Devblog: Updates to Sales Taxes & Brokers Fees

And you are the height of personally offensive. I like most people am trying to have a constructive conversation without getting personal. Just because you arent open to my personal point of view on how i value my money doesnt give you the right to launch personal attacks.

Go think about how entitled you are thinking you can talk to others like that. Disgusting lack of basic decency.

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You can go pound sand


I’m sorry that what you actually receive in exchange for that money does not match what you imagine you’re entitled to receive.

It does not, and never has, come with a guarantee of some particular in-game currency value. If you don’t like that, and can’t live with someone telling you that basic fact, just read your character name back to yourself.


You’re my favorite poster :heart::heart::heart:

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But she’s not wrong. Ultimately, the value of PLEX is expressed in 3 ways:
1: RL cash. This value is fixed.
2: Game Time. This value is fixed.
3: ISK. This value is variable.

To claim that there can be a discussion of in-game economy changes but that having ISK be of variable value cannot be discussed is, quite honestly, delusional. The most absolute value for PLEX is fixed. You run out of ISK, you can get more ISK. You run out of cash, you can theoretically get more cash. You run out of time… you’re dead, you’re not gonna be doing anything to try to get more time.

So CCP is taking your money, and giving you something they primarily value as time.

Time is something that each player already spends on the game by playing it. The value they get for their time is variable, as not everyone is doing the same thing, and not everyone who does the same thing does them with the same efficiency, for a large number of reasons. Those reasons include, but aren’t limited to, everything from player error to pure RNG.

So right there, the in-game value you’re getting for your RL cash is variable. The only step this removes is the time, and effort.


Seems like this will hurt those that dont invest time in training market skills the most. The market will balance to these changes, but those with little to no training will be paying much more.

Probably effect alphas the most. If you choose to cap SP to combat skills get ready to pay for any trading you do. Not a bad idea really, it’s clear CCP was making free accounts to easy to take advantage of. The change to VNI bots and now market. Keep going CCP.

one word to you to show isk loss is real and insurance recover is not SOTIYO
Look it up and you will see no amount of insurance recovered these loss

if this one loss alone is not enough then perhaps these will help

thank you for speaking your mind and being real and having an understanding that enlightens others to them self. I think your name speaks volumes

I really hope you are trolling at this point. Destroyed goods/ships/material does not equal an isk sink.

Isk sinks are things that destroy raw isk such as skills, taxes, etc.

This will hurt most those individuals who a)use NPC market stations, and b)make less money over time.

A is obvious. The increase is less impactful on citadel markets. B is also obvious: the people who make a huge amount of ISK every hour aren’t spending as high a % of that ISK on things like skill books, ammunition, etc etc. They’re just not. So the percentage of their income they’ll be paying will be lower than the percentage of the income being paid by those with a lower rate of ISK-generation.

Worse, this hits newbies more—because guess who makes the least, on average? Newbies. They need to buy skillbooks more often. They do less dps due to lower skills, so need to buy ammo more often per ISK generated by their weapons (ie: bounties).

Gimme 1 person in just a Myrmidon vs the equivalent value of newbies in T1 frigates trying to make ISK, and see who’s paying more in taxes on the transactions to operate them.


Part of the problem here is we actually have no clear idea why CCP is making this change. Is it just increasing ISK sink or are they trying to also incentivize a change in game play? The problem I see is that TTT is basically invulnerable at the moment, so this change is a mostly a direct benefit to TEST and a burden on everyone else. But, maybe changing asset safety will change the equation on TTT. But it’s a big MAYBE. Probably better off not doing anything which benefits big groups over little groups, or vice versa, if all you’re trying to do is change the ISK sink.

Just remove Insurance?

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The reason they are doing it is pretty obvious. It’s a combination of:

  • Isk Sink: Heavily needed
  • Drive Player Markets: Drives content creation, greed, conflict, etc
  • Benefit Trade skills: Increases the profit margin of those that have skilled up vs not

NPC stations have no risk of destruction, no fuel costs, no player affiliation, etc. Driving players away from them is good for the game.


Good to see that tax changes wont be bothering you at all. I think your piloting skills speak volumes.

Mate, you’re confusing a couple of different concepts that are actually different and distinct.

We’re speaking of insurance in the context of ISK faucets and sinks. These are things that cause ISK to flow into and out of the game, respectively. Note that this is very specifically ISK flowing into and out of the game. This is not “value” flowing into and out of the game, but specifically currency in the form of Interstellar Kredits.

You’re confusing and conflating this with basic item valuation.

Destroying a Sotiyo doesn’t remove any liquid currency from the game - it removes a Sotiyo, and the value of that Sotiyo from the game, but it doesn’t remove any actual currency from the game.

Nobody is saying that insurance restores the full valuation of a particular item to you, personally. It does not do that, nor is it intended to do that.

What it does do is result in a positive flow of liquid currency into the game - that’s the only thing that is meant by saying it is a “faucet”.

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Jita is a legend in videogaming. Not just EVE. Jita trading represents EVE in a big way. It’s probably one of the most unique symbol this game has brought to video gaming. It’s the one thing players managed to accomplish in this game, to create this virtual marketplace that is Jita. This whole concept of “center of the universe” emerged from players.

Killing Jita by making the location near irrelevant ( Maybe stuff will move to peri or a few system around ?) is one of the worst thing you can do to this videogame legacy.

Jita is such a strong symbol for this game that even new players who don’t get told to go there from any tutorial knows somehow about this major trade hub.

Jita is the spirit of this game. with all it’s drama and scams and pvp and money. It’s eve concentrated. making jita less relevant is just killing the spirit of this universe.

I know Jita wasn’t always a thing. But it has become a strong symbol for this game for many years. like a lighthouse in the universe. Sure other players will make other big markets. But Jita was this neutral place where everyone came to market. It made the game feel alive. Trading is jita was the one thing you could be sure about in the entire game.

You can say that pvp and nullsec and all those game mechanics is what differenciate eve from other games. But all of those are CCP mechanics.

Jita was a player made agreement. A beacon of certitude in a universe of constant chaos.

Don’t kill jita trading. you will lose a major major part of this game’s spirit.


i never once in this thread used the words “isk sink” granted i can see why others have. My earliest statement was

and then Profile - Malcolm_Arzadar - EVE Online Forums decided to say

So i said

all this to say, the insurance does not cover all the lost isk, so there for i disagread with the statement that

and now we are here.

In the end isk is not replaced and we are at a loss and for us to eve come close to counteracting

Changes to sales taxes and broker fees:

  • Maximum Sales Tax increase from 2% to 5%.
  • Minimum Sales Tax increase from 1% to 2.25%.
  • Maximum Brokers Fee increase for NPC stations from 3% to 5%.
  • Double the total maximum taxation from 5% to 10%.
  • Increased total minimum taxation on NPC structures from 3% to 5.25%.
  • Increase the minimum taxation on player owned structures by 125% from 1% to 2.25%.

Changes to tax associated skills:

  • Accounting – Increase in reduction of sales tax from 10% per level to 11% per level.
  • Brokers Relations – Increase in reduction of costs associated with setting up a market order from 0.1% per level to 0.3% per level.

The total benefit from skills will increase from 2% (current benefit) to 4.75%, which translates to a total tax reduction (including standings benefits) of 47.5% instead of the current 40%.

it will take us 9,472,000 skill points are needed to negate these Protective taxes. That means I will with no injectors or skill points added to spend

At 1.944M SP/ month ( per 30 days) = 4.872 Months = 145.45 days

Which is technically doable if you completely stopped all actually important skills you are learning so how long before I get to training this up…….

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If you have an alpha account and spend all your time market trading, you should be able to PLEX your account pretty quickly or else you’re doing something wrong. Once you go Omega you can pretty quickly get to V on trading skills.

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Good to see you’re ignoring substantive discussion in order to focus on making ad hominem attacks.

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