Devblog: EVE Is Sixteen!

Eve is sixstien, and that is used as mayor argument in many discusion as EVEs super-power.
But take a better look: Eve is 16, 15 of which CCP has been under the protection of a benevolent VC!!! ( I think this is a world record for how long a company was start-up :laughing: )
It is sold, and now is the real company at the global market, self-responsible for its survival, and now we will see how it will make without financial angels in background. :wink:

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Why give caps for girls? If you wear them, your hair will disappear, all the characters will become bald :frowning: Why? I don’t want to be bald :frowning:



Grats guys, game is always improving. Star Citizen eat your heart out…


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14 years and 3 months playing and still loving EvE - Happy Birthday

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Happy Birthday Eve !

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