Devblog: September Release - Wormholes And Stars Get An Update!

:100: points! :heart_eyes:


Yes, yes, I know. It’s the usual refrain. It’s also about management priorities and budget. Where to stick the resources at the moment. I’ve worked in dev forever and it’s always up to management where they want to prioritize the next build/initiative. Yes, let the art people do art. But also please let the mgmt people prioritize actual dev.

And P.S.: UI is actually a place where visual design is helpful - gasp.


Then, as someone who has worked in dev, you know that it takes time to do these things. They have developers who are working on it. These things take time, and you can bet CCP isn’t paying those devs to sit on their thumbs while the art folks do their thing.

Since when? The textures are certainly a part of it, but the UI is like 99% programming logic. Your complaints about the UI are not resolved by the art team.


“working on it” - Naturally they’ll get around to it. My comment was specifically requesting that they hurry the F up. And that has to do with management priorities and budget. I have no qualms with art people who do art.

Remember the Agency? Design! Yes, most of it is programming but any element that has to look nice should never be left up to devs, no matter how minor.

“Hurry up”… yea… I’m sure they’ll ensure that quality suggestion gets a quality place in file 13. You can say “they should spend more on developers”, but as they say, opinions are like assholes. At the end of the day, if it’s really game-breaking, play a different game. I’m sure CCP will miss your subscription.

The layout isn’t done by programmers. Speaking as one, I can say that while I can design very efficient UIs, they’re also ugly as ■■■■ because they’re spartan and utilitarian. Then again, they have folks who do the UI stuff. Maybe you don’t like their design, that’s fair, but it’s not the actual software developers doing the layout.


How are you being this dense? Layout is done by designers, as I said. I specifically said that developers should never be tasked with making anything look good. Just here to troll? I will never understand people who prowl around on message boards just looking to be contrary and ■■■■ on other people’s opinions. peace

Better new wormhole effects than more Skins. The Art Team is finally doing again what it is supposed to do. Make EVE look better. As opposed to make Hilmar’s wallet look better.


CCP please stop. My laptop is overheating already.
Could you rather introduce option that will have no effects whatsoever.



Implying the agency, which is and always has been a ■■■■ layout, was done by devs not the UI team.

Shitting on the release because it’s not what you wanted to see come out first, even though they’re entirely separate teams who work in tandem. What you want is all dev work, nothing else. Which makes the entirety of your complaining moot.

You can say that you just mean “they should spend more on devs and less on everything else”, but honestly, I’d trust CCP to manage that a lot more than some random who has a vested interest in seeing their own specific interests advanced at the cost of everything else.

I only troll people who are acting stupid.


Do you really think I meant all dev work should replace all visual work? That’s not at all what I said. I was expressing my opinion that substantive dev work needed to get higher priority. Why would anyone want all work on visuals halted? Just further proof that you’re just being a d*ck. Done feeding trolls.

Great work boys thx for the love
Wormholer btw


Nobody would say that’s what you said, because you didn’t say it. My point is that your opinion is one of many. My opinion is that if they were to re-allocate funds, they’d be best served by re-hiring an economist. There was a huge value to the health of the game provided by that role, that was straight up axed.

Crying about bugs not being fixed in a purely graphical release is pointless. They’re already working on it. If they wanted to work on it faster, they could, but they have many facets of the game to manage, not just bug fixes. Their funding is a limited resource, as you clearly have said, and they need to divvy it up in whichever manner feels best for the game’s overall health. Which is clearly what they’re already doing.


if we are talking about crucial UI updates… adding outline or shadows for white font letters would have made a huge change in text readability in some cases, especially in caldari space or other bright environments (PI, events, etc.).

Looks good, like the 1:1 jump ratio for activations.


CCPlease get your art team working on SOV fixes and super balance. This is a higher priority and art people shouldn’t waste their time doing art.



Underwhelmed … why even bother making a dev blog about this?

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Maybe you keep your own garbage for yourself, the graphics beauty is one of the main reasons I am here.

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What a wonderful graphic feature I will not be able to see because I haven’t undocked for more than a month due to bloody blackout, and you can’t see wormholes when peeking outside from a fortizar.

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Haha, seems CCP has introduced whiteout to counter blackout.


So these new-age wormholes look, like, really cool amazingness, especially on low-shader potato mode (We can see destinations!) But there is a concern I have with one animation: In the shown “4 to 24 hour life” wormhole state, the wormhole is visibly wobbling and pulsing around, especially on low-shaders. This concerns me because in this new state it’s wobbling around as much as a present-day EOL hole, and that kind of differs from the expectation of “This hole will be around for quite a while still”.

Like, on high shaders, the wobbling looks great, but on low shaders the wormhole looks like it’s trying to collapse in on itself already, and it’s not so easy to distinguish between 4-24 and “actually EOL”

So in the department of ‘feedback’, could we please maybe tone back a little on the wobblyness for the low-shader 4-24 hour state?