Devblog: EVE Is Sixteen!

Almost legal… #evedoesporn #soontm

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Happy sweet 16!!

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Best game ever!

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Happy sweet sixteenth, EVE Online. Been playing for 6 years now, 10 more till my first toon turns 16 herself. :wink:

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Congratulations everyone and a big thank you to CCP for all the hard work and the presents :slight_smile:


the 16th will go down in infamy in my book. the launcher hasn’t worked since this gig started

Happy Birthday. Here is to many Many more!!

It wouldonly be better if you honored the 1000’s of people who bought the 10th anniversay edition to support the game by fulfilling your promise to support the Mystery Codes.


Happy Birthday. Been here 12 years, hope to be here 12 more.


They did do something with the mystery codes a year or two ago (including swat skins for all the CONCORD ships, IIRC)… but yes, more is always better! :slight_smile:

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Happy Birthday Eve Online

Really great game you have.

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Really? I wasn’t playing at the time, but when I came back I didn’t have anything from the Mystery Code. Is there a way to reclaim it? or had to have code and be active sub at the time?

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It was last year, June… and it says they were in redeem queues for 90 days. Looks like they could last be claimed by September/October 2018.


Happy Birthday EVE :slight_smile:

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This is an interesting giveaway system . . . thousands of people will log in too late, only to discover that the grand prize will be forever out of their reach.


There was Two or three days extra built in there so you don’t have to be perfect all sixteen days.
If you did not log in for a few days at the start, you’ll miss the big one but the entire point of dailies is to reward people that log in well… daily.

Happy birthday Eve. I may burn out and need a break every year or so, but no other MMO has ever captured my imagination like Eve


Do you do all the heavy lifting at CCP with that crane growing out your head? That’s thing’s gotta hurt! :heart:



EVE’s anniversary and a bright new insane scheme I cooked up has provided renewed my vigour to engage with the fantastic universe of New Eden.

I have been thinking of ways to make EVE even more meaningful and engaging and, woe be unto me, I have opinions on that. I will keep them to myself for I am burdened by the lack of skills and talent that would allow me to give better expression to them.

However, that should not keep you from making something wonderful of this amazing universe.

Fly… however you want to!


Happy birthday Eve Online o7

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Everyone loves Eve, 450,000 players and every 4 hours someone is congratulating their 16th birthday :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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