Dev blog: Content Media Intro Introducing ERIC! Coming In The Next Release!

give me the cat ears you cowards

Nice April fools joke CCP hah!

I want these caldari “cat ears” implants too. CCP please deliver.

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It’s April 1st Don’t be a fool

is this some sort of April fools joke or something? im skeptical about it.

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Nothing stopping those from being the male version… :wink:



This would be epic. Who wouldn’t want a sidekick?

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From the first of April :grinning:

Reading this leaves me with a need I didn’t know I had, forget the headgear and Clippy imitations, I now really want to see at least one furry ship skin added to the game. It would probably make my GPU cry, but a ship flying around with the equivalent of an afro or beard worthy of a wizard seems really amusing.

ok, this was pretty good, but like many of the others here, I think at least some of these ideas should actually see use.

The cat ears? The Anubis set? Sure, why not? Implants that have a visible impact on your character and have a mechanical effect. I think those are great ideas, and shouldn’t necessarily be relegated to just ‘look like a furry’ gag ideas. Also…


It needs to happen and it needs to be cheap so we can buy a dozen of them and just give them to fleet members who won’t shut up and die quietly when they fail to align, jump through a red gate, or otherwise screw up and die because they’re dumb.



Mine will be called Beaver. I like the idea!

I suspect it’s just an art mockup, rather than actual assets :frowning:

There are 93 replies with an estimated read time of 4 minutes.

-says it all

That chocker will make CCP rich if they come out for real. Also focus on adding more apparel for females(sexy ones like eternity bundle). One last thing. Reintroduce Walking in Station, without bars or the rest you promised to develope. Wis is the only reason which made me buy something from new eden store. Maybe it was useless to some, but it was a nice reason to buy from Nes.


Nice one!

However, i feel like the automated disbalance would freshen up the market and meta. Something like: Caldari invented a new kind of Fusion, ergo +1% Capacitor. Next month Minmatar raw ArmorHP. Next Month -1%cost on all T2Battleships. Something like that. Maybe limited in Time (flavour of the month)

Happy Easter!!



The choker seems like the only actually reasonable thing (as a cosmetic) in this entire Dev blog.

I could see that, and things like it, being added to the store.

They’d sell a lot more that stuff too if they had SOME type of WiS in the game.

Even just places for multiple players to hang out. Unlike the lonely Captain Quarters.

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Just chiming in to say that minor AI scaling, a newbie-friendly pet, and those character cosmetics are all probably the best ideas you guys have come with in the past six months…

…and its only an April Fools joke.

CCPlz . . .

(At least give us those implants, shut up and take my money!)

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