Well. I guess this is my first comment on the official forums. If I made any back in my subscriber days, I can’t recall doing so. Sadly, it’ll probably also be my last comment on the official forums.
I subbed for a few years, waaaaaay back in the old days (not at launch, but starting maybe a year or two later). I eventually “won” EVE because of time commitments, particularly long hours at work, that failed to justify the monthly fee (same reason I gave up on WoW and UO). I followed EVE casually in the news, but I never played again–until alphas came along.
I’m probably in a niche of a niche, but I enjoy the sort-of blue-collar feel of moderate progression, improving over time, figuring out how to accomplish modest goals within the spirit of the rules. Yes, I’m de facto handicapping myself, and I’m o.k. with that. I’m also an economics and history buff, and EVE has the best sandbox on the planet for that sort of thing. In short, I never accomplished anything that any player would consider newsworthy, but I had fun.
My whole long-term plan was built around playing intermittently, when I had the time and energy. It was built around highsec PvE, and it was built around alpha progression leading up to “earning” Omega. I figured that playing long hours so that I could “pay” another player to pay CCP for me would still make me a “productive citizen” within the EVE economy. And most importantly, it was built around missions (mostly SOE, because I didn’t want to mess around with empire reputations or the slightly sketchy methods of restoring them).
I was this close to reaching my first endgame goals. In about a week, I’ll have the skills to fit a halfway-decent low-bling Rattlesnake, and I already have the money saved up for one with a fair bit to spare. That all came from running SOE L4s solo, BTW. My next objective was going to be the long grind for Omega, for the sentries, MJD, and uncapped skills. I figured that getting and maintaining Omega statys would keep me busy for the rest of the year, while I tried to decide whether to train for caps and assume the lowsec risk that comes with them, or just bling out the Rattler.
And then today, I just happened to notice this headline on the launcher, and decided to check it out. And it’s gone. All gone. Everything that I had hoped to accomplish in this game, gone in a single, sweeping decision.
I don’t have a backup plan. I don’t have the time commitment for alliance wars, or the interest in gank fleets. If CCP goes through with this, I can only see one real option–to, once again, “win” at EVE.
Like I said at the beginning, I’m not representative (AFAIK) of a huge number of alphas who consider it “fun” to earn their way to Omega in-game. But, there are some of us out there, and this change will probably be the end of us. I guess I could go back to working on my Steam/GoG backlog. Maybe do a few runs to Hutton Orbital for mugs and grins. It does feel a bit like a waste, though, to put all the time that I have into EVE, only to be told at almost the last second that because the devs can’t figure out how to catch cheaters, I will no longer be allowed to have my particular kind of fun.
Welp. I guess that’s just the way it goes, sometimes.