cut in the game in the future…

The “We’ve done it for 15 years like this” time is over and we are going into the "make this game totally market compatible even if we loose 3/4 of our actual playerbase,because there will be others that will play it " era…

Some people don’t like and try to ignore what will come but it will be inevitable because CCP has no longer control of eve…

Bottom line…


As typical as it is, CCP is only playing with a whiffle ball while ignoring the hard ball Qs. Common sense dictates that nobody in their right mind would pay millions for something and not have any influence in it. How PA treated BDO is what we know. I remember Westwood Studios before and after the purchase by EA all too well. Command and Conquer as well as Earth and Beyond was ruined by EA. Personally, it’s been a fun ride the last 10 years here but we are all too naive to think nothing will change as noted by the DEVs responses in this thread.


That might have worked 10 years ago, today EVE is dated and has a terrible reputation. They’d be fools to give up the customers they have in this case.

They should take a history lesson from The Secret World. They dumped the MMO concept and turned an MMO into a action/shooter. They lost most of their customers and gained hardly any new ones.

You’re 5 years too late with that one, mate.

EVE’s days are numbered.
Look what kind of reputation has new owner:
Its all CCP’s fault, and their stupid team, who was unable to provide improvements, not listening to the community, implementing bad decisions that led to subs down, now they have no other option just to sell what is left of EVE…
All hope is lost, I will continue to check now and then just to watch how fast EVE will degrade into another p2w grind with lootboxes and bots, and this is inevitable.
No need to say I will never pay a cent .

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Oops misread

You mean bad decisions like hearing only to the PVP minority and playing the PVP only card way too long?
Yeah you’re totally right…

But this is not the fault of ccp only,said minority had played its part too via csm…
But what do you expect if csm only respresents itself(PVP)?

The big alliances voted themselves into csm and sold their needs as “community needs” and CCP failed for this…

So mostly those are to blame…


I disagree, i believe CCP is complicit in the CSM charade and will continue this charade until Pearl Abyss tells CCP we want 100,000 people online simultaneously within 2 years, then CCP will have to change a lot of things to make highsec game play more attractive to a broader audience, which means nerfing both nullsec’s stupidly imbalanced coddling by CCP and by nerfing highsec griefing in almost all forms.

In short, pvp players are going to have learn to start fighting each other and stop shooting fish in a barrel.

The other option i see for Pearl Abyss is let EVE die on the vine. In business you are either in it for a profit or you invest that money into something more profitable. So, the best outcome for EVE going forward is that Pearl Abyss actually tries to squeeze EVE for money or it will see serious neglect as Pearl Abyss concentrates its financial resources elsewhere.

Imperium, Legacy and the guys in the north and east of the cluster don´t life in Highsec. And thats the majority of the playerbase. So nothing wrong there.
The only ones who are the winging minority who whine about here are highsecdwellers, who cream themselves when they loose a cuple of pixels in 0.5 while they are mining.
Guess from where most of the ores and goods in the highsecmarkets are comming from. Its NOT highsec. Its nullsec and J-space. Try and cook drugs in highsec. Or to build T2 and T3 stuff.
Also. EVE ist still a PVP game. Ever was. And it will probably stay that way. Consider there are no real wars anymore. I don´t think anybody wants a highsecjokewar that involves somebody like GSF. First we would cut just the supply of any goods. Have fun with a T1-BS-hull for 500 Mio I suppose, that dies when it takes more than 5 jumps out of Jita.
You want to do real mining or PVE. Go to lowsec, nullsec or J-space. You wanna expirience real PVP. Go, figure yourself. Its just the way of things. Life with it, or go AFK-fishing or mining in BDO like a bot. But a bad troll who got banned again from german helpchat with yet another alt, whining about that EVE is unfair, is not funny, its just sad. EVE is hard. Deal with it.

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No that is minority which has been prioritized and protected by Seagull and ccp for last 5 years, but that is now over.
You gotta ask yourself a question do you feel desirable ?


I am a Goon. I don´t care.

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Could it-- could it-- could this mean walking in stations someday?


Waifu in stations.


That sounds like an opinion, do you have a source to back up that statement?

Yeah Hilmar cashing out all his shares for 30 plus mil after this was announced had nothing to do with it…JS :stuck_out_tongue:


Eve Had a good run


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