Devblog: EVE 64-bit & DirectX 12

64 but :slight_smile:
ray tracing, I don’t think this teck is redy for the big time
DLSS, no thank you

Онлайн в игре упал на половину и еще больше упадет с 64-bit. Красиво будет конечно, но от 32-bit нельзя отказываться ведь не увсех людей мощьные компьютера и многие играют в несколько окон. Я к примеру тоже играю в несколько окон счас 6 могу держать на ноутбуке, а на станционаре 5. Теперь в половину придется урезать если не больше, а игра в одно окно уже теряет интерес.

EVE is the main game i play, so a GPU per monitor works well for me :slight_smile:

This is indeed a great day and i am very happy about this update.
I do have a couple of questions however, will this also mean 64-bit Server?
Are there any relevant timescales/plans for 64-bit server updates to increase note/db capacities and capabilities.
Many Thanks.

The server and db have been 64bit for years


I don’t see why you would go with DX12 other than it kind of a direct upgrade.

What you should be looking in to is the Vulkan Graphics API.

Not only is it multi platform, but it has true multiple GPU support. This would make Mac, and any flavor of Linux and any version of Windows that can support it a very usable platform.


Because the MONEY being spent on the art team should instead be spent on other game aspects.

I Love the image. Can we finally have an official screen saver?
I would like to provide my collection of every region.
Please move to the appropriate location if it exists.

I dont know anything about the IT side of things, but I’ve seen it said numerous times that the biggest performance problem with EVE is that it is coded with Stackless Python, whatever that means.

As said above, server has been 64 bit over half of EVE’s lifetime.

iirc the renderer, physics simulation, and audio are done in c++ not python though

I’m sure someone from ccp could tell me how wrong I am though

I’ve always been this way, I’ve just managed to be more active recently, and intent to continue to be more active :slight_smile:


But you were always unfailingly polite and respectful to Gevlon!



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It’s because the operations requested by a 32b program can only be specified a 32b address/operands.
Plus optimization can make the 32b program only work with 32b operations, eg max value of integers are not the same, checking for overflow before a possible addition must be reevaluated, etc.

So a 64b architecture runs a 32b architecture by using its dedicated 32b operators, effectively running at downgraded performance (worse than 32 on 32 and worse than 64 on 64).

Being linux user I would appreciate that too.


Please give us a ‘turn of clouds’ graphics option before you do this.

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NOT dx12

BTW something strange, I needed to install vulkan 32b on my ubuntu to have it work with wine . Does it mean I will have issues to run on 64b ?
(On the other hand, maybe I made a mistake and forced to use 32b somewhere I should not have had)

It’s appreciated. I seriously cannot overstate the value of yours and other official correspondence on these forums. While we all knew the dev team probably lurked the forums from time to time (likely taking frequent breaks to avoid Hypernatremia), it feels so much more engaging to see the CCP folks here regularly.

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I think a CCP dev said somewhere above that they had considered Vulkan but decided against going with it (for some reason…)

EVE don’t drop dx 11 support so it will work on linux.

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