The confusion comes in where you now need a structure to join a war even Allies (according to CCP) and separately they have said that if u lose your last structure the war ends for you.
I think it would work as they intend if an Ally (for either side) can be knocked out of the war. This makes the most sense, since it adds more game play.
I could also see where if u have corps A & B at war and C comes in on the attackers (A) side. That Corp D could dec the allies C separately and destroy C’s structure. At which point the war between C & D would end as well as C’s participation in the war between A & B. — Strategic war dec’s, kewl.
Also there is nothing stopping D from dec’ing A at the same time as A & B are at war and destroying A’s ability to continue the war … The cancelling of wars in this way is new, and I think it will add new game play as well. (Don’t get involved in multiple wars, lol - elegant.
Also nothing stopping multiple War Dec’ers to dec on the same target and have competition to see who wins first, lol.
It is not me you have to persuade, but newer players who want to share stuff using corp hangers and hang out in their own tight little group. Personally I don’t think you could change their perception one bit.
Good, it is meaningless in reality…
Yes you understand it, however just mining rocks the whole time and waiting for ganks is fine for someone who wants to chill play, but people want to strive to do better, so at some point they will look to structures.
The forever war is dumb, however it is perhaps better to have something that needs to be blown up that ends the war and it needs to be doable for the children to coin a phrase.
In fact that’s not entirely true, cause when a small corp of not veteran players are being camped with t2 and Ewar to the hell, most players stop playing for a time, and loose interest in EVE. the wardec was being used to farm new players, and not to their designed purpose
That is another persons quote not mine, I happen to disagree with that statement and agree more with you, what I would suggest is that they are not so much farming new players, but any player that passes their way.
Oh y right sorry I quoted the quoted text xD… and in case of experienced players, they have the knowledge to do other stuff, or log an alt,Wich new players don’t. And let’s say a corp had 4 experienced players and about 10 or more new players like my old one had, if those new players lose interest in eve , that Corp is crippled very hard
Good that this is not an argument. Forever wars only happen to RVB and against certain Null sec Blobs. In neither case this is an issue. In contrast, allowing null sec groups to quickly end a war is absolutely detrimental.
It’s also pretty much a pipe dream. Letting people end wars “quickly” and structure combat in highsec are incompatible. Over a week to explode something isn’t what most null groups are looking for when they ask for a way to end a war. They want a single button they can blob to turn off the risk, not engage in prolonged structure bashing. And even if they do, another structure will go up the next day and the war will resume.
Wars are going to continue be prolonged affairs. Any changes CCP makes will be to make them more meaningful, not easier to get out of. That would be a terrible design goal; why waste developer time on a feature so that it is easier for your players not to participate? That makes no sense. Any changes so players can avoid wars will be so they don’t end up in one in the first place instead of building in a rapidly-achievable victory condition that ends the war. They will try to make their feature fun/advantageous so people want to participate rather than making the reward turning off a war.
And yes, it would be a terrible idea to give the largest groups in the game a way to earn NPC protection for fighting. They are the last ones who need it.
Further, I am not sure what this “forever war” bogeyman is. Last week, anyone could already keep someone under a war forever and that wasn’t really a thing. Maybe there needs to be some way to cede or self-destruct a structure included in the upcoming permanent system, but like last week, you can drop corp instantly to get out of a war if you have had enough. Groups now have a way to play the game without worrying about wars, but if they decide they want to deploy a structure, then they are at risk like everyone else who deploys a structure. There is a choice so I don’t see why a group needs protection from the consequences of their choices.
Not if your safety is set to green. You are literally immune to any legal attack (unless you decide to switch it to yellow/red), although that was true before if you were in the NPC corp.
Red safety allows you to do things that will get you a red (criminal) flag, yellow safety allows you to do anything that will get you a yellow (suspect) flag, simple as that.
Green safety allows you to do anything that won’t get you either of those flags - engaging legal targets is perfectly fine.
That’s how ninja baiting works - you make yourself yellow, present yourself as an alluring target, get green people to shoot at you, then you can shoot back without CONCORD.
Does it help you to know their single Citadel is parked in Jxxxxxx a C3 with null static or Deep in Null-Sec.
You have a near zero chance to find it or attack it for the duration of the war and they run can around blapping everything you own to their hearts content driving all your corpies to NPC sanctury.
I would be more concerned that there is no numbers balance, It will always be preferable for a 500 man corp to wardec a hundred 5 man corps than take on one of equal size.
I used to be an empire wardeccer.
Didn’t play in a few years.
Each newsletter CCP sends me, I’m hoping for the big announcement. The announcement that empire wardecs are back and scamming idiots in Jita local with Raven Navy Issue trade windows to afford it is back.
Each newsletter CCP disappoints me. All they ever announce is more carebear ■■■■■■■■. New missions. New shitty useless PvE events. New skins!
20 minutes ago I received CCPs latest and last newletter. Exciting changes to wardecs. Whoa. Can that be it?!
Let’s see… “Corporations and alliances that control at least one structure in space are now considered war eligible.”
Are you ■■■■■■■ telling me that should I come back to EVE, I would have to set up a whole POS to ■■■■■■■ wardec?!
That’s it, I’m installing WoW, there’s more possibilities for a dark playstyle there.
This change is long overdue. The next line is smartest best line I have ever read by CCP.
We believe that the best EVE experiences involve players making informed choices with benefits and consequences. As much as possible we want to avoid having the game’s systems push players into situations where avoiding social interaction in NPC corps or logging off for a week are optimal choices.
Well said CCP Falcon. Well said indeed
I am seriously considering now inviting fellow friendly pilots into my one man corp or joining them!!! See I work for a living!! I play EVE to escape !! Nothing was more non fun then logging on and being griefed. So I became a recluse! I was on the verge of quitting ! ( Save your internet muscle flexing at me calling me a whimp!! I am 6 4 and work corrections for 30 years in real life!! Bullies do not impress me!!! Want respect give a little respect) I enjoyed cooperating mining in high security talking on DISCORD/Ventrilo whatever! After a few mining sessions we go worm hole diving to KICK ARSE and take names!! Usually we would end up ARSE kicked name taken!!! But we would have a hoot!!!
I am looking forward to those great days again!!! Now CAN WE PLEASE HAVE SOME NEW LEVEL 4 missions!!! I love to take out my BLINGED out pampered princess Battleship and beat up on some new NPC pirates in a mission!!! Off the record . I think that Damsel in Distress is kind of a slut!!!