Local Chat Coders Required

Seriously CCP still can’t fix a simple chat server, Just some FYI when you’re looking for a new job don’t put down CCP as a reference lol

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Can’t say I’ve noticed local chat being broken.

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Gonna need evidence of that one chief.

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simple code required, current code to damn complex!

seriously though the reason they are having such huge difficulties is they change out devs on a constant basis, no one even learns to read the old code and every new generation of dev beings a different code to patch into eve. its like 5-6 codes minimum holding eve together and no one know what does what, what goes where, they cant read what has been coded because they havent kept a standard or bother to atleast have a older dev to atleast show someone around the old code before leaving.

Yeah no one should be allowed to quit!


I think the chat server’s outsourced now, which saved ccp lots of money. “Reconnecting to chat” is what saving money looks like. This forum is what saving money looks like.

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It was up and down like a Yoyo yesterday “Local chat disconnected”/“Local chat reconnected”.

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Yeah, and why dont we have faster than light travel yet? Just slap a warp drive onto a shuttle and away we go!

I guess to someone who doesnt understand anything about physics or engineering, faster than light travel seems as trivial as slapping a warp drive onto a shuttle.

Just like, to someone who doesnt understand coding, fiximg the local chat seems as trivial as hiring someone to spend 3 hours typing on the computer.

In reality, it’s more complex and more complicated than that.


I have noticed that some people are having individual problems with chat. It seems like it might be a client side issue rather than a server side issue. For instance, someone in alliance the other day had 4 clients active and on one of their clients they were constantly disconnecting/reconnecting from chat, while the other three were all completely stable chat-wise. Restarting that client solved the issue completely. I have noticed others making similar complaints of constant disconnects/reconnects and no one else has any issues and a client restart fixes it.

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It’s been seriously f’d up for months.

Same person seen in multiple systems simultaneously, people there but not seen, people say stuff that doesn’t show up, people not there but seen. It works sometimes and doesn’t other times completely random. Blackout was better because everyone was on same playing field. In this new meta you don’t see the other person but they can see you or the other way around!

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You calling us cheap?

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