Let me say Thank you.
I have already messaged a bunch of my buddies and linked them the new skills, some will come back and try it.
Hopefully corps will want alphas now.
Well I’ve been training up my Alphas for PVP, while not going in a direct fight my Alphas will concentrate on ninja operations with PVP fights when being a ninja fails, having access to better stuff, should make fights better for the other guy.
Good news! Very inspiring change – 'cause old Alpha clone is able to kill only another Alpha clone.
But! Would you consider to allow for er… Beta clone the racial Frigate skill to lvl5? Otherwise we may receive ‘The World of Dramiel’ again. Knowledge of the frigate skill to 5 doesn’t allow to fly Tech II ships – because specializations are not allowed. And it adds a stimul to fly ships of one’s own race.
In the perfect world there will be the raical Frigate, Destroyer and Cruiser skills enabled. But I know that nothing is perfect
While Alpha characters get quite a boost as far as PVP goes, exploration gets ignored. While not entirely surprising, why no level up for the scanning/hacking skills…
You put Alpha’s in Astero and Stratios, give them the boost to find and run the sites they can in those.
No, you didn’t “pay” someone else to buy the PLEX, since you didn’t give them any real world money. To pay, is to give money in exchange for something. If grinding ISK (investing time in a game) is “paying” then you “pay” your boss when you work, facebook is a “paid” service (since you looking at ads actually pays for it), and CoC and other “games” are Pay2Play (because of ads or providing content for those who give the company cash. In other words if “pay” and “pay to play” have meaning other than “you give real world money to the company” then every player of every game (that ever has any financial transaction) or every user of every service is “paying”, and the terms have lost all meaning.
I know that PLEXed Omegas have some haughty since of entitlement over “f2p” Alphas, but CCP has three classes of customers: paying customers, those who are actively paying CCP real world money; previous customers, those who have paid real world money in the past, but are not currently; and potential customers, those who have never given CCP any real world money. The last two groups are both currently f2p, which include PLEXed Omegas.
Remember if you aren’t actually paying real world money for something, you aren’t the customer, you’re the product.
You’re transferring a currency that you had to earn in order to receive goods or a service from them, you “paid” them, being pedantic isn’t helping your case
CCP still got money for plexed omegas, and infact make more money from them than they do from a subbed player because 30 days of omega via plex costs more than 30 days of subscription, in both instances CCP is getting paid for that game time, regardless of if a plex or a credit card was used an omega is an omega and there are only 2 types of accounts presently, those who play on paid game time, omegas, and those who don’t, alphas
Even after these changes you’re still going to be either an alpha or omega but depending on if you have had omega/injectors you may have more SP than other alphas, the same applies to omegas though as not every omega has the same skills either due to training differences and time spent playing, the new alpha system just means that they don’t feel like they are losing anything if they lapse back in to an alpha state aslong as the skills they trained still fall under the alpha group which make it more likely that people will consider a month of training time here or there
Eve is like 10+ years old, and the gaming landscape is changing in a big way. Free to play games are all the rage now, and I think if CCP wants to rekindle those glory days (trust me, former Omega here that ran with a group of hellions in low-sec Black Rise, SCOPE WORKS SHOUT OUT, Y0), I think this is a good direction to take Eve. Eventually though, they would want to go the way most games are these days. Namely, you can access everything, but a free player would have a hard time getting those elite cruisers or whatever.
Was thinking the same, not sure if allowing “Mining Barges” would be that bad for having the ability to Ice and Ore mine. This will also probably open up the higher levels of the new “Resource Wars” sites to more players.
Also even access to Porpoise would not necessary harm mining significantly. Give more players the tools to do better mining earlier, might make industry a more interesting path for new players, at the moment you just get stuck in a Venture looking at Mining barges which can do so much more and you have to become a subscribed player to use it. Where if all you want to do is shoot stuff you can go much further and have much cooler ships, before playing.
Also opening up Planetary Interaction to Alpha players as a limited source of income would also go a long way to fund game play maybe even send many on the path to subscription.