Devblog: Updates to Sales Taxes & Brokers Fees

The hell should I be feeling guilty for? Not getting Bliss to kick your ass out for making light of the Holocaust?

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If you really want to add an ISK sink, why not bring back buying clone grades. that will really sink ISK

Why don’t you try reading the very helpful information being given to you instead of assuming you’re right ?

… none of that was lost ISK. It was assets lost. The ISK has already changed hands before then. Whether the insurance paid out three isk or three billion isk is irrelevant. That’s ISK entering the system, while no ISK exited. The overall amount of ISK in the system increased.

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Amalgammas reply is bad.

Uh… This is bad CCP.

It will largely benefit large, well established alliances who can operate player owned trading stations.

I’m all for ISK leaving the system, but you should do it in a way that does not benefit a certain group of player over another.


Please keep going :joy:

Although reworded from a famous quote of atrocity, it points to the base nature of the human condition. That most of you wont say anything about things that should bother you until it affects you directly.

I personally despise playing in hisec. But i will defend your right to play there and be comfortable with the systems in place. I play in nul and i personally think the blackout is awesome but defend peoples right to opine otherwise.

In game economy is also a completely separate issue from any real money i spend on plex. Charging me real money and then devaluing the item i have paid for by in game taxation if i want to trade money rather than time for isk is a little rude. Especially when i will get even less again because of inflated prices.

CCP " Hey time poor people. Buy PLEX to get ahead"
Also CCP "Hey people buying plex. We are going to shaft you harder so you need more PLEX to get ahead.

In game economy changes are up for discussion. Devaluing real world money on purchases is not.


This is assuming that the price of Plex won’t change to reflect the new taxes.

Also, you could make this same erroneous argument every time there is a sale on Plex. “yesterday I paid $20 for 2b but today people are only paying $17! They’re devaluing my real world currency.”

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This is a bad move because it punishes people for taking the effort to putting up sales orders themselves and rewards them for being lazy and selling to buy orders.

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No logic or reasoning included???
Just a quick “were doing this”?

Great post. Good way to piss off all your players lmao.

Except that as soon as you can use one to get the other, in either direction, the two things are inseparable. Any change to the amount or velocity of ISK in the system directly impacts the fictional value of PLEX. PLEX, as Hilmar so clumsily tried to say in the TiS interview, is currently a ‘Gold Standard’ for EVE. Everything else, including ISK, holds a value relative to PLEX, and in the end, it is only the value in PLEX that can be taken as the actual value.

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is this really a bad move because it rewards people for taking the effort to putting up buy orders themselves and punishes them for being lazy and buying from sales orders?

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The real-world value of PLEX is still identical. The real-world value is, you can exchange 500 of them for 30 days game time.

CCP is not obligated to guarantee you some particular ISK return on your PLEX purchase, and the suggestion that they do is the very height of delusional entitlement.


My timing on missing a sale is bad luck. Me missing out on isk im paying for because of extra sales tax is bad form. There is a difference. Im willing to accept bad timing on a purchase on my part. Im less willing to accept direct devaluation of my purchase via fictional taxes in game.

Leave the increase in taxes off plex and let the player base market settle the price. If i am willing to trade plex for that price then im happy to do so. If not then i just dont buy plex. It isnt an eroneous arguement. It is just where i stand on how i chose to use money. If you feel differently then have at it.

its to give veteran players something to train with the free SP

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But it doesn’t, you still have to pay the brokers fee. It punishes putting up the order in favour of direct buying.

Then dont accept <whatever> and incorporate tax into the price so you are not “missing out on isk”.

lets combo this with a fix to null sec income ?