Dev blog: New Chat Backend Coming With The March Release

Does this mean we will be able to connect to the eve chat server with an external xmpp client (like on our phones for example) and load eve channels there?

what to do during the test? 2018 06 03 17:00

As someone who does a lot of station trading I hope you can imagine how much this will help shave seconds off every click needed to get business done.

When I first started playing it was almost completely unplayable with the amount of spam trying enter a trade system even before getting into any kind of trading myself and it is a great annoyance to have to wait anywhere from a few seconds to up to 10 seconds for every commanded order to go through because their are dozens of spam messages loading in the chat literally every second.

I found only after blocking a few thousand players to the point where I can now manage to only require blocking a few dozen players on a daily basis after a few minutes of logging in to get things to optimal performance (or as best as it can be in systems occupied by hundreds or thousands of players) in trade systems.

Even if this system doesn’t completely disconnect the constant and excessive data flow of what is mostly spamming of all sorts found in these systems that is of little help and in many cases instinctively created to be harmful to you as a player who exposes themselves this will certainly make a great improvement.

Hopefully there will be an option to just completely shut off the text chat system entirely so we are not forced to arbitrarily block thousands of players over a period of months and years all over again or carrying our already updated blocked lists over to the new text chat system.

Thank you very much, really appreciate it CCP.

I can’t seem to find it specifically stated anywhere, but when is the “March” release? We are 10 days in and still don’t have a date listed…

Well they like to patch on a Tuesday and I believe they have said either the second or third one in the month. So either the 13th (HA after that mass test?) or the 20th.

So CCP can tailor advertisements for skins to suit your tastes.

That ideas been proposed for years along with being able to sort lists by standing so a red yellow or gray goes right to the top of the list.

Nothings ever come of it sadly.

You’re talking client rendering, but they only changing backend.

they will say. me do. that’s all … 13.03.2018


It will be unchanged.




We can see from all the stuff ups today this was such a brilliant idea and implemented really well. NOT. You people have no idea how this works and have completely stuffed up the chat system. At some point I hope you will understand how the cloud works and how it does not for real time information. A complete balls up but really what we have come to expect from CCP


I am curious as to why characters I have that are on the allowed list in a player channel are muted by default. This happens even after logging the character off and back in.

Chat box being buggy…

Hey look at that, you predicted the future.

Wel null life wil never work if you cant se a correct local… 10 ships in space and 4 players in local is dangerous.
I hope this gets fixt soon becose i wil not undock anything like this. You cant play with a super or carrier and spam D scan at the same time, so you are completely open to sneak atacks…


W-spacers cope with this every day?


my problem is that currently i see people on grid and in the overview but not all are appearing in the local channel. This is a security problem namely mine. This might explain the low numbers playing recently.

I can’t believe how bad this update was, Chat is working barely and not many people using it either…

What a cock up, if you did this at work you would be FIRED!