Devblog: War Declaration Changes - The War Adjacent to Christmas

War rules changed cause players abused them by spamming void wars and farming new players, action and reaction. Now maybe they learn the lesson and stop abusing it, so no more crappy changes come

Fallacy, there are no end game areas of space.

Never claimed they weren’t, though low and null are not ‘worse conditions’… well low might be. Null you just run for cover the second a neutral comes through, highsec that isn’t possible because of the crowding making for easy scouting, so in some aspects high is harder to deal with than null. On the whole it’s safer yes but it is a different rule set, with different challenges.

So yeah… You aren’t providing any actual arguments here, you are just trotting out the old myths and memes and going ‘I want to be able to farm everyone’

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As a pvper i’d have to say no, this simply isnt true. Highsec pvpers would have you believe this but in reality +1 scout works just fine in highsec, plus the stations everywhere, plus no cynos, no bubbles, no bombers; cloaky camping with an alt really doesnt have the same effect.
Highsec wars are easy to operate in, if you know how; newbros dont i guess but i’ll not have anyone say hs war is more difficult than low, null or jspace - it smply isnt true.

JUST one more item;
What would you do about the possible cause and effect of the mining and ratting that goes on in highsec?
We all know that social corps (and npc corps) can basically ‘print’ isk now in complete safety (lets not split hairs here please) if they choose too, do we think this will be good or bad for this ‘player made economy’?

Who cares?
Mining is unchanged with social corps, NPC corps could do that too.
Missions are barely impacted because missions main income is in LP. And 1 man corps existed well before now.
Incursions used the one man corp trick to jump around, now they can form actual focused corps yes, but it makes no real difference.
Abyss farmers, NPC corps before if they cared or just didn’t do it under wardec.

There is zero difference to ‘printing isk’ in highsec from this, and the majority of said printing of ALL forms of income be it isk or mining has been in Null for quite some time.
There is no change is safety in highsec, what there is is an increase in ability to socialise and have an identity for a group. If there is a dramatic change in the MER’s next month showing High sec jumping from it’s 4.3% of all bounties to over 10%, then maybe you are right and there is an issue. (or maybe the carrier nerfed halved Null income, so that would need to be taken on absolute terms also as well as relative). Till then, it’s a lot of drama over something that makes no difference to safety and has dramatically increased the ability to socialise.

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i feel you didnt really answer me?

Is more of a statement about yourself than anything else, clearly you dont care of the effect it may have, but there are a lot of people here that do. That is not really being objective is it?

There is no ‘cause and effect’ here. You asked a meaningless question about a non existent problem.

if that was true why did you then question it yourself?

Sometimes you speak like a politician dude, deflection is not an answer.

To show that I’m prepared to accept evidence I’m wrong if that evidence appears.
No deflection or evasion, but we have a point of reference which will show if social corps have provided some magical way to suddenly explode high sec income. I can’t see any way in which this is going to happen of course, and don’t expect it to. But if the magical thing occurs and it does, then that’s where I’ll be looking for it’s evidence. It’s nothing to do with me questioning anything.

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Not what I’m saying.

The defining part of social corps shouldn’t be structure or no structure. It should be 11% tax and corp hangars.

Eh. I’m not against a tax rate but then you are hitting them with a double hit. Tax plus inferior facilities. (Or hoping the Freeport stays open etc which the way pirat are going is a long shot)

Ganking was always the only way to deal with NPC Corporation Members stealing “my” ore.
Now Ganking is the only way to deal with non war-deccable people stealing “my” ore!

I wish CCP would come up with a game mechanic that means I don’t just have to sit and watch people steal “my” ore, now that I cannot pay mercs to come talk some smack for a couple of days.
Probably there will be a rise in “gankers for hire” :frowning:


should revert back to pre crimewatch suspect timers, make it so people mining at athanors get that suspect thing either to corp/alliance/whatever is chosen (oldschool)

keep the structure decs but introduce sp based decs that dont need structures, or maybe have some sort of capture the flag thing going on over the week so for example if deending corp captures the flag they get xxxx hours free of dec.

unsure but new system i not liek

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All if your posts can be summed up with the words every one is wrong but me.

Say something constructive.

HiSec is easy to operate and live at for experienced and well-equipped players, it is difficult for newcomers …
LowSec is easy to operate and live at for experienced and well-equipped players, it is difficult for newcomers …
NullSec is easy to operate and live at for experienced and well-equipped players, it is difficult for newcomers …

Where can newcomers go ???

It hard true for CCP but today is like this …

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Or you know… they can ask questions and learn?
Newbies always are going to have a hard time.

Doesn’t mean every system is good and should be left alone of course, but.not every system should be changed either.

It is your and CCPs attitude problem. In other games newcomers are accepted with warm welcome and much better attitude, in Eve they are accepted with kicking in balls, scams and HTFU …
Maybe someone like that Marine boot camp / Spartan way of life,
but such are rare today…
Today gamers want much more for 15$ per month

Even Rust is one time purchase and you can setup your own server, That move take loots of potential Eve players to Rust.

Eve is complex eco-system but it is not only game in the world and have to beat for every $ with constantlly groving competition

Bottomline: to attract new players today games must offer much more than HTFU so I repeat:

HiSec is easy to operate and live at for experienced and well-equipped players, it is difficult for newcomers …
LowSec is easy to operate and live at for experienced and well-equipped players, it is difficult for newcomers …
NullSec is easy to operate and live at for experienced and well-equipped players, it is difficult for newcomers …

Where can newcomers go ???

Or you know… most people do welcome them.
You are ranting here.

as part of well prepared scam

You are trying to shift reality and probem diagnose declare as rant…

This is all part of deception and scam prepared for new players but today gamer seen thru it and leave Eve for good …

How a newbie gets treated depends on how they approach their problem.

If they want to play better, or learn not to make the same mistakes again, then most older veterans will teach.

If they ask that the game be changed to make their wrong decisions right, or without consequence, then they’re gonna have a bad time.

There is a lot of disagreement on exactly what is good for new players, but almost everyone who plays eve is concerned about finding out what that is and doing it. People would not argue so much if they didn’t care about the subject.

Eve is rather the opposite of what it appears to be, or so it seems to me. On the surface it’s rough and seedy. Dig deeper, though, and you find most people are friendly in a uniquely Eve sort of way until you give them reason not to be.