Devblog: Updates to Sales Taxes & Brokers Fees

This does not sink ISK. It sinks materials. The isk just moves between players. To sink the isk, it has to go to NPCs or otherwise leave player hands.

As for this particular change… I am not entirely sure what it’s supposed to accomplish. All it really does is push trade citadels more, and punish low-sp traders more than veteran traders. The devblog didn’t really lay out the motivation and reasoning, unless I somehow missed it. Clarification would be nice to see.


Said new player can simply dump to buys and avoid all tax. Make sure to set order length to Immediate.


Firstly: Hurrah for ISK sinks that make sense! Economic levers ahoy!


Null uses Local. We are not WH space. You have now made our patch a much rougher place. Fair enough, it’s your game, but… You gonna buff the loot? To my knowledge WH’s are safer AND pay better. Null is now where the rough kids live, and if that is to be made permanent then you might want to rebalance the loot too.

Smashing content generators usually goes badly. It takes A LOT of player time to run Null, and we generate A LOT of stuff for our people.

I would hope it obvious that some people see Blackout as simply an opportunity to raid. Are they seeing the big picture? I doubt it.

As for the Rorq Super surplus think of it this way. You can have all teh Rorqs in the world, but if you can’t mine an anomaly because it’s empty then the Ore Surplus will also die down. Ration Anomalies. Another Economic Lever.

Obviously you’ve fixed Incursion ISK by restricting spawns. And the Ishtar replacing the VNI will increase the risk-reward there to something a bit better. I can see this working out for New Eden, instead of ‘just smashing stuff up’ and how that usually hits the smaller player first.

2p deposited.


Its just another way to add to the CHAOS…

I mean make it harder to mine , make it more expensive to build, ah sod it lets jus make it harder for everything full stop . People wanted back to basics soon it will be PvP in Nub ships Velator Warz cos peeps getting poor.

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And lose out whatever margins separate the buys and sells, which still punishes that guy. Not a good thing, I feel. There’s other angles to hit the day-trade from.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but neither CONCORD nor police engages in fights with Triglavians.
So, what is the reason for tax increase, once again?


I’m sure that the player performing an impulse purchase is going to give two tugs of a dead dog’s cock about the buy/sell split.


Where did the “impulse purchase” come from? This would impact anyone turning money into plex into isk. If you’re going to pretend to be Spider Jerusalem, you need to severely upgrade your argumentation. Warren Ellis you ain’t.


Selling PLEX that you purchase with real money for ISK is inherently an impulse purchase.

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Asset safety IS an ISK sink. Asset destruction is not.


By what mad definition would that be? It’s simply a purchase, and can be as pre-meditated or impulsive as any. There’s nothing inherently impulsive about it.

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I’m almost sure CCP just want to shut down this game, and want us to leave… Atleast turn on local. You know if our TAX defending somehow then show it to us how it works…


I seem to be getting extra forum moderation for these extra taxes.

…and we haven’t even started paying them yet!


You’re choosing to shortcut the normal flow of gameplay to receive the reward immediately.

I have to wonder if this is just part of a master plan to piss everyone off so they can shut down the servers.


The change is beneficial to characters with Trading Skills which is a good thing.


Is this aimed at Market Bots? Seems like Alphas will suffer most. Some might be ok with that but making it harder for alphas is not the best idea IMO.

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Comedy Central Presents -CCP


I guess Jita Is closed for business! 07 was good while you lasted buddy RIP.
Nullsec entities now own high sec with their shared peace agreement TTT citadel.


And that decision can be as impulsive or as premeditated as any other decision, and isn’t inherently either or. When I take the shortcut next to the clinic when I’m out jogging to the radio station hill, it’s not an impulsive decision. It’s a heavily premeditated “I don’t like the main path, it is always full of traffic” decision.

The same goes both times I bought plex for isk. It was a decision made after lengthy consideration.