Devblog: War Declaration Changes - The War Adjacent to Christmas

I am pretty. :blush:


I did, and I don’t see anything regarding guilds needing to own a structure before they can have a war declared on them. If you would like to explain exactly how the war deccing system in BDO is the same as these changes, I’d be interesting in hearing it.

Because we talk to these folks every day. Many of the CSM members have relationships with the Devs that go back many, many years. One of our biggest concerns was that PA would try to stick their fingers into EVE, so we’ve been pretty vigilant in watching for any of those signs. So far, none of us have seen any.

The sale was announced the Friday of our Summit, and it went through a month and a half later. Of course the deal was on the table long before it was announced - multimilliion dollar sales like this don’t happen on a handshake - but it’s absurd to think that PA had any influence on game design changes prior to the change in ownership (although it’s absurd to think afterwards they have had any, either). There is zero business sense in PA developers telling EVE developers how to do their jobs - and vice versa. This kind of in-the-weeds change is not something somebody outside would just mandate. That’s not how any of this works.

You’re putting a lot of words in my mouth, none of which I’ve ever said.

Almost everything you said in here is wrong. You really don’t know what you’re talking about.


No, people think that a serious problem justifies an extreme, temporary measure while a good solution is worked on.

That’s an oversimplification. Some people are saying that this change falls far short of the overhaul that’s needed, and won’t help in measurable ways, because CCP’s track record of not following through has given them reason to believe this temporary fix will be anything but.


Shhh! Aryth’s not supposed to be seen doing things that benefit anyone else!

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New players are still going to get ganked, then quit; and now owning a structure is going to make you an automatic wardec target because there are no other wardec targets.

They just hosed the game and accomplished nothing.

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What there is consequences for Athanor litter everywhere?


Theres your excuse the one you fall on to everytime that ganking will make them quit anyways.

Whats it like never accepting your the piece of ■■■■ and always calling someone else it?

You spread a lot of salty on this thread… but that is very welcome, repressed tears are the best tears :wink:

It isn’t going to hurt me at all.

!n fact some friends and I are working on a protection racket :skull_and_crossbones:

It completely screws up structure ownership though; everyone in high and low are going to have to pay protection money to keep their structures from being blown up.

Unlike the rest of us who can defend our structures and will just transfer them to alt corps, alt corp won’t help bears who can’t defend, their structures are just going to get blown up.

Especially the ones named <so and so’s> House :rofl: :skull:


Well, unless you can keep PIRAT and Marmite from hitting people, good luck with a protection racket.

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Where and against who was it?

That’s because the mechanic has been transposed to ‘work’ in EVE Online’s setting. Otherwise, it’s the same mechanic. Just as a movie based on a book isn’t EXACTLY the same but still tells the same story.

So you do get paid? Cuz if you don’t, then you and your opinions are literally meaningless to the devs. Even if they take your ideas and use them, as long as you’re not getting royalties for their development, then all you’re doing is handing them free ideas, which you could have used yourself in your own game and gotten paid for them. Here’s the other thing: no one on the CSM represents me or mine in any way. If CCP was serious about listening to the players, the wouldn’t host a small group of marionettes to speak for them. How many people on the CSM actually listen to the players and represent their ideas, instead of pushing their own agendas? I’ve never heard of it happening, not once. Which is why I’ve always considered the CSM a complete farce, and the longer I’ve watched it in the time I’ve played, the more I’ve come to realise that you are little more than a showpiece.

I’m not trying to hurt or provoke you, but you are deluding yourself if you think you’re important in any way. The sooner you realise this, the sooner you will realise that CCP is playing us all for fools, and really don’t care about us or the game anymore beyond its financial success. Stop making excuses for them.

As a side note, whether PA influenced this change or not is beside the point. The fact that it comes from BDO is my point, and it’s enough for me to ditch this sinking ship. I said the moment the sale was announced to us lowly players that if EVE adopts anything resembling a BDO mechanic, I’m out. I like the uniqueness of EVE. That uniqueness is gone. Just because it works in some other game, doesn’t mean you have to try to shoehorn it in to this one, which already works just fine.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The problem was never wardecs. The problem is unimaginative players and irresponsible CEOs. Wars for defenders have always been easy to avoid and fight, without logging out for a week. People quickly forget that those of us who’ve been here a while were all new once, and all went through the same thing, and we figured out how to keep doing our own thing DESPITE wardecs. Those of us that don’t quit because of wardecs, the reason is because we learn the game. The problem isn’t the wardecs. It’s people not learning the game. And this change is, I hate to break it to you, going to work most in the favour of attackers, not defenders. For a ‘bandaid’ solution, it looks an awful lot like a bandaid made of razorblades.

TL;DR it’s a stupid change because it’s not necessary. The ‘problem of players quitting the game because of wardecs’ is because of players that were always going to quit. That is all. I’ve never denied the data. I always knew and accepted that the vast majority of players who tried this game were going to quit, if not because of decs then because of ganking, and if not because of ganking then because of losing something in lowsec, and so on and so forth. That’s the nature of EVE. You change the nature of EVE, and you kill EVE.

You say I’m putting words in your mouth, but I’ve read your quotes in various articles and I know exactly what you’ve said. Just because you haven’t said it in this thread, doesn’t mean you haven’t said it, so don’t play games with me.


Naaaaah, sure not, because you cannot feel anything… :joy:

Denial and projection, the strong bases for a healthy ego :crazy_face:


We’re killing Hard Knock’s keepstars in their home wormhole.


I fail to see why people who have not been interested in a protection racket so far would be interested in one now, though. All structures that will be vulnerable to wardecs after this change were also vulnerable before, after all, so this should not encourage structure removals.

Most wardec corporations looking for new prey to replace what targets they will be unable to hunt anymore will have no interest in removing the structures of their targets, because that would end the war?


I was wondering if someone would mention this eventually. I hope you’re paying attention, @Brisc_Rubal, because these is the kind of ‘emergent gameplay’ that this change will bring. You’ll be able to trap corps in wars because they’ll be locked to it with their structure, with their only option being to take it down. People will still log off and not play for a week as a result. Nothing changes.

Which can’t be done if an aggressor just comes along to poke it into reinforced once in a while. Permawar confirmed.

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In fact it does, because some people have finally realised that there is a value in blowing them up and in some cases getting fights, Spectrum alliance in Kador is a good example who have cleaned out quite a few systems. If that was to happen across hisec then there would be a need for people to gang up to defend structure that enable people to compete with nullsec, thus creating more meaningful better corps and alliances and even coalitions in the process. Which is why it is so important to allow people to ally in wars even if they do not have structures.

I am not sure about that because people might be a bit smart about the entities that own structures. I am beginning to get the feeling that CCP decided to only allow allying to create bigger and better corps and alliances in hisec and if that was there idea then I would agree with it as a decision and your point here makes sense.

It seems to be self limiting. After a few days of bashing structure after boring structure, looting 100-200m and no fight, jump in next system and there’s another 20 Athanors.

What changed is that you get a new notice while anchoring your first structure, that doing so comes with the risk of being eligible for a wardec. New-player corps that don’t own a structure don’t have to deal with these headaches: that’s what changed.

There’s been some fun content around structures lately where I come from too, but that is happening regardless of and is pretty much unaffected by these changes.

In EVE they are corps