Nerfing Rorqs does nothing for CCPs stated goals. As someone else put it nerfing the Rorq in this fashion will result in more Rorq deaths with a lowering of a players ability to recover from the Rorq death. This will ultimately lead to players either quiting or having to buy PLEX to get back into a Rorq.
Read Olmeca’s post on Reddit. They stated how many Rorqs die a month currently in game. 200 or 300 Rorqs? Do you really think that this change is not going to directly relate to a large number of Rorq deaths a month. Most of that is going to be in smaller corps/alliances. Which is where you’re going to see a drop in their mineral output/super output/MER numbers and a pretty stable output from the larger Alliances as their Rorqs are going to continue to be safe.
Below is an example of what a Rorq pilot will have to weigh going forward:
Rorqs are stuck on field for 5 minutes. By reducing their ability to self rep you lower their ability to survive the remaining time on their siege cycle. By reducing their PANIC button duration you increase the chances of firing it too early allowing for a window where a fleet can kill the Rorq. If a Rorq does not have a Umbrella that is on the ball they can easily die as it is, now with these changes, it makes the Rorq a bigger target as you have 2 Excavators for sure in the Rorq.
As far as reducing Mineral input in the game, yes it will reduce it, mainly in the smaller groups. However as the current inventory of minerals in the large blocs, according the MER report, vs what is being produced the reduction in mining capability won’t actually have an effect for months.
As far as Super proliferation, since Supers won’t be ratting as often you’re going to see a drop in the death of Supers(ones that are tackled while ratting) as they’ll be docked or tethered.
Since Supers also have a rather large nerf on their tracking it’ll make them that much less effective if a Rorq does get dropped. Same thing for Titans as well.
Basically all of this leads to a point of view that CCP would rather people play in Sub-Caps, mine in subcaps, rat in subcaps, pvp in subcaps.
It also means that the large scale battles and the large subcap fleets become harder and harder for a Alliance to bounce back from as they don’t have the same number of industrial players out on the fields making the ships/modules they need. So they will be a lot more hesitant to undock and fight.
After so long of playing in the same ships and having little incentive to advance past subcap most players will get bored and move away from Eve and head into other MMOs that offer new content or End Game content.
Alot of players use the Capitals as a long term goal to play for.
If the stated goal was truly to lower the number of Capitals/Super Capitals in game and as well as evening out the MER there are a number of ways of doing that without targeting 1 group of players(but unintentionally targeting the smaller groups).
Here are some ideas, literally just spit balling:
Introduce capital only Anomalies with higher DPS/more intelligent AI that will produce enough isk to make it worth wild while also increasing the chance a Capital will die.
Lower the bounties on Subcap anomalies for Supers/Capitals.
Increase taxes for Super/Cap bounty payouts.
Introduce new Ore/Mineral components for Capital/Super Capital building that requires a subcap to fly(Mercoxit type ores).
Increase the spawn rates of Blood Titans/Dreads in anoms.
Create agreements with major power blocks that allow a diverse nullsec population to take hold increasing the amount of nullsec corps that can grow. Use incentives for Nullsec alliances to create NIPs with the new coalitions for a set period of time to allow them to get established.
Create a Capital/Super capital power fuel requirement to run all mods/systems that is mined in different areas, like fuel blocks or Ice so it has to be imported moving money around to different groups.
I mean there are a ton of different ways you could have attained a better result for what was stated as your end goal.
I LOVE that you are boosting Sub caps. I love in May you are coming out with a new ship and new modules. Hell making small changes here and there is fine.
As I said in another post if you had just nerfed the Excavators mining yield, yeah no big deal, it would suck, some people would still complain but they would still be out there mining without an issue. But adding that change plus the size of Excavators being increased plus the tank nerf is where the issue comes into play.
Coming in with a large meat cleaver and just going to town multiple aspects of what make Capital/Super Capitals fun/useful isn’t the right approach. It won’t have the outcome you want. It will alienate a portion of your player base and cause player churn unnecessarily.
Again if you say “BOTS” I’m going to point out you can’t punish your rule abiding players for the actions of a small botting community when you have other tools in your tool shed to dead with that. Stop using Bots as an excuse.