Devblog: War Declaration Changes - The War Adjacent to Christmas

Again that “guru” attitude: newcomers must listen us and we will teach them how to …

Today gamers dont give a ■■■■ for annoyingly veterans, for their 15$ they want VALUE FOR MONEY not boring lectures …

as soon as the CCP understands it, it is faster to get out of the ■■■■

Those vets don’t tell players what to do. They tell them how things work, and then they take that information and make their own choices with it.

Your position seems to be that today’s gamers don’t want to learn, and that having to learn means less value for their money. Learning the rules and then bending them to your objective is value, and what most games are based on. Tic-tac-toe, checkers, chess, you name it. They have rules, you learn them, and you use them more effectively than your opponent to win. Someone who knows the game better than you can help you, but you have to be able to admit you need help and ask for it.


No you just want that new players to play your game where you have advantage in X00000000 SP, X yeas of expirience and XY billions of isks …
Noone today will give 15$ per month for that !

Contract me all your stuff then, because you clearly don’t want to play EVE.

Biggest irony is that this attitude together with HTFU is real EveKiller and no cosmetic change like “War Declaration Changes” could save Eve :blush:

If you could please stop posting for today, that would be great, as I’ve used up my allocation of “that’s spam” flags.

Feel free to come back in ~24hrs though.


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If you’re going to make this personal, know that I am a small time industrial player who makes her home on the fringe of Gallente highsec. I have never shot first at another player in my life.

I do mostly desk work (diplomacy and planning) and logistics (lines of supply / maintenance of infrastructure) for my corporation, and we prefer to be at peace so we can carry on with our activities unimpeded.

That said, I often advocate against increased safety in highsec. Perhaps it is my Gallente Federation blood, but I want capsuleers to have more freedom, not less, in highsec. I was against the wardec changes, and I will continue to oppose rules that keep small groups of pvp minded players in highsec from being able to engage in pvp. It’s less about what’s good for me, and more about what’s good for the game we all play.

When I encounter a player in need of advice or direction, I ask them what they want to do, and I help them do it. If they want to do indy stuff, I can help them do that. If they want to be a suicide ganker, then I know someone who would be willing to help them and I refer them to that person for more guidance in their chosen field knowing full well it’s going to bite me in the butt later, but a happy player is good for Eve, and what’s good for Eve is good for everyone who plays.

From Eve-University to Red vs. Blue, there are groups who’ve made it their purpose to either teach new players or get them involved in the game, and neither of these groups will demand a great deal of time or effort on the part of the player.

Many of us signed on to play the game that eve is, and have invested many years creating our experiences. We just want to continue to play the game we were sold when we bought it. We don’t begrudge those who don’t want to play. We don’t want people to take away the game we have by lobbying to change the rules to the point it’s a different game.

I’ve yet to see you ask for help with any problem, try to learn anything, or try to improve your gameplay in any way. You aggressively demand that rules be changed so that you (and the nebulous body you claim to represent) don’t lose anymore. Other than Calvin and Hobbes, I can’t think of anyone who gets away with playing a game like that.


Eve is the only community I know of that literally has had people form groups for the sole purpose of teaching new players how to play. To say that we only want new players to farm or scam is simply ignorant.

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Another enpty dogma about Eve :rofl:
I saw your schools and high schools full off newcomers learning how to play eve :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I see you have typed words into the reply box, but they aren’t strung together in any comprehensible way.

@Qia_Kare Respect, man - folks like you keep the game as awesome as it is.

@BDVannessa_LSG, I see your forum diarrhea has spread to this thread too. Word to the wise - your knee jerk two-phrasers are as old as Eve Gate. Which is pretty old, and still going precisely because CCP took the approach on smothering players not with a warm blanket, like other has-been games, but offered that warmth at the business end of a warm turret.

CCP is wrong and that is reason why is sold for penaut money, an you wrong too and worth as a CCP too :joy::joy:
even less

so where is the influx of new players we were promised? Apparently there is this pent of demand which was being denied because eve was too harsh an environment, which could only be corrected by nerfing war decs. So where are they?

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:sunglasses: :nerd_face:

What influx of new players you were promised, you were never promised a massive influx of new players.
What will hopefully happen is that retention rates will be increased, resulting in a slow creep of additional players staying, which over a long enough time period if other factors don’t end up overtaking it (Like entitled null babies rage quitting) will cause a slow rise in PCU.

After every nerf or mechanic change such as crime watch, can flipping, fatigue, which was made to make the game softer something similar has been said - Retention is going to improve and soon we are going to be back to the glory days. Unfortunately it has never happened in the past and there is no indication that it is happening here with these war dec changes. If anything, there were objectively more people with paying subscriptions in the days when eve was harsher then there are now. It is wishful thinking to believe that making the game more forgiving brings in the players when history has repeatedly proven that to be false.

Fatigue showed a massive upswing in low sec fighting and destruction.
Crime watch nothing similar was said by CCP, it was about creating an understandable system. Can flipping was part of crime watch so trying to put the two as separate is silly.

To get back to the glory days, we would need MMO’s market share to be as large as it used to be.
But there are clear indications that socialising affects retention and that war decs were impacting on socialising. How much of that is just evolving meta vs mechanics, who knows, but something did need doing.

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Link some stats bro. Fatigue in my own experience made it much harder to deploy and therefore resulted in far less fighting.

The only good thing fatigue did was stop pandemic legion from dropping their capital and super fleet across the Galaxy in minutes time.

The price wasn’t worth it.

Do some searching yourself, I don’t have the reference saved but CCP presented some graphs in either a Dev Blog or a Vegas/Fanfest showing a clear spike shortly after Jump Fatigue was introduced.
Because of exactly what you said, People couldn’t get super blobbed in minutes so capitals came back into use in low sec in smaller fights.

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I’ve done research myself. Stats that validate your claims don’t exist.