Devblog: War Declaration Changes - The War Adjacent to Christmas

Repeating the problem over and over doesn’t really get us anywhere. Most people agree what is happening is not valuable even from a sandbox point of view.

The issue is the fix is wrong, it just creates new headaches and makes structures even more of a target than before.

Players made many workable suggestions that were ignored.


At first the new changes to the wardec system seem good, but after thinking about it all night at work yesterday I came to a few alarming conclusions: This will actually benefit people who use botting programs tremendously. They’ll be able to create their own corps that will be safe from wardecs while leaving NPC corps for example.

Part of why I returned to eve was just because you could declare war on anyone(almost) at anytime for any reason. When someone is harassing you or just being unpleasant, sometimes the threat of a war could scare competition off for a while.

While I agree that something needs to be done to help smaller corperations to not be wardeced into oblivion, this new system proposed to the devs gives too much power to one side of the future possible conflicts.

I really want to see a more balanced approach toward fixing the system rather than this. It’s just a bad idea.

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The more balanced approach or a more comprehensive approach is coming. Next year.™

Do we have any rumors of what this will entail? I just don’t want to see them use a bad bandaid formore than a few weeks at most.

No, it won’t. These characters already just stay in NPC corps and they get no benefit whatsoever by moving their bots into a player corp, so this change will mean nothing to them.

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If anything it might make them easier to identify.

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Thats where you’re wrong bucko.

Allowing people who use bots to create their own corps allows them to blend in better.

It really doesn’t. Botters in null-sec are in player corps (because they wouldn’t be allowed to join null-sec blocs otherwise) and they are just as easy to spot as the high-sec bots. More so, even, because bots tend to cluster into the same corps.

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Industrial corps have two activities: mining and production. For mining, sharing stuff = whatever. For production, sharing is valuable.
Players want to do both mining and production. Bots don’t have to. Make 2 bots instead. Mining bot in NPC corp, industrial bot in player corp - but it never leaves the station. Mining bot mines, and sells ore or minerals to the best sell order (which, “coincidentally”, is set by the industrial bot). Tada, perfect safety and if mining bot is caught (and it will be), industrial bot continues operation without issues - should be way harder if not impossible to catch it. IF you even need a bot to start those tasks…
Using good enough VPNs, it would be impossible to figure out that industrial bot has the same owner and it wouldn’t really be fair to strip it from minerals/ore it received on the “fair market”. It would be a shame to throw away quite a lot of isks received by the mining bot, but those too can find the way back, although not in as direct way.

Yes, it will benefit them because now they can farm with 0% tax and war immune.

@Ren_Nas It’s CCP, what do you think? They just figured out this autumn that wars are an issue, after 10 years of people telling them. Of course there is nothing on the table or even rumors what a more comprehensive set of changes could encompass. All we have is a promise that they will do something about wars in the first half of 2019. And considering how CCP treats promises and their own statements, I would not hold my breath for that either.

No npc tax.

Also office and corp hangar.

Granted, I hadn’t considered mission bots, where that would apply.

There’s easy ways around wars in those cases tho, even now. Switching between corps is pretty much instant, and creating them is pretty cheap. - I’d guess that’s what they’ve been doing up until now. This change will end some of that overhead, but overall not change much for them in the way they operate.

Not really something bots would care about, tbh. That’s the kind of thing humans find useful, but means little to bots.

A remote self destruct that is CEO only would create a solution I think.
It provides a way to get rid of a structure that the corp can’t manage to take down, but provides no reward to them, just a loss. CEO only means it doesn’t become a permissions issue, and if your CEO is inactive for weeks & weeks, then you really have bigger issues and should be looking at remaking the corp.
I can’t see many abuses of this.


Who would want to bot ratting in HS tho ?

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Ratting? Distro mission farming…

Isn’t much affected by NPC corp tax since LP is the main value?

If you are botting like that, you can easily just jump corp whenever someone war dec u, stupid excuse for not wanting change. This wouldnt change anything for those botters

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I wish the DEV finds what keeps players out and stop the kind of gank the looses new player ever to return to eve. I have lost 20 of my ships and never ending theft of my things, and I join a corporation to meet and have fun with other players. then at times I can not get ships as I want with out being in the station called DodDixie Moon 20 federation assembly plant to buy a new ship and up grade my capsular, to level V then I am finally enjoy what I need, and with other players too.

You’ve missed the point, blanket Dec’s are the result of the broadstroke patch against the watchlist system, you keep changing the way people play in highsec the results are going to be worse…

Now with the Advent of social corps ganking is going to become even higher, more ganking because this person can’t be decced even though he talks crap all day and night…

Wars are the pvp factor for highsec, it’s a sandbox game on a single server, this isn’t world of Warcraft where you get to choose your pve server and get to play it safe all day… Eve was meant to be the way it has been for ever… Making broadstroke changes kills and makes things worse for everyone…

In the coming months Code or Code like gankers will run Amok in highsec… And you’ll have only yourselves to thank.