Devblog: Interim Statement on Brisc Rubal Follow-up Investigation

It is… but only in parts that are not contradicting the law.

EULA is not a binding contract.

I really don’t know what to post in this thread. :frowning:


And do not, this theme is too complicated for you :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You remind me a lot of Dom.

Dude Brisc Rubal is not a person he is a anonimous avatar in a space pixel game. The fact that he decided to link RL to this game was his doing not CCP. there is no difamation what so ever… Good luck selling this to a Juge… that would cause a precedent and then anybody who ever revel there RL id in any online forum would them be completely protected from any diffamation for ever. That would mean the end of this comunity and the beggining of a long list of action being lauch from all side to anybody that played this game and many other… I think this was just blowned out of proportion.
I wish nothing bad to all party no mather the reason loosing all your asset and being ban from something you put so much time into suck big time! Its the Nature of eve to abuse the mecanic what ever they are… Suck that the penalty is so tuff for this But at one point you got to own up to what you did…and accept life!


IRL things not going like that, CCP screw it big time and now have to pay :joy:

Too retarded to believe?

Umm, this is CCP we’re talking about, and from this ‘Interim Statement’ they posted, it seems they may have actually acted prematurely without first validating evidence.

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Not at all.

It means people are presumptuous.

There were at least two others that were banned also.

But thats exactly whats so frustrating about many of the comments here, certainly about him being guilty or not guilty and involving lawyers?? really?? wtf like there are huge leaps and bounds from conjecture into blind faith and then utter fantasy.

Just write ‘‘ha get rekt scrub’’
and move on :stuck_out_tongue:

Like that bono one guy… where did he come from O_o

Not true. Brisc’s RL face and identity were linked to his account before the CSM election. Doesn’t matter who originally put that linkage in the public sphere, what matters is that it existed prior to CCP making a statement they were under no obligation to make.

We have also been conducting an internal review to substantiate the evidence available to us and evaluate our handling of the situation. We intend to share a full follow-up statement next week.

That right there is the controversy, that those steps should have been done first before actually releasing that first Dev Blog.

What is really disconcerting about this whole situation is that the very first Dev Blog basically implied their actions were warranted due to undeniable evidence.


Exactly where my minds conundrum is stuck.


Real world politicians should not be part of any gaming CSM team.

I fail to see why not tbh

Why would a failed real world politician need to find his place in the political world within the construct of a sci-fi game?

He isnt a failed real world politician, thats actually his job in the real world; i think he handles litigation stuff but i really dont recall.
Something to do with maritime laws.

And boats are really just spaceships on water… waterships, if you will, so it all kinda makes perfect sense!


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Ya im calling judge judy, see if she can come sort all this out!

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He is a lawyer and lobbyist from what I read. Lobbyists in the US are people paid to influence politicians on behalf of the company or group they represent. He has also run for office unsuccessfully, I believe.

Googled lobbyist.

Now he just sounds worse than before tbvh.

" Lobbying , persuasion, or interest representation is the act of attempting to influence the actions, policies, or decisions of officials in their daily life"

“A lobbyist is an activist who seeks to persuade members of the government to enact legislation that would benefit their group.”