I’m an Alpha clone, with the changes in the past 2+ years to sales tax and broker fees, can someone that is an Omega clone tell me what the current max skills Broker Fee and Sales Tax rates are at Jita 4-4 and Perimeter TTT? I don’t have any standings with Caldari Navy, so just the best rates that Omega skills can get you in Jita.
I don’t want to change to Omega status just to find this out if the current rates aren’t worth it for my large sale.
It’s almost same now. Just 0.5% less broker fee at TTT (broker relation IV)
So not much point of using TTT now.
Probably only for low volume/high prices things, like PLEX
The standings doesn’t make much difference, I think its about 0.3%-0.5% (cant remember the exact amount) between my 2 chars one is 8 Caldari standings the other is -4 Caldari Standings.