Devblog: September Release - Wormholes And Stars Get An Update!

Wonderful new visuals, love it, some narrow minded dudes speaking about player retention, I am here definitely because of all the graphic awesomeness. Please continue making at least the maximum hardware specs higher and higher :heart::fire::flying_saucer:

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As an owner of early 2013 Macbook Pro I’d like to thank CCP for that change.

I’d like to suggest a change to the colours / order to follow the standard order you see for loot in most games:

Almost everyone who plays MMOs is going to be familiar with it. It’s just another small thing which doesn’t have to be different in Eve.

I think it should be:

  • Golden field lines: allows all ships except titans and supercarriers to pass through.
  • Blue field lines: allows only battleships and smaller to pass through.
  • Teal / green field lines: allows only battlecruisers and smaller to pass through.
  • Grey field lines: allows destroyers and smaller to pass through.

This means gold would correspond to “the best” with grey being “more limited”, like the loot tables we all know.


God forbid the art department work on … art …


You know you can undock during the blackout right


Let’s see… Massive visual changes to an aspect of the game that a fair few people play… Check.

Plus the art people are ■■■■■■■ talented people and these changes are sweet as hell.


May the Amarr gods save us if the art department work on programming.


Any update on tiericide? I had hoped it would be included in this patch


ccp quality updates yet again

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Hmmmm, Yes.

We’ve seen in the past that visual effects, while pretty and appreciated by some contribute to lag which if CCP ever decide to work on any of the real issues (instead of Fluff) and give large groups a reason to fight, will only add to tidi.

How many players want to look at pretty stars while stuck in tidi so bad their guns don’t cycle - So much of the “fluff” doesn’t turn off when you go potato mode.

Art team “could” work on that instead of adding more fluff that only a small % of players will ever appreciate and waste time staring at - I don’t know too many WHr’s that spend their time looking at moons or stars or whatever they choose to call them - See them once, you’ve seen them, from then on they are just lag inducing annoyances.,.

It seems the art team is just filling time, not adding anything of real value to the game - Oh shite, they are doing exactly the same as everyone else at CCP.
Why make a stagnant game that is losing players faster than the second hand on a clock “look pretty”

Give us “OFF” switches for your fluff - And you might be on a winner - Art team can add what they like for the minority then while not annoying others with it.

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Hey this is great, though i would like to suggest maybe one of the next things to get changed is the nebula back ground effects in some places, theres some of them that are just so bright that i cant see anything going on on the screen. in some places i have to make my windows solid so i can read the overview and dscan and rely on that. or have some way of dimming them?

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Some of us don’t have ■■■■ computers. And some of us don’t participate in large battles - they do small gang stuff where TiDi isn’t even a consideration. If you’re lagging, you already can turn down your graphics. Graphics do not affect latency, which is where disconnects come from.

I run full graphics when we go into major fights (such as UALX, M-O, 9-4, etc) and I don’t disconnect any more often than anyone else. Gives me something to look at while I’m waiting 20 minutes for RLMLs to reload, or flying my fighters 3000km toward the targets, and sperg on comms is keeping me from enjoying netflix.

The entire job of the art team is the fluff that you don’t care about. But, guess how much that matters? It starts with a zero, especially since you already have your off switch(es). The functional improvements you want come from different people, who do specifically that work.


As long as they fix the current Intel bug in the logs around that so bots can’t scrape while afk.

Visual effects do not add to tidi in any appreciable way.
Tidi is a server side matter, visual effects are a client side thing.

Now they do add to memory use a lot which is where large fight crashes could happen under the 32 bit client. And a slow video card may struggle also client side. But that is quite different.

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i have an FX-8350, can run 19 clients just fine.

I have to give thumbs up for visuals team! :+1:
Rest of you can click your heels together 3 times and keep eating pizza.

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What settings?

Great looking w-hole and star visuals, those are definitely impressive. Keep up the good work.

Updating the environment graphics is what makes this game great.

I love the look of these Wormholes!!

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Hmmm, I haven’t actually had a disconnect for many years and have been in many tidi fights for even more hours

I’m usually in these fights with 4 or 5 or more ships, at once, where even in potato mode you jump through from one system to another used to take a while - Now you can actually freeze during the jump and all I see is the same lame graphic each and every time.

The entire job of the art team is to improve the game for everyone, not a select few who like to stare at pretty colours - For years they have added “fluff” with no or very little substance and this is the next.

They did this on the basis that a new graphics engine said they could - Without considering what affect those effects would have on the average player - Typical CCP employees (and their loyal fan boy it seems) don’t look at what improves the game for everyone, cater to the minority.,.

Oh and it would seem that if you are getting disconnects in a caracal waiting for your rlml to reload - You might want to look at getting a new computer.,.

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