Band together as much as they want, they still can’t access the things they need - the things we used to provide in the past, to fuel their tech in highsec - a ragged gang of highsec ruffians in lowtech illfit ships banding together to ‘counter all null blocks’, now that’s a horrible Mad Max movie I would very much want to see, such great comedy ^^ Nay, we shall continue to annihilate highsec, put them firmly where they belong… Under our heels.
I understand removing isk from the game but I would have been in more of a favor of doing it differently. Something Like buying Trade permits from the NPC corp. At least people would have felt they are getting something out of it. I don’t know, something other then a big slap in the face to people.
Can you share the new formulas? Or is it just updating the current formula with the increased numbers?
Also, more isk sinks are good.
- yes I think the insurance i get totally pays me back for isk loss
- no i dont feel at all remotely re-paid to an equal loss of isk by insurance
- im a millennial and so hey lets all get along and here is a good try award for participating today
- we should definitely get an option for better insurance, even if it has to be as something as lame as our corp putting up half the cost from a pool of insurance approved wrecks
0 voters
you pay (let round for the quick of it)
40mil isk for vessel and fit and then when said vessel is destroyed and 20 mill drops and 20 mil is destroyed and the 300k is insurance is paid out how is the 300k replacing the unrecovered 20mil isk?
More care should be taken to implement trading cost.
Tightening money reduces liquidity. Higher taxes will shrink the market. Reducing the profit margin of trading will reduce the enthusiasm of traders, but it is they who help the circulation of commodities. If there are not enough goods on the market, or the price of the goods is too expensive, it will bother many players.
Without ammunition, ships and modules, players will have to try to make their own, but to be honest, not every player is having fun making it. If a innovation reduces the fun of the player, it’s confusing.
Or maybe supplies are becoming more expensive, which also affects the enthusiasm for fight. We should make fighting easier, not more costly.
We should encourage players, not make them negative.
This thread is growing at an exponential rate, too much to read through it all right now.
Since in-game Taxes have been raised a few times over the years, the cost of living for Capsuleers also needs to be raised as well. Can start with increased NPC Bounty’s, Loot Drops and Mission Rewards.
Because the money didn’t leave the game.
Suppose insurance pays exactly 50%.
Bob has 100m isk, and incidentally, this is all the isk in the game world.
The game world contains 100m isk.
Alice has a ship. Alice sells the ship to Bob for 50M isk, which is exactly what it’s worth.
Alice has 50M isk. Bob has 50M isk and a ship. The game world has 100M isk.
Tragedy strikes! Bob’s ship is destroyed! Bob receives 25M isk from his insurance payout.
Alice has 50M isk. Bob has 75M Isk.
The game world has 125M isk.
The money Bob paid to Alice never left the game, it left Bob’s wallet and moved into Alice’s. When Bob died, new money was created by insurance and added to the game. Bob lost asset value, but there is more money in the game world overall.
It’s not that insurance makes you, personally, “whole” again in terms of your asset value. It’s really not supposed to, and that’s not what people mean when they describe it as an ISK faucet. What it means is that the total quantity of ISK in the game world is increased.
You give those 40mil to another player, ISK did not leave the game, just changed hands. When ship is destroyed - a new 300k ISK is generated from nothing and enters the economy, thus isk faucet. It doesnt have to repay you or anything, just a simple fact that with destruction of ships ISK are not destroyed.
You don’t need a straw poll to demonstrate that you don’t have a grasp on what faucets and sinks are. I tried to help but whatever dude
Thank you
“First they came for the Nullbears, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Nullbear.
Then they came for the VNI raters, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a VNI rater.
Then they came for the Traders, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trader.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Make them all pay
Can we please not equate CCP trying to balance a fictional game economy to genocide?
Impropriety of this particular flavor of idiocy aside, this isn’t really coming for the traders.
The traders just build the new tax costs into their spread and their life goes on exactly as before.
It does give player-held structures more room to increase fees while still remaining more attractive than NPC stations, however.
Not sure what the big deal is. This drives people toward player stations which increase conflict and greed which is good. The prices otherwise will jsut rise to make up the cost.
And I’m very confused how asset safety has anything to do with ISK sinking. It’s not like raw isk is destroyed in the process of a structure destruction. Assest safety is actually an isk sink to get their stuff out of it.
Go feel guilty someplace else
Just having an extremely normal one out here
but lets just walk over to Zkill board and see what percentage of people enjoy caring large hauls in their ship. ill even defame my younger years and give an example (lets not shame me for to long on the forums because good chance you did it or know some one who did too. So make sure you enjoy truly enjoy the juice click bait and sink your teeth into it)
now look at that expensive library that will never get to be read and I assure you the insurance did not cover the loss
I am sure i am not in high end of % of people who prefer to cary skills as apposed to injecting them but where is the balance of ISK here. and this is not a one time thing i see this stuff all the time in zkill boards. this is what i am talking about
Asset safety removal helps the big guys. No more will small guys/gangs/groups forward stage, because the big boyz will come and swing their titan fleets at it and they loose everything to the forward staging. Right now the most annoying thing for null is small organised groups harassing via forward staging, it’ll totally kill that content in one shot.
What can be done is make it more expensive to asset-safe.
R.I.P Jita 4-4