Devblog: Updates to Sales Taxes & Brokers Fees

Head North. You will usually find my main in subcaps sitting on gates and roaming around 8S. I dont drop caps unless you escalate with yours.

Like i don’t hear enough about taxes IRL, exciting stuff here! “Quick lets drive the players away from the game as fast as we can by changing loads of stuff all within a few weeks and TAXING! them more in game” is what i am imagining CCP saying to one an other.
Fun times. I personally don’t mind the blackout or VNI changes but i have noticed alot of players logging on less or for not as long now.


You can’t just buy ISK directly in game as that would put CCP in the targets of money laundering & banking rules, bring it too close to being a real currency with all the legal pitfalls.

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NPC null? Really? Going for the worst of all worlds, mission-running in null? Somehow, I doubt you came 4 whole gates to find that ‘heavy action’ last month.

You want some advice? Change your markets. Trust me.

Jita/Perimeter and Amarr/Ashab are going to eat you alive with the margins on display. They’re dominated by veterans who can procure materials at the absolute best prices, produce at an absolute minimal loss and trade at the absolute best standings/tax rates, etc. They can even easily afford to sell at a loss just in order to squeeze out competition and then rev things back up to profitability. Massive volumes, absolutely sliver thin margins, and that’s not somewhere a “small corp player” is going to thrive.

Eve is a damn sight larger than Jita and Amarr though.

Identify different markets. Look at certain Faction Warfare areas or conflict zones with lots of war and destroyed ships, etc etc. Look for places of activity out of convenient reach of market hubs. Find out what’s in demand. Specific shiptypes, modules, ammo. In warzones, learn what doctrines are in demand, look at killboards to see what dies a lot and needs replacing. Watch the markets and see where someone stocks stuff for their FW faction or whatever else. Look at freeports near conflicts.

Then start preparing. Figure out what you can manufacture and what you’ll need to buy/trade in order to offer full kits of desired ships/fits/etc. Try to manufacture as close to the hub as possible as well. You’ll often find the indexes are favorable away from market hubs. A blockade runner will carry a lot of fits fast and safely from main tradehubs if you can’t manufacture them.

The margins will be so much more in your favor than at main tradehubs. The volumes will obviously be lower, but keep working that market and keep adapting to demands, and the margins should make for more return on investment and eventually you might even find that you outproduce the demand, and can diversify into more markets.

Another good step can be to locate good places to buy your ores. Buy orders in the right places with not too much competition can spur a lot of miners to hand you their ore for quite a bit below jita/amarr market prices, since it saves them having to haul it to market first. You’ll still probably need to grab some stuff off the market, but it’ll reduce your costs a bit.

Besides, it’s actually a whole lot more fun too. A “small corp” can be some of the best industry stuff in the game. You just don’t want to have to compete with the 0.01 bots, massively wealthy speculators and those of us who have infinite fully researched bpos and live in sliver thin margins. Working the industry in Eve on the scales you are equipped for can be a huge challenge, incredibly satisfying and you can make some great friends and relations along the way.

I actually kind of miss those little adventures of yore.


You Must Be Outta Your Goddam Minds!?! FU, Back At You!!! And the NPC horse you rode in on!?!!!

Got back to the game last week after a 12 month abscence. Sorry if there is a whole lot of bitter in your cereal bowl but i dont get into the politics i just like to pvp. Be as mad as you like i just genuinely like some good pvp.

Lol. If you can’t tell the difference between amused scoffing and bitterness… yeesh.

This is turning out to be the summer of death for eve.

Bad idea after bad idea.

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Your amused scoffing comes off more as smug jaded elitist, but its typing on the intergooglewebnet so ill take you at your word. BTW mail me in game i have no idea what went on last month.

Ah, dodged another bullet! I don’t plex, have accounting to 5 and broker relations to 4. Apx a wk to get it to 5. Another reason to stay with the game even though it WILL piss you off for years at a time it seems. I think I finally have the skills to “roll with the punches”? :sunglasses:

People who pay via a sub actually generate the least revenue, although it is consistent, and if billed annually more cash-flow positive.

PLEX prices are higher than a 30 day sub. The person who sells them ingame gets scammed by CCP via NPC fees, in addition to the price hike. Go look up the value of 500 PLEX vs a 30 day sub, then run the numbers.

The person who buys a PLEX via ingame currency pays a significant % more in terms of real money than a regular sub.

I’m not replying to this anymore because you are quite literally blurting out daft remarks that have been refuted a billion times.

People who sell PLEX generate enormous revenue, but people who buy it ingame to sub do by a major margin. They are paying for your game, not the other way around.

“This is the first time Toukazu Paatani Hakaari has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!”

Welcome! You seem like you’re going to contribute to this heady froth of discourse, debate and intelligentsia. Post more. I can’t wait.


I also think that the approach is going in the wrong direction, since new players can certainly not know the connection of the additional effort for the costs of defense of Drifter Invasion and Triglavian Invasion by Concord. Increasing the Sales Tax and Brokers Fee is nothing more than an additional tax exempted without a convincing basis. The majority of the defense was actually provided by the players themselves. The alternative, of course, is to visit trading centers (EVE-Mogul) set up by players and handle the trading business there.

I request all pilots to turn to Concord and to post additional fees for the defense of New Eden. As a volunteer fighter you should get a decent salary. :wink:

An interesting video about the visions and ideas of CCP can be found here

Talking in Stations 28.03.2019

and there is also a current video for the Blackout just to see.

Talking in Stations 30.07.2019

Fly save Chai Chen Che

Cue the salt of those who do everything with one eye on their wallet and will find themselves a few percentages short of the min-max they feel they are entitled to…

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Taxation is Theft

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Well that’ll be fun & onto a ramble…

As 1 character of many lv5 marketing toons, I find the few changes over the past half a decade were to incentivise new players (Alphas). With these changes Alphas will carry the brunt of this. Me & my toons will just up our margins, higher cost to players whatever the tax to NPC corps.

Tried giving Alphas anything they wanted in corp, fits, ships, ammo, drones etc. (I can afford it), but they get tempted elsewhere with the button stabbing to kill PvP feeling, instead of the growing, training, planning. So never get to love the game as us Bitter Vets do.

Regarding Corp owned trading Cutadels, had spent some weeks moving a LOT of stock to one of these, the Corp owner took umbrage to me out dealing him & locked my access from the Citadel, so asset safety & another few weeks to move back to NPC stations. Since the wardec changes we pulled all our Citadels & gave away all our POCOs to friends in other Corps.

Weird lots of changes with no direction, yet I still have many bil isk in games assets that were to be removed years ago, POSs of all shapes & sizes along with all the POS Hangars, weapons BPOs etc.

CCP definitely lacking direction of late, but they like to create some shinys to keep the players smiling & give the millennials their daily SP for being good enough to log in.

People who fall in love with Eve will stick with it till it’s a dead dusty corpse. Personally I came here from Elite (not online, but the 80’s wireframe game on a cassette tape) loved the trading in that & that made me fall in love with Eve.

A decade & a half, still here (still moaning every now & then, always at CCP OFC, but love them as they power the game I love)

I & all my alts & trading friends religiously sub to Eve.

Fly safe or die well (I’ll make ISK either way)


Or, we might look and say ‘erm this might not be the best way to retain subs when you antagonise the people selling PLEX and the people who sub via PLEX at the same time’

Honestly, the traders can cope with this fine. That’s sort of the point about min/maxing it.

You might want to pay attention when even the traders remark it might be a detrimental change for the wider playerbase.

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Wait till you get a job and have to pay taxes then…

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I think everything CCP has done in the last 3 months has been very negative, I really don’t know what they are trying to accomplish, but I feel the game is emptying faster than their newbro fresh blood ideas are filling it, I dunno but they are full out greedy right now.