Dev blog: Preparing For The Future – Retirement of EVE Voice

Ok, thanks for the answer.

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Thanks to developers. Good job. Keep it up


Are there any thoughts @ the “round table” yet of introducing an interactive area inside a structure that gives capsuleers the ability to gather and buy each other a beverage or buy a fellow pilot an exoctic lap dance after a GF or two? I think that is something that many could get into. As if going to the area pub or tap room to talk about the adventures of the day, root out SPAIS perhaps, or just give some of those a sense of meeting up face to face when distance and funds denies the ability for some to participate in an actual meet up.


Established groups tend to use external communication (Discord, Teamspeak, Mumble, etc). I saw the in-game voice chat as a feature geared towards new players, people who have not joined an established group yet. Client performance improvements are a win for everyone.


At present, EVE Voice is used by just 0.4% of our active pilots and it’s currently one of several more things holding us back from developing a 64-bit EVE client after the retirement of Captain’s Quarters last summer.

I love it.

Ideally in the future I’d love to see some form of ESI integration with Discord so that groups could simply use that to sort out their permissions on their voice servers. You could even utilize the in-game access list mechanism for such a setup, checking if the user is within a predefined access list and then give them a certain response (Yes/No).

Furthermore, it would be nice if that extended into the ability to integrate corporation/alliance channels into Discord. Militia channels should be exempted from this ability due to the nature of the channel. But the internal integration would truly be a boon to keeping people engaged in-game and out-of-game.


As a software engineer and Eve player I appreciate and support this decision.


Ditto. I have a very poor internet connection Teamspeak seems to have a constant stay-alive ping going on in the background which I notice in the Eve client as a slight regular pause. No this doesn’t happen with Mumble.

Eve voice was appreciated in my little corp / group of friends as it was something we could all use without the hassle of downloading / installing / registering 3rd party software.

Very sad to see it go. :cry:


Will the new chat system also count characters properly? For instance: Right now an MOTD can have 4110/4000 available characters, while only having 2980 actual characters and only 840 visible characters.

And will we need to have a third party software installed for the new chat system or will it work in-client?


No, just no. I don’t think CCP should endorse any VOIP solution over any others and integrating support for ANY 3rd party program would make updating Eve harder in future.


It will work in-client.


But here’s the kicker.

DISCORD isn’t just a VOIP solution. It’s a complete package of tools to communicate as gamers and it makes sense to try and integrate their platform into EVE, or else contact DISCORD to build a method that integrates EVE into DISCORD. For me, Discord is the perfect match with EVE as it enables groups without the IT budgets of the largest environments to build an useful environment with practically any tool you like.

But yes, perhaps the direct integration of EVE and DISCORD isn’t what is neccesary, though I personally would really like to see a connecting element via CCP that allows us to import a bot to our server without needing additional tools. For now, I’d settle with a good interface in ESI that enables me to use in-game access lists to determine if people have permissions to those roles. That way I can manage everything inside the game and limit roles based on their standing in the access lists.


I am pushing, in general, for a method to integrate these elements within the popular channels where neccesary. Discord is the better choice in that sense as it isn’t just a voice client. Teamspeak and Mumble to that extend do not support the same level of interactivity as Discord does. By enabling a link with discord and building a solid access point for groups using other tools, it will only help expand our capacity. That, and integrations based on solid groundwork will be easier to maintain.


While QoL fixes are going on can we have instant population of bookmarks? I missed two kills yesterday due to bookmarks not populating almost 5 minutes after it was created. Please and thanks.

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… get rid of the chat button option in local, There is no point to it, it only makes it harder to keep track of local and 9/10 rather than double clicking to show Intel on someone you start a dam conversation.

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That said, there are plenty of problems with the in-game voice which would be solved with an external application. I personally do not buy into the “hassle of downloading/installing/registering third-party software”. It took time to set up EVE-voice as well, with much less friendly controls and if you DC you lose all communication. So what other reasons do you truly have not to use third party tools in a game successful because of them?

Intelligence gathering really should be in a different tool or done in a different manner than through the text chat; text chat should be focused on being a communication tool. But the tech teams working on these changes (removing EVE Voice and moving text chat to a standard XMPP chat server) are not going to change in-game gameplay functionality. Rather these changes now keep the tech stack fresh and open up various possibilities for the future.

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I had Eve voice turned on but never thought it worked. So its loss is not a big deal to me.

The biggest thing I look at is if they can upgrade Eve to run as a 64bit client, does this mean the addition of many new ships as the system can handle the increased load?

I too am sad about this. I wonder if this will hurt future CCDs (CAS Combat Days). For those that don’t know, several CAS pilots (myself included) live and play in Syndicate space and once every 2-3 months volunteer members of our fleet set up a CCD where we invite people from the CAS starter corp to join us for a day of explosions. This often introduces many new players to EVE pvp for the first time, and gives other CAS corp pilots a chance to indulge when they might not otherwise be inclined to pvp. We use EVE voice in our day-to-day null sec fleet, and have used it for CCDs so that pilots not inclined to leave the starter corp don’t have to download a 3rd party software to hear our FC’s instructions.

We’ve had upwards of 100 people in our CCD fleets in the recent past, and I’m worried that a requirement to download TS/Discord/Mumble might hurt our particpation numbers moving forward… I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

RIP EVE voice…


None, but when your internet is 0.75GB downloading TS is 25 - 30 mins … that can hurt your ability to join up with things on the fly.

As noted by the CAS guy above, Eve Voice was there, it was just a matter of turning it on.


People have their reasons for not wanting to use third party software, and it’s really not my place to ask why. I know that people in my null sec fleet have had problems in the past when trying to get the overlay (myself included) to work on some of these third party voice programs. For the most part it hasn’t been a big deal, as long time fleet members will know who’s speaking anyways, but the “move last speaker to top” feature of EVE voice has been helpful for our newer, or irregular (CAS Combat Day) pilots.

I don’t know if there’s a correlation between pilots that don’t leave CAS for whatever reason and a distrust of third party software, but there are a lot of casual pilots in CAS that don’t. Like I said in a previous post, I hope this doesn’t hurt our CCD participation numbers in the future.


People have built systems that integrate Eve and Discord deeply. They both have APIs go at them and do them yourself. Neither CCP nor Discord should waste their time on this from either end as they are building a game and a communications platform respectively, completely unrelated to each other. Asking either to do that is asking them to go outside their mandate and only serves to hinder the development of either. This is EXACTLY what APIs are built for.